# Module for simulated extreme situations, useful for testing.
package Prima::Stress;
use strict;
no warnings;
use Prima;
our %stress = (
fs => undef,
dpi => undef,
scr => undef,
sub import
for my $p ( @_ ) {
if ( $p =~ /^(\w+)=(\d+)$/ && exists $stress{$1}) {
$stress{$1} = $2;
} else {
warn "bad command: '$p'\n";
unless ( @_ ) {
$stress{fs} = ( 5, 7, 14, 18) [ int(rand(4)) ] ;
$stress{scr} = ( 7, 14, 30, 40) [ int(rand(4)) ] ;
$stress{dpi} = ( 48, 96, 192, 288 ) [int(rand(4)) ];
warn "** Prima::Stress: fs=$stress{fs} dpi=$stress{dpi} scr=$stress{scr}\n";
Prima::Application::add_startup_notification( sub {
if ( $stress{dpi}) {
$::application->sys_action("resolution $stress{dpi} $stress{dpi}");
$::application->font( $::application-> get_default_font );
$::application->HintWidget->font( $::application-> get_default_font );
if ($stress{fs}) {
$::application->font->size( $stress{fs});
if ( $stress{fs}) {
*Prima::Widget::get_default_font = sub {
Prima::Drawable-> font_match( { size => $Prima::Stress::stress{fs} }, {});
*Prima::Application::get_default_font = sub {
Prima::Drawable-> font_match( { size => $Prima::Stress::stress{fs} }, {});
if ( $stress{scr}) {
my $gsv = \&Prima::Application::get_system_value;
*Prima::Application::get_system_value = sub {
my ( undef, $val ) = @_;
return $stress{scr} if $val == sv::XScrollbar || $val == sv::YScrollbar;
goto $gsv;
*Prima::Application::get_default_scrollbar_metrics = sub { $stress{scr}, $stress{scr} };
=head1 NAME
Prima::Stress - stress test module
The module is intended for use in test purposes, to check the functionality of
a program or a module under particular conditions that
might be overlooked during the design. Currently, the only stress factor implemented
is change of the default font size, which is set to different value every time
the module is invoked.
To use the module functionality it is enough to include a typical
use Prima::Stress;
code, or, if the program is invoked by calling perl, by using
perl -MPrima::Stress program
syntax. The module does not provide any methods, however one may address individual aspects
of UI defaults.
=head1 API
=head2 Font size
use Prima::Stress q(fs=18);
perl -MPrima::Stress=fs=18 program
This syntax changes the default font size to 18 points.
=head2 Display resolution
use Prima::Stress q(dpi=192);
perl -MPrima::Stress=dpi=192 program
This syntax changes the display resolution to 192 pixels per inch.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik E<lt>dmitry@karasik.eu.orgkE<gt>,