package Prima::Drawable::Gradient;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new
my ( $class, $canvas, %opt) = @_;
bless {
canvas => $canvas,
palette => [ cl::White, cl::Black ],
}, $class;
sub clone
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
return ref($self)->new( undef, %$self, %opt );
sub canvas { shift->{canvas} }
sub palette { shift->{palette} }
sub polyline_to_points
my ($self, $p) = @_;
my @map;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$p - 2; $i+=2) {
my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = @$p[$i..$i+3];
$x1 = 0 if $x1 < 0;
my $dx = $x2 - $x1;
if ( $dx > 0 ) {
my $dy = ($y2 - $y1) / $dx;
my $y = $y1;
for ( my $x = int($x1); $x <= int($x2); $x++) {
$map[$x] = $y;
$y += $dy;
} else {
$map[int($x1)] = $y1;
return \@map;
sub stripes
my ( $self, $breadth) = @_;
my ($offsets, $points);
unless ($points = $self->{points}) {
my @spline = (0,0);
if ( my $s = $self->{spline} ) {
push @spline, map { $_ * $breadth } @$s;
if ( my $s = $self->{poly} ) {
push @spline, map { $_ * $breadth } @$s;
push @spline, $breadth, $breadth;
my $polyline = ( @spline > 4 && $self->{spline} ) ? Prima::Drawable-> render_spline( \@spline ) : \@spline;
$points = $self-> polyline_to_points($polyline);
unless ( $offsets = $self->{offsets}) {
my @o;
my $n = scalar(@{$self->{palette}}) - 1;
my $d = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$d += 1/$n;
push @o, $d;
push @o, 1;
$offsets = \@o;
return $self-> calculate(
[ map { $_ * $breadth } @$offsets ],
sub { $points->[shift] }
sub colors
my ( $self, $breadth) = @_;
my $stripes = $self->stripes($breadth);
my @colors;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$stripes; $i+=2 ) {
push @colors, $stripes->[$i] for 1 .. $stripes->[$i+1];
return @colors;
sub map_color
my ( $self, $color ) = @_;
return $color unless $color & cl::SysFlag;
$color |=
$self->{widgetClass} //
(( $self->{canvas} && $self->{canvas}->isa('Prima::Widget')) ? $self->{canvas}->widgetClass : undef ) //
unless $color & wc::Mask;
return $::application->map_color($color);
sub calculate_single
my ( $self, $breadth, $start_color, $end_color, $function, $offset ) = @_;
return if $breadth <= 0;
$offset //= 0;
$start_color = $self-> map_color( $start_color);
$end_color = $self-> map_color( $end_color);
my @start = cl::to_rgb($start_color);
my @end = cl::to_rgb($end_color);
my @color = @start;
return $start_color, 1 if $breadth == 1;
my @delta = map { ( $end[$_] - $start[$_] ) / ($breadth - 1) } 0..2;
my $last_color = $start_color;
my $color = $start_color;
my $width = 0;
my @ret;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $breadth; $i++) {
my @c;
my $j = $function ? $function->( $offset + $i ) - $offset : $i;
for ( 0..2 ) {
$color[$_] = $start[$_] + $j * $delta[$_] for 0..2;
$c[$_] = int($color[$_] + .5);
$c[$_] = 0xff if $c[$_] > 0xff;
$c[$_] = 0 if $c[$_] < 0;
$color = ( $c[0] << 16 ) | ( $c[1] << 8 ) | $c[2];
if ( $last_color != $color ) {
push @ret, $last_color, $width;
$last_color = $color;
$width = 0;
return @ret, $color, $width;
sub calculate
my ( $self, $palette, $offsets, $function ) = @_;
my @ret;
my $last_offset = 0;
$offsets = [ $offsets ] unless ref $offsets;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$offsets; $i++) {
my $breadth = $offsets->[$i] - $last_offset;
push @ret, $self-> calculate_single( $breadth, $palette->[$i], $palette->[$i+1], $function, $last_offset);
$last_offset = $offsets->[$i];
return \@ret;
sub bar
my ( $self, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $vertical ) = @_;
$_ = int($_) for $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2;
($x1,$x2)=($x2,$x1) if $x1 > $x2;
($y1,$y2)=($y2,$y1) if $y1 > $y2;
$vertical //= $self->{vertical};
my $stripes = $self-> stripes(
$vertical ?
