shell bypass 403
* pg_class.h
* definition of the "relation" system catalog (pg_class)
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/catalog/pg_class.h
* The module reads this file and derives schema
* information.
#ifndef PG_CLASS_H
#define PG_CLASS_H
#include "catalog/genbki.h"
#include "catalog/pg_class_d.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_class definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_class
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_class,1259,RelationRelationId) BKI_BOOTSTRAP BKI_ROWTYPE_OID(83,RelationRelation_Rowtype_Id) BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO
NameData relname; /* class name */
Oid relnamespace; /* OID of namespace containing this class */
Oid reltype; /* OID of entry in pg_type for table's
* implicit row type */
Oid reloftype; /* OID of entry in pg_type for underlying
* composite type */
Oid relowner; /* class owner */
Oid relam; /* index access method; 0 if not an index */
Oid relfilenode; /* identifier of physical storage file */
/* relfilenode == 0 means it is a "mapped" relation, see relmapper.c */
Oid reltablespace; /* identifier of table space for relation */
int32 relpages; /* # of blocks (not always up-to-date) */
float4 reltuples; /* # of tuples (not always up-to-date) */
int32 relallvisible; /* # of all-visible blocks (not always
* up-to-date) */
Oid reltoastrelid; /* OID of toast table; 0 if none */
bool relhasindex; /* T if has (or has had) any indexes */
bool relisshared; /* T if shared across databases */
char relpersistence; /* see RELPERSISTENCE_xxx constants below */
char relkind; /* see RELKIND_xxx constants below */
int16 relnatts; /* number of user attributes */
* Class pg_attribute must contain exactly "relnatts" user attributes
* (with attnums ranging from 1 to relnatts) for this class. It may also
* contain entries with negative attnums for system attributes.
int16 relchecks; /* # of CHECK constraints for class */
bool relhasoids; /* T if we generate OIDs for rows of rel */
bool relhasrules; /* has (or has had) any rules */
bool relhastriggers; /* has (or has had) any TRIGGERs */
bool relhassubclass; /* has (or has had) derived classes */
bool relrowsecurity; /* row security is enabled or not */
bool relforcerowsecurity; /* row security forced for owners or
* not */
bool relispopulated; /* matview currently holds query results */
char relreplident; /* see REPLICA_IDENTITY_xxx constants */
bool relispartition; /* is relation a partition? */
Oid relrewrite; /* heap for rewrite during DDL, link to
* original rel */
TransactionId relfrozenxid; /* all Xids < this are frozen in this rel */
TransactionId relminmxid; /* all multixacts in this rel are >= this.
* this is really a MultiXactId */
#ifdef CATALOG_VARLEN /* variable-length fields start here */
/* NOTE: These fields are not present in a relcache entry's rd_rel field. */
aclitem relacl[1]; /* access permissions */
text reloptions[1]; /* access-method-specific options */
pg_node_tree relpartbound; /* partition bound node tree */
} FormData_pg_class;
/* Size of fixed part of pg_class tuples, not counting var-length fields */
(offsetof(FormData_pg_class,relminmxid) + sizeof(TransactionId))
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_class corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_class relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_class *Form_pg_class;
#define RELKIND_RELATION 'r' /* ordinary table */
#define RELKIND_INDEX 'i' /* secondary index */
#define RELKIND_SEQUENCE 'S' /* sequence object */
#define RELKIND_TOASTVALUE 't' /* for out-of-line values */
#define RELKIND_VIEW 'v' /* view */
#define RELKIND_MATVIEW 'm' /* materialized view */
#define RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE 'c' /* composite type */
#define RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE 'f' /* foreign table */
#define RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE 'p' /* partitioned table */
#define RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX 'I' /* partitioned index */
#define RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT 'p' /* regular table */
#define RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED 'u' /* unlogged permanent table */
#define RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP 't' /* temporary table */
/* default selection for replica identity (primary key or nothing) */
/* no replica identity is logged for this relation */
/* all columns are logged as replica identity */
* an explicitly chosen candidate key's columns are used as replica identity.
* Note this will still be set if the index has been dropped; in that case it
* has the same meaning as 'n'.
#endif /* PG_CLASS_H */