shell bypass 403
defined('ABSPATH') or die();
class rsssl_progress {
private static $_this;
function __construct() {
if ( isset( self::$_this ) )
wp_die( sprintf( '%s is a singleton class and you cannot create a second instance.', get_class( $this ) ) );
self::$_this = $this;
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'dismiss_from_admin_notice') );
static function this() {
return self::$_this;
public function get() {
return [
'text' => $this->get_text(),
'percentage' => $this->percentage(),
'notices' => $this->notices(),
public function notices(){
$notices = RSSSL()->admin->get_notices_list(array( 'status' => ['open','warning','completed','premium'] ));
$out = [];
foreach ($notices as $id => $notice ) {
$notice['id'] = $id;
$out[] = $notice;
return $out;
* Calculate the percentage completed in the dashboard progress section
* Determine max score by adding $notice['score'] to the $max_score variable
* Determine actual score by adding $notice['score'] of each item with a 'success' output to $actual_score
* @return int
* @since 4.0
private function percentage() {
if ( ! rsssl_user_can_manage() ) {
return 0;
$max_score = 0;
$actual_score = 0;
$notices = RSSSL()->admin->get_notices_list(array(
'status' => ['open','warning','completed','premium'],
foreach ( $notices as $id => $notice ) {
if (isset( $notice['score'] )) {
// Only items matching condition will show in the dashboard. Only use these to determine max count.
$max_score += (int) $notice['score'];
$success = isset( $notice['output']['icon'] ) && ( $notice['output']['icon'] === 'success' );
if ( $success ) {
// If the output is success, task is completed. Add to actual count.
$actual_score += (int) $notice['score'];
$score = $max_score>0 ? $actual_score / $max_score :0;
return (int) round( $score * 100 );
* Get text for progress block
* @return string
private function get_text(){
if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) return '';
$open_task_count = count( RSSSL()->admin->get_notices_list( array( 'status' => ['open','warning'] ) ));
if ( rsssl_get_option('ssl_enabled') ) {
if ( $open_task_count !== 0 ) {
echo sprintf( _n( "Security configuration not completed yet. You still have %s task open.", "You still have %s tasks open.", $open_task_count, 'really-simple-ssl' ), $open_task_count );
if ( $open_task_count === 0 && defined('rsssl_pro') ) {
_e("Security configuration completed!", "really-simple-ssl");
if ( $open_task_count === 0 && ! defined('rsssl_pro') ) {
_e( "Basic security configuration completed!", "really-simple-ssl" );
} else if ( !is_network_admin() ) {
_e( "SSL is not yet enabled on this site.", "really-simple-ssl" );
return ob_get_clean();
* Count number of premium notices we have in the list.
* @return int
public function get_lowest_possible_task_count() {
$premium_notices = RSSSL()->admin->get_notices_list(array('premium_only'=>true));
return count($premium_notices) ;
* @return void
public function dismiss_from_admin_notice(){
if ( !rsssl_user_can_manage() ) {
if (isset($_GET['dismiss_notice'])) {
$id = sanitize_title($_GET['dismiss_notice']);
* Process the react dismissal of a task
* Since 3.1
* @access public
public function dismiss_task($id)
if ( !empty($id) ) {
$id = sanitize_title( $id );
update_option( "rsssl_".$id."_dismissed", true, false );
$count = get_option( 'rsssl_plusone_count' );
if (is_numeric($count) && $count>0) {
update_option('rsssl_plusone_count', $count, WEEK_IN_SECONDS);
//remove this notice from the admin notices list
$notices = get_option( 'rsssl_admin_notices' );
if (isset($notices[$id])) {
update_option('rsssl_admin_notices', $notices);
return [
'percentage' => $this->percentage(),