shell bypass 403
/* ========================================================================
* Copyright 1988-2008 University of Washington
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* ========================================================================
* Program: Macintosh TCP/IP routines
* Author: Mark Crispin
* Networks and Distributed Computing
* Computing & Communications
* University of Washington
* Administration Building, AG-44
* Seattle, WA 98195
* Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU
* Date: 26 January 1992
* Last Edited: 13 January 2008
/* This is a totally new operating-system dependent module for the Macintosh,
* written using THINK C on my Mac PowerBook-100 in my free time.
* Unlike earlier efforts, this version requires no external TCP library. It
* also takes advantage of the Map panel in System 7 for the timezone.
static tcptimeout_t tmoh = NIL; /* TCP timeout handler routine */
static long ttmo_open = 75; /* TCP timeouts, in seconds */
static long ttmo_read = 0;
static long ttmo_write = 0;
static long ttmo_close = 0;
static char *tcp_getline_work (TCPSTREAM *stream,unsigned long *size,
long *contd);
/* TCP/IP manipulate parameters
* Accepts: function code
* function-dependent value
* Returns: function-dependent return value
void *tcp_parameters (long function,void *value)
void *ret = NIL;
switch ((int) function) {
tmoh = (tcptimeout_t) value;
ret = (void *) tmoh;
ttmo_open = (long) value;
ret = (void *) ttmo_open;
ttmo_read = (long) value;
ret = (void *) ttmo_read;
ttmo_write = (long) value;
ret = (void *) ttmo_write;
ttmo_close = (long) value;
ret = (void *) ttmo_close;
return ret;
/* TCP/IP open
* Accepts: host name
* contact service name
* contact port number
* Returns: TCP stream if success else NIL
TCPSTREAM *tcp_open (char *host,char *service,unsigned long port)
TCPSTREAM *stream;
struct hostInfo hst;
struct TCPCreatePB *createpb;
struct TCPOpenPB *openpb;
char *s;
unsigned long i,j,k,l;
char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
port &= 0xffff; /* erase flags */
/* init MacTCP */
if (!TCPdriver && OpenDriver (TCPDRIVER,&TCPdriver)) {
mm_log ("Can't init MacTCP",ERROR);
return NIL;
if (!resolveropen && OpenResolver (NIL)) {
mm_log ("Can't init domain resolver",ERROR);
return NIL;
resolveropen = T; /* note resolver open now */
/* domain literal? */
if (host[0] == '[' && host[strlen (host)-1] == ']') {
if (((i = strtoul (s = host+1,&s,10)) <= 255) && *s++ == '.' &&
((j = strtoul (s,&s,10)) <= 255) && *s++ == '.' &&
((k = strtoul (s,&s,10)) <= 255) && *s++ == '.' &&
((l = strtoul (s,&s,10)) <= 255) && *s++ == ']' && !*s) {
hst.addr[0] = (i << 24) + (j << 16) + (k << 8) + l;
hst.addr[1] = 0; /* only one address to try! */
sprintf (hst.cname,"[%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld]",i,j,k,l);
else {
sprintf (tmp,"Bad format domain-literal: %.80s",host);
mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
return NIL;
else { /* look up host name */
if (!tcp_dns_upp) tcp_dns_upp = NewResultProc (tcp_dns_result);
if (StrToAddr (host,&hst,tcp_dns_upp,NIL)) {
while (hst.rtnCode == cacheFault && wait ());
/* kludge around MacTCP bug */
if (hst.rtnCode == outOfMemory) {
mm_log ("Re-initializing domain resolver",WARN);
CloseResolver (); /* bop it on the head and try again */
OpenResolver (NIL); /* note this will leak 12K */
StrToAddr (host,&hst,tcp_dns_upp,NIL);
while (hst.rtnCode == cacheFault && wait ());
if (hst.rtnCode) { /* still have error status? */
switch (hst.rtnCode) { /* analyze return */
case nameSyntaxErr:
s = "Syntax error in name";
case noResultProc:
s = "No result procedure";
case noNameServer:
s = "No name server found";
case authNameErr:
s = "Host does not exist";
case noAnsErr:
s = "No name servers responding";
case dnrErr:
s = "Name server returned an error";
