shell bypass 403
;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312&\207" [require rst rx custom-declare-variable cmake-mode-cmake-executable "cmake" "*The name of the cmake executable.\n\nThis can be either absolute or looked up in $PATH. You can also\nset the path with these commands:\n (setenv \"PATH\" (concat (getenv \"PATH\") \";C:\\\\Program Files\\\\CMake 2.8\\\\bin\"))\n (setenv \"PATH\" (concat (getenv \"PATH\") \":/usr/local/cmake/bin\"))" :type file :group cmake] 8)
(defconst cmake-keywords-block-open '("BLOCK" "IF" "MACRO" "FOREACH" "ELSE" "ELSEIF" "WHILE" "FUNCTION"))
(defconst cmake-keywords-block-close '("ENDBLOCK" "ENDIF" "ENDFOREACH" "ENDMