shell bypass 403
GrazzMean Shell
: /proc/thread-self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/local/instantclient_12_2/lib/sdk/demo/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved. */
occidml.cpp - Basic DML Operations demo
To exhibit the insertion, selection, updating and deletion of
a row using OCCI interface
mvasudev 09/27/10 - remove HR schema and user SCOTT
mvasudev 05/22/08 - Add try/catch blocks
sudsrini 10/22/06 - Username/Password lower case
lburgess 04/14/06 - lowercase passwords
sudsrini 07/23/04 - Copyright Info
idcqe 03/05/01 - Creation
#include <iostream>
#include <occi.h>
using namespace oracle::occi;
using namespace std;
class occidml
Environment *env;
Connection *conn;
Statement *stmt;
occidml (string user, string passwd, string db)
env = Environment::createEnvironment (Environment::DEFAULT);
conn = env->createConnection (user, passwd, db);
~occidml ()
env->terminateConnection (conn);
Environment::terminateEnvironment (env);
* Insertion of a row with dynamic binding, PreparedStatement functionality.
void insertBind (int c1, string c2)
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO author_tab VALUES (:x, :y)";
stmt=conn->createStatement (sqlStmt);
stmt->setInt (1, c1);
stmt->setString (2, c2);
stmt->executeUpdate ();
cout << "insert - Success" << endl;
}catch(SQLException ex)
cout<<"Exception thrown for insertBind"<<endl;
cout<<"Error number: "<< ex.getErrorCode() << endl;
cout<<ex.getMessage() << endl;
conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
* Inserting a row into the table.
void insertRow ()
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO author_tab VALUES (111, 'ASHOK')";
stmt = conn->createStatement (sqlStmt);
stmt->executeUpdate ();
cout << "insert - Success" << endl;
}catch(SQLException ex)
cout<<"Exception thrown for insertRow"<<endl;
cout<<"Error number: "<< ex.getErrorCode() << endl;
cout<<ex.getMessage() << endl;
conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
* updating a row
void updateRow (int c1, string c2)
string sqlStmt =
"UPDATE author_tab SET author_name = :x WHERE author_id = :y";
stmt = conn->createStatement (sqlStmt);
stmt->setString (1, c2);
stmt->setInt (2, c1);
stmt->executeUpdate ();
cout << "update - Success" << endl;
}catch(SQLException ex)
cout<<"Exception thrown for updateRow"<<endl;
cout<<"Error number: "<< ex.getErrorCode() << endl;
cout<<ex.getMessage() << endl;
conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
* deletion of a row
void deleteRow (int c1, string c2)
string sqlStmt =
"DELETE FROM author_tab WHERE author_id= :x AND author_name = :y";
stmt = conn->createStatement (sqlStmt);
stmt->setInt (1, c1);
stmt->setString (2, c2);
stmt->executeUpdate ();
cout << "delete - Success" << endl;
}catch(SQLException ex)
cout<<"Exception thrown for deleteRow"<<endl;
cout<<"Error number: "<< ex.getErrorCode() << endl;
cout<<ex.getMessage() << endl;
conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
* displaying all the rows in the table
void displayAllRows ()
string sqlStmt = "SELECT author_id, author_name FROM author_tab \
order by author_id";
stmt = conn->createStatement (sqlStmt);
ResultSet *rset = stmt->executeQuery ();
while (rset->next ())
cout << "author_id: " << rset->getInt (1) << " author_name: "
<< rset->getString (2) << endl;
}catch(SQLException ex)
cout<<"Exception thrown for displayAllRows"<<endl;
cout<<"Error number: "<< ex.getErrorCode() << endl;
cout<<ex.getMessage() << endl;
stmt->closeResultSet (rset);
conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
* Inserting a row into elements table.
* Demonstrating the usage of BFloat and BDouble datatypes
void insertElement (string elm_name, float mvol=0.0, double awt=0.0)
BFloat mol_vol;
BDouble at_wt;
if (!(mvol))
mol_vol.isNull = TRUE;
mol_vol.value = mvol;
if (!(awt))
at_wt.isNull = TRUE;
at_wt.value = awt;
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO elements VALUES (:v1, :v2, :v3)";
stmt = conn->createStatement (sqlStmt);
stmt->setString(1, elm_name);
stmt->setBFloat(2, mol_vol);
stmt->setBDouble(3, at_wt);
stmt->executeUpdate ();
cout << "insertElement - Success" << endl;
}catch(SQLException ex)
cout<<"Exception thrown for insertElement"<<endl;
cout<<"Error number: "<< ex.getErrorCode() << endl;
cout<<ex.getMessage() << endl;
conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
* displaying rows from element table
void displayElements ()
string sqlStmt =
"SELECT element_name, molar_volume, atomic_weight FROM elements \
order by element_name";
stmt = conn->createStatement (sqlStmt);
ResultSet *rset = stmt->executeQuery ();
while (rset->next ())
string elem_name = rset->getString(1);
BFloat mol_vol = rset->getBFloat(2);
BDouble at_wt = rset->getBDouble(3);
cout << "Element Name: " << elem_name << endl;
if ( mol_vol.isNull )
cout << "Molar Volume is NULL" << endl;
cout << "Molar Volume: " << mol_vol.value << " cm3 mol-1" << endl;
if ( at_wt.isNull )
cout << "Atomic Weight is NULL" << endl;
cout << "Atomic Weight: " << at_wt.value << " g/mole" << endl;
}catch(SQLException ex)
cout<<"Exception thrown for displayElements"<<endl;
cout<<"Error number: "<< ex.getErrorCode() << endl;
cout<<ex.getMessage() << endl;
stmt->closeResultSet (rset);
conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
}; // end of class occidml
int main (void)
string user = "scott";
string passwd = "tiger";
string db = "";
cout << "occidml - Exhibiting simple insert, delete & update operations"
<< endl;
occidml *demo = new occidml (user, passwd, db);
cout << "Displaying all records before any operation" << endl;
demo->displayAllRows ();
cout << "Inserting a record into the table author_tab "
<< endl;
demo->insertRow ();
cout << "Displaying the records after insert " << endl;
demo->displayAllRows ();
cout << "Inserting a records into the table author_tab using dynamic bind"
<< endl;
demo->insertBind (222, "ANAND");
cout << "Displaying the records after insert using dynamic bind" << endl;
demo->displayAllRows ();
cout << "deleting a row with author_id as 222 from author_tab table" << endl;
demo->deleteRow (222, "ANAND");
cout << "updating a row with author_id as 444 from author_tab table" << endl;
demo->updateRow (444, "ADAM");
cout << "displaying all rows after all the operations" << endl;
demo->displayAllRows ();
cout << "inserting radio active element properties" << endl;
demo->insertElement ("Uranium", 12.572, 238.0289 );
demo->insertElement ("Plutonium", 12.12, 244.0642 );
demo->insertElement ("Curium", 18.17, 247.0703 );
demo->insertElement ("Thorium");
demo->insertElement ("Radium", 41.337, 226.0254);
cout << "displaying all radio active element properties" << endl;
demo->displayElements ();
delete (demo);
catch (SQLException ex){
cout << ex.getMessage() << endl;
cout << "occidml - done" << endl;