case outOfMemory:
s = "Not enough memory to resolve name";
case notOpenErr:
s = "Driver not open";
s = NIL;
if (s) sprintf (tmp,"%s: %.80s",s,host);
else sprintf (tmp,"Unknown resolver error (%ld): %.80s",
mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
return NIL;
/* create local TCP/IP stream */
stream = (TCPSTREAM *) fs_get (sizeof (TCPSTREAM));
stream->ictr = 0; /* initialize input */
stream->pb.ioCRefNum = TCPdriver;
createpb = &stream->pb.csParam.create;
openpb = &stream->;
stream->pb.csCode = TCPCreate;/* create a TCP stream */
/* set up buffer for TCP */
createpb->rcvBuffLen = 4*BUFLEN;
createpb->rcvBuff = fs_get (createpb->rcvBuffLen);
createpb->notifyProc = NIL; /* no special notify procedure */
createpb->userDataPtr = NIL;
if (PBControlSync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb))
fatal ("Can't create TCP stream");
/* open TCP connection */
stream->pb.csCode = TCPActiveOpen;
openpb->ulpTimeoutValue = (int) ttmo_open;
openpb->ulpTimeoutAction = T;
openpb->validityFlags = timeoutValue|timeoutAction;
/* remote host (should try all) */
openpb->remoteHost = hst.addr[0];
openpb->remotePort = port; /* caller specified remote port */
openpb->localPort = 0; /* generate a local port */
openpb->tosFlags = 0; /* no special TOS */
openpb->precedence = 0; /* no special precedence */
openpb->dontFrag = 0; /* allow fragmentation */
openpb->timeToLive = 255; /* standards say 60, UNIX uses 255 */
openpb->security = 0; /* no special security */
openpb->optionCnt = 0; /* no IP options */
openpb->options[0] = 0;
openpb->userDataPtr = NIL; /* no special data pointer */
PBControlAsync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb);
while (stream->pb.ioResult == inProgress && wait ());
if (stream->pb.ioResult) { /* got back error status? */
sprintf (tmp,"Can't connect to %.80s,%ld",hst.cname,port);
mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
/* nuke the buffer */
stream->pb.csCode = TCPRelease;
createpb->userDataPtr = NIL;
if (PBControlSync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb)) fatal ("TCPRelease lossage");
/* free its buffer */
fs_give ((void **) &createpb->rcvBuff);
fs_give ((void **) &stream);/* and the local stream */
return NIL;
/* copy host names for later use */
stream->host = cpystr (hst.cname);
/* tie off trailing dot */
stream->host[strlen (stream->host) - 1] = '\0';
/* the open gave us our address */
i = (openpb->localHost >> 24) & 0xff;
j = (openpb->localHost >> 16) & 0xff;
k = (openpb->localHost >> 8) & 0xff;
l = openpb->localHost & 0xff;
sprintf (tmp,"[%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld]",i,j,k,l);
stream->localhost = cpystr (tmp);
if (!myLocalHost) myLocalHost = cpystr (tmp);
stream->port = port; /* copy port number */
return stream;
/* Called when have return from DNS
* Accepts: host info pointer
* user data pointer
ResultUPP tcp_dns_upp = NIL;
pascal void tcp_dns_result (struct hostInfo *hostInfoPtr,char *userDataPtr)
/* dummy routine */
/* TCP/IP authenticated open
* Accepts: NETMBX specifier
* service name
* returned user name buffer
* Returns: TCP/IP stream if success else NIL
TCPSTREAM *tcp_aopen (NETMBX *mb,char *service,char *usrbuf)
return NIL; /* no authenticated opens on Mac */
/* TCP receive line
* Accepts: TCP stream
* Returns: text line string or NIL if failure
char *tcp_getline (TCPSTREAM *stream)
unsigned long n,contd;
char *ret = tcp_getline_work (stream,&n,&contd);
if (ret && contd) { /* got a line needing continuation? */
STRINGLIST *stl = mail_newstringlist ();
STRINGLIST *stc = stl;
do { /* collect additional lines */
stc-> = (unsigned char *) ret;
stc->text.size = n;
stc = stc->next = mail_newstringlist ();
ret = tcp_getline_work (stream,&n,&contd);
} while (ret && contd);
if (ret) { /* stash final part of line on list */