$x2 - $x1 + 1 :
$y2 - $y1 + 1
my @bar = ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2);
my ($ptr1,$ptr2) = $vertical ? (0,2) : (1,3);
my $max = $bar[$ptr2];
my $canvas = $self->canvas;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$stripes; $i+=2) {
$bar[$ptr2] = $bar[$ptr1] + $stripes->[$i+1] - 1;
$canvas->color( $stripes->[$i]);
$canvas->bar( @bar );
$bar[$ptr1] = $bar[$ptr2] + 1;
last if $bar[$ptr1] > $max;
if ( $bar[$ptr1] <= $max ) {
$bar[$ptr2] = $max;
sub ellipse
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy ) = @_;
return if $dx <= 0 || $dy <= 0;
$_ = int($_) for $x, $y, $dx, $dy;
my $diameter = ($dx > $dy) ? $dx : $dy;
my $mx = $dx / $diameter;
my $my = $dy / $diameter;
my $stripes = $self-> stripes( $diameter);
my $canvas = $self->canvas;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$stripes; $i+=2) {
$canvas->color( $stripes->[$i]);
$canvas->fill_ellipse( $x, $y, $mx * $diameter, $my * $diameter );
$diameter -= $stripes->[$i+1];
sub sector
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $start, $end ) = @_;
my $angle = $end - $start;
$angle += 360 while $angle < 0;
$angle %= 720;
$angle -= 360 if $angle > 360;
my $min_angle = 1.0 / 64; # x11 limitation
my $max = ($dx < $dy) ? $dy : $dx;
my $df = $max * 3.14 / 360;
my $arclen = int($df * $angle + .5);
my $stripes = $self-> stripes( $arclen );
my $accum = 0;
my $canvas = $self->canvas;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$stripes - 2; $i+=2) {
$canvas->color( $stripes->[$i]);
my $d = $stripes->[$i+1] / $df;
if ( $accum + $d < $min_angle ) {
$accum += $d;
$d += $accum;
$accum = 0;
$canvas->fill_sector( $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $start, $start + $d + $min_angle);
$start += $d;
if ( @$stripes ) {
$canvas->color( $stripes->[-2]);
$canvas->fill_sector( $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $start, $end);
=head1 NAME
Prima::Drawable::Gradient - gradient fills for primitives
Prima offers primitive gradient services to draw gradually changing colors.
A gradient is requested by setting of at least two colors and optionally
a set of quadratic spline points that, when, projected, generate the transition curve
between the colors.
The module augments the C<Prima::Drawable> drawing functionality by
adding C<new_gradient> function.
$canvas-> new_gradient(
palette => [ cl::White, cl::Blue, cl::White ],
)-> sector(50,50,100,100,0,360);
=for podview <img src="Prima/gradient.gif">
=for html <p><img src="">
=head1 API
=head2 Methods
=item new $CANVAS, %OPTIONS
Here are %OPTIONS understood in the gradient request:
=item clone %OPTIONS
Creates a new gradient object with %OPTIONS replaced.
=item widgetClass INTEGER
Points to a widget class to resolve generic colors like C<cl::Back>,
that may differ from widget class to widget class.
=item palette @COLORS
Each color is a C<cl::> value. The gradient is calculated as polyline where
each its vertex corresponds to a certain blend between two neighbouring colors
in the palette. F.ex. the simplest palette going from C<cl::White> to
C<cl::Black> over a polyline C<0..1> (default), produces pure white color at
the start and pure black color at the end, filling all available shades of gray
in between, and changing monotonically.
=item poly @VERTICES
Set of 2-integer polyline vertexes where the first integer is a coordinate (x,
y, or whatever required by the drawing primitive) between 0 and 1, and the
second is the color blend value between 0 and 1.
Default: ((0,0),(1,1))
=item spline \@VERTICES, %OPTIONS
Serving same purpose as C<poly> but vertexes are projected first to a B-spline
curve using L<render_spline> and C<%OPTIONS>. The resulting polyline is treated
as C<poly>.
=item vertical BOOLEAN
Only used in L<bar>, to set gradient direction.
See also: L<bar>, L<stripes> .
=item bar X1, Y1, X2, Y2, VERTICAL = 0
Draws a filled rectangle within (X1,Y1) - (X2,Y2) extents
Context used: fillPattern, rop, rop2
=item colors BREADTH
Returns a list of gradient colors for each step from 1 to BREADTH.
=item ellipse X, Y, DIAM_X, DIAM_Y
Draws a filled ellipse with center in (X,Y) and diameters (DIAM_X,DIAM_Y)
Context used: fillPattern, rop, rop2
Draws a filled sector with center in (X,Y) and diameters (DIAM_X,DIAM_Y) from START_ANGLE to END_ANGLE
Context used: fillPattern, rop, rop2
=item stripes BREADTH
Returns an array consisting of integer pairs, where the first one is
a color value, and the second is the breadth of the color strip.
L<bar> uses this information to draw a gradient fill, where
each color strip is drawn with its own color. Can be used for implementing
other gradient-aware primitives (see F<examples/> )
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima::Drawable>, F<examples/>, F<examples/>