shell bypass 403
SIMPLE = T BITPIX = -32 NAXIS = 1 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 256 / Value BUNIT = 'Data Value ' OBJECT = 'null ' / Name of ramp HISTORY intensity ramp converted from: null.iasc HISTORY --- HISTORY ASCII files taken from the GAIA distribution of STARLINK HISTORY where they are released under the GNU copyleft HISTORY ( and HISTORY Converted to FITS format using PDL::IO::Misc::wfits HISTORY on Tue Feb 1 13:20:17 2000 HISTORY Data is stored as a 1D image, as a float (BITPIX=-32), HISTORY in the range 0 to 1, inclusive. HISTORY Should have stored as a FITS table, but there is currently no FITS tableHISTORY reader (or writer) in the PDL distribution. END