stc-> = (unsigned char *) ret;
stc->text.size = n;
/* determine how large a buffer we need */
for (n = 0, stc = stl; stc; stc = stc->next) n += stc->text.size;
ret = fs_get (n + 1); /* copy parts into buffer */
for (n = 0, stc = stl; stc; n += stc->text.size, stc = stc->next)
memcpy (ret + n,stc->,stc->text.size);
ret[n] = '\0';
mail_free_stringlist (&stl);/* either way, done with list */
return ret;
/* TCP receive line or partial line
* Accepts: TCP stream
* pointer to return size
* pointer to return continuation flag
* Returns: text line string, size and continuation flag, or NIL if failure
static char *tcp_getline_work (TCPSTREAM *stream,unsigned long *size,
long *contd)
unsigned long n;
char *s,*ret,c,d;
*contd = NIL; /* assume no continuation */
/* make sure have data */
if (!tcp_getdata (stream)) return NIL;
for (s = stream->iptr, n = 0, c = '\0'; stream->ictr--; n++, c = d) {
d = *stream->iptr++; /* slurp another character */
if ((c == '\015') && (d == '\012')) {
ret = (char *) fs_get (n--);
memcpy (ret,s,*size = n); /* copy into a free storage string */
ret[n] = '\0'; /* tie off string with null */
return ret;
/* copy partial string from buffer */
memcpy ((ret = (char *) fs_get (n)),s,*size = n);
/* get more data from the net */
if (!tcp_getdata (stream)) fs_give ((void **) &ret);
/* special case of newline broken by buffer */
else if ((c == '\015') && (*stream->iptr == '\012')) {
stream->iptr++; /* eat the line feed */
ret[*size = --n] = '\0'; /* tie off string with null */
else *contd = LONGT; /* continuation needed */
return ret;
/* TCP/IP receive buffer
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
* size in bytes
* buffer to read into
* Returns: T if success, NIL otherwise
long tcp_getbuffer (TCPSTREAM *stream,unsigned long size,char *buffer)
unsigned long n;
char *bufptr = buffer;
while (size > 0) { /* until request satisfied */
if (!tcp_getdata (stream)) return NIL;
n = min (size,stream->ictr);/* number of bytes to transfer */
/* do the copy */
memcpy (bufptr,stream->iptr,n);
bufptr += n; /* update pointer */
stream->iptr +=n;
size -= n; /* update # of bytes to do */
stream->ictr -=n;
bufptr[0] = '\0'; /* tie off string */
return T;
/* TCP/IP receive data
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
* Returns: T if success, NIL otherwise
long tcp_getdata (TCPSTREAM *stream)
time_t t = time (0);
struct TCPReceivePB *receivepb = &stream->pb.csParam.receive;
struct TCPAbortPB *abortpb = &stream->pb.csParam.abort;
while (stream->ictr < 1) { /* if nothing in the buffer */
time_t tl = time (0);
stream->pb.csCode = TCPRcv; /* receive TCP data */
receivepb->commandTimeoutValue = (int) ttmo_read;
receivepb->rcvBuff = stream->ibuf;
receivepb->rcvBuffLen = BUFLEN;
receivepb->secondTimeStamp = 0;
receivepb->userDataPtr = NIL;
PBControlAsync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb);
while (stream->pb.ioResult == inProgress && wait ());
if (stream->pb.ioResult) { /* punt if got an error */
time_t tc = time (0);
if ((stream->pb.ioResult == commandTimeout) && tmoh &&
((*tmoh) (tc - t,tc - tl))) continue;
/* nuke connection */
stream->pb.csCode = TCPAbort;
abortpb->userDataPtr = NIL;
PBControlSync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb);
return NIL;
stream->iptr = stream->ibuf;/* point at TCP buffer */
stream->ictr = receivepb->rcvBuffLen;
return T;
/* TCP/IP send string as record
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
* string pointer
* Returns: T if success else NIL
long tcp_soutr (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string)
return tcp_sout (stream,string,(unsigned long) strlen (string));
/* TCP/IP send string
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
* string pointer
* byte count
* Returns: T if success else NIL
long tcp_sout (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string,unsigned long size)
struct TCPSendPB *sendpb = &stream->pb.csParam.send;
struct TCPAbortPB *abortpb = &stream->pb.csParam.abort;
struct {
unsigned short length;
Ptr buffer;
unsigned short trailer;
} wds;
while (wds.length = (size > (unsigned long) 32768) ? 32768 : size) {
wds.buffer = string; /* buffer */
wds.trailer = 0; /* tie off buffer */
size -= wds.length; /* this many words will be output */
string += wds.length;
stream->pb.csCode = TCPSend;/* send TCP data */
sendpb->ulpTimeoutValue = (int) ttmo_write;
sendpb->ulpTimeoutAction = 0;
sendpb->validityFlags = timeoutValue|timeoutAction;
sendpb->pushFlag = T; /* send the data now */
sendpb->urgentFlag = NIL; /* non-urgent data */
sendpb->wdsPtr = (Ptr) &wds;
sendpb->userDataPtr = NIL;
PBControlAsync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb);
while (stream->pb.ioResult == inProgress && wait ());
if (stream->pb.ioResult) { /* punt if got an error */
/* nuke connection */
stream->pb.csCode =TCPAbort;
abortpb->userDataPtr = NIL;
PBControlSync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb);
return NIL;
return T; /* success */
/* TCP/IP close
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
void tcp_close (TCPSTREAM *stream)
struct TCPClosePB *closepb = &stream->pb.csParam.close;
struct TCPCreatePB *createpb = &stream->pb.csParam.create;
stream->pb.csCode = TCPClose; /* close TCP stream */
closepb->ulpTimeoutValue = (int) ttmo_close;
closepb->ulpTimeoutAction = 0;
closepb->validityFlags = timeoutValue|timeoutAction;
closepb->userDataPtr = NIL;
PBControlAsync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb);
while (stream->pb.ioResult == inProgress && wait ());
stream->pb.csCode =TCPRelease;/* flush the buffers */
createpb->userDataPtr = NIL;
if (PBControlSync ((ParmBlkPtr) &stream->pb)) fatal ("TCPRelease lossage");
/* free its buffer */
fs_give ((void **) &createpb->rcvBuff);
/* flush host names */
fs_give ((void **) &stream->host);
fs_give ((void **) &stream->localhost);
fs_give ((void **) &stream); /* flush the stream */
/* TCP/IP return host for this stream
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
* Returns: host name for this stream
char *tcp_host (TCPSTREAM *stream)
return stream->host; /* return host name */
/* TCP/IP return remote host for this stream
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
* Returns: host name for this stream
char *tcp_remotehost (TCPSTREAM *stream)
return stream->host; /* return host name */
/* TCP/IP return port for this stream
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
* Returns: port number for this stream
unsigned long tcp_port (TCPSTREAM *stream)
return stream->port; /* return port number */
/* TCP/IP return local host for this stream
* Accepts: TCP/IP stream
* Returns: local host name for this stream
char *tcp_localhost (TCPSTREAM *stream)
return stream->localhost; /* return local host name */
/* TCP/IP return canonical form of host name
* Accepts: host name
* Returns: canonical form of host name
char *tcp_canonical (char *name)
int i;
struct hostInfo hst;
/* look like domain literal? */
if (name[0] == '[' && name[i = (strlen (name))-1] == ']') return name;
if (StrToAddr (name,&hst,tcp_dns_upp,NIL)) {
while (hst.rtnCode == cacheFault && wait ());
/* kludge around MacTCP bug */
if (hst.rtnCode == outOfMemory) {
mm_log ("Re-initializing domain resolver",WARN);
CloseResolver (); /* bop it on the head and try again */
OpenResolver (NIL); /* note this will leak 12K */
StrToAddr (name,&hst,tcp_dns_upp,NIL);
while (hst.rtnCode == cacheFault && wait ());
/* still have error status? */
if (hst.rtnCode) return name;
return hst.cname; /* success */
/* TCP/IP get client host name (server calls only)
* Returns: client host name
char *tcp_clienthost ()
return "UNKNOWN";