shell bypass 403
# rvm get
Update RVM
## Usage
rvm get {stable|latest|latest-x.y|x.y.z|head|master|branch|help} [--auto-dotfiles] [--autolibs=X]
## Options
stable - install the latest RVM stable release
latest - install the latest RVM release
- install the latest minor RVM release for currently installed version
latest-x.y - install the latest RVM release matching the x.y* pattern
x.y.z - install a specific RVM release
master - install the latest RVM development version
- automatically update shell profile files.
- update autolibs mode to `X`, read more: `rvm autolibs`
help - Output this message.
## Branches
branch <branch>
branch /<branch>
branch <repo>/
branch <repo>/<branch>
## Defaults
branch: master
repo: rvm
## Examples
rvm get branch shoes # will fetch branch shoes from rvm/rvm repo
rvm get branch mpapis/ # will fetch branch master from mpapis/rvm repo