shell bypass 403
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/ s zBuildDepCommand.__init__c C s x| j D ]}tj|� qW d S )N)r �shutilZrmtree)r �temp_dirr r r �__del__4 s zBuildDepCommand.__del__c C s� t jjj|�}|d dkr |jS tjj� }tjdd�}t jj
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In case pkgspec is a remote URL, download it to a temporary location
and use the temporary file instead.
r �file� Z
dnf_builddep_)�prefixzwb+N)r r )r ZpycompZurlparse�path�libdnfZrepoZ
Downloader�tempfileZmkdtemp�os�join�basenamer �append�openZdownloadURL�baseZconfZ_config�fileno�RuntimeError�close)r �pkgspec�locationZ
downloaderr Z temp_fileZtemp_fo�exr r r �_download_remote_file8 s
z%BuildDepCommand._download_remote_filec C s� dd� }| j dddtd�d� | j dd d
g d|td�d
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z0BuildDepCommand.set_argparser.<locals>.macro_def�packages�+�packagez"packages with builddeps to install)�nargs�metavar�helpz-Dz--definer z'MACRO EXPR'z$define a macro for spec file parsing)�action�defaultr6 �typer7 z--skip-unavailable�
store_trueFz5skip build dependencies not available in repositories)r8 r9 r7 z--specz)treat commandline arguments as spec files)r8 r7 z--srpmz)treat commandline arguments as source rpm)�add_argumentr Zadd_mutually_exclusive_group)�parserr1 Zptyper r r �
set_argparserP s
zBuildDepCommand.set_argparserc C s | j jsd| j _d S )N�error)�optsZrpmverbosity)r r r r �
pre_configuref s zBuildDepCommand.pre_configurec C sr | j j}d|_d|_d|_d|_| jjp.| jjsnx<| jj D ]0}|j
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.nosrc.rpmz.spec)r �demandsZavailable_reposZ resolvingZ root_userZsack_activationr@ �spec�srpmr2 �endswithr"