#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: /xmltwig/trunk/tools/xml_merge/xml_merge 12 2007-04-22T06:04:54.627880Z mrodrigu $
use strict;
use XML::Twig;
use FindBin qw( $RealBin $RealScript);
use Getopt::Std;
$Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION=1; # twice to prevent warning with 5.6.1 (I know it's dumb!)
$Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION=1; # to stop processing after --help or --version
use vars qw( $VERSION $USAGE);
$VERSION= "0.02";
$USAGE= "xml_merge [-o <output_file>] [-i] [-v] [-h] [-m] [-V] [file]\n";
{ # main block
my $opt={};
getopts('o:ivhmV', $opt);
if( $opt->{h}) { die $USAGE, "\n"; }
if( $opt->{m}) { exec "pod2text $RealBin/$RealScript"; }
if( $opt->{V}) { print "xml_merge version $VERSION\n"; exit; }
if( $opt->{o})
{ open( my $out, '>', $opt->{o}) or die "cannot create $opt->{o}: $!";
$opt->{fh}= $out; # used to set twig_print_outside_roots
{ $opt->{fh}= 1; } # this way twig_print_outside_roots outputs to STDOUT
$opt->{subdocs} = 1;
$opt->{file} = $ARGV[0];
$opt->{twig_roots}= $opt->{i} ? { 'xi:include' => sub { $opt->{file}= $_->att( 'href');
if( $_->att( 'subdocs')) { merge( $opt); }
else { spit( $opt); }
: { '?merge' => sub { $opt= parse( $_->data, $opt);
if( $opt->{subdocs}) { merge( $opt); }
else { spit( $opt); }
merge( $opt);
if( $opt->{v}) { warn "done\n"; }
sub merge
{ my( $opt)= @_;
my $t= XML::Twig->new( keep_encoding => 1, keep_spaces => 1,
twig_roots => $opt->{twig_roots},
twig_print_outside_roots => $opt->{fh},
if( $opt->{v} && $opt->{file}) { warn "merging $opt->{file} (parsing)\n"; }
if( $opt->{file}) { $t->parsefile( $opt->{file}); } else { $t->parse( \*STDIN); }
sub spit
{ my( $opt)= @_;
if( $opt->{v} && $opt->{file}) { warn "merging $opt->{file} (no parsing)\n"; }
open( my $in, '<', $opt->{file}) or die "cannot open sub document '$opt->{file}': $!";
while( <$in>)
{ next if( m{^\Q<?xml version} || m{^\s*</?xml_split:root});
if( $opt->{o}) { print {$opt->{fh}} $_; } else { print $_; }
close $in;
# data is the pi data,
# (ugly) format is keyword1 = val1 : keyword2 = val2 ... : filename
# ex: subdoc = 1 : file-01.xml
sub parse
{ my( $data, $opt)= @_;
while( $data=~ s{^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*}{}) { $opt->{$1}= $2; }
$opt->{file}= $data;
return $opt;
# for Getop::Std
sub HELP_MESSAGE { return $USAGE; }
=head1 NAME
xml_merge - merge back XML files split with C<xml_split>
C<xml_merge> takes several xml files that have been split using
C<xml_split> and recreates a single file.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item -o <output_file>
unless this option is used the program output goes to STDOUT
=item -i
the files use XInclude instead of processing instructions (they
were created using the C<-i> option in C<xml_split>)
=item -v
verbose output
=item -V
outputs version and exit
=item -h
short help
=item -m
man (requires pod2text to be in the path)
xml_merge foo-00.xml # output to stdout
xml_merge -o foo.xml foo-00.xml # output to foo.xml
=head1 SEE ALSO
XML::Twig, xml_split
=head1 TODO/BUGS
=head1 AUTHOR
Michel Rodriguez <mirod@cpan.org>
=head1 LICENSE
This tool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.