shell bypass 403
defined('ABSPATH') or die("you do not have access to this page!");
if (!class_exists('rsssl_admin_mixed_content_fixer')) {
class rsssl_mixed_content_fixer
private static $_this;
public $http_urls = array();
public $mixed_content_fixer = false;
public $hide_wordpress_version = false;
function __construct()
if (isset(self::$_this)) wp_die();
self::$_this = $this;
$this->mixed_content_fixer = is_ssl() && rsssl_get_option('mixed_content_fixer', true );
$this->hide_wordpress_version = rsssl_get_option('hide_wordpress_version' );
if ( !is_admin() && ($this->mixed_content_fixer || $this->hide_wordpress_version )) {
} else if ( is_admin() && is_ssl() && rsssl_get_option("admin_mixed_content_fixer") ) {
$this->mixed_content_fixer = true;
static function this()
return self::$_this;
* add action hooks at the start and at the end of the WP process.
* @since 2.3
* @access public
public function handle_output_buffer()
/* Do not fix mixed content when call is coming from wp_api or from xmlrpc */
if (defined('JSON_REQUEST') && JSON_REQUEST) return;
if (defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') && XMLRPC_REQUEST) return;
if ( is_admin() ) {
add_action("admin_init", array($this, "start_buffer"), 100);
add_action("shutdown", array($this, "end_buffer"), 999);
} else {
if ( rsssl_get_option("switch_mixed_content_fixer_hook") || (defined('RSSSL_CONTENT_FIXER_ON_INIT') && RSSSL_CONTENT_FIXER_ON_INIT)) {
add_action("init", array($this, "start_buffer"));
} else {
add_action("template_redirect", array($this, "start_buffer"));
add_action("shutdown", array($this, "end_buffer"), 999);
* Apply the mixed content fixer.
* @since 2.3
* @access public
public function filter_buffer($buffer)
if ( $this->mixed_content_fixer ) {
$buffer = $this->replace_insecure_links($buffer);
return apply_filters("rsssl_fixer_output", $buffer );
* Start buffering the output
* @since 2.0
* @access public
public function start_buffer()
ob_start(array($this, "filter_buffer"));
* Flush the output buffer
* @since 2.0
* @access public
public function end_buffer()
if (ob_get_length()) ob_end_flush();
* Creates an array of insecure links that should be https and an array of secure links to replace with
* @since 2.0
* @access public
public function build_url_list()
$home = str_replace("https://", "http://", get_option('home') );
$root = str_replace("://www.", "://", $home);
$www = str_replace("://", "://www.", $root);
//for the escaped version, we only replace the home_url, not it's www or non www counterpart, as it is most likely not used
$escaped_home = str_replace("/", "\/", $home);
$this->http_urls = array(
* Just before the page is sent to the visitor's browser, all homeurl links are replaced with https.
* @since 1.0
* @access public
public function replace_insecure_links($str)
//skip if file is xml
if ( strpos( $str, "<?xml" ) === 0 ) {
return $str;
$search_array = apply_filters('rlrsssl_replace_url_args', $this->http_urls);
$ssl_array = str_replace(array("http://", "http:\/\/"), array("https://", "https:\/\/"), $search_array);
$str = str_replace($search_array, $ssl_array, $str);
//replace all http links except hyperlinks
//all tags with src attr are already fixed by str_replace
$pattern = array(
'/<link [^>]*?href=[\'"]\K(http:\/\/)(?=[^\'"]+)/i',
'/<meta property="og:image" [^>]*?content=[\'"]\K(http:\/\/)(?=[^\'"]+)/i',
'/<form [^>]*?action=[\'"]\K(http:\/\/)(?=[^\'"]+)/i',
$str = preg_replace($pattern, 'https://', $str);
/* handle multiple images in srcset */
$str = preg_replace_callback('/<img[^\>]*[^\>\S]+srcset=[\'"]\K((?:[^"\'\s,]+\s*(?:\s+\d+[wx])(?:,\s*)?)+)["\']/', array($this, 'replace_src_set'), $str);
return str_replace("<body", '<body data-rsssl=1', $str);
* Helper function
* */
public function replace_src_set($matches) {
return str_replace("http://", "https://", $matches[0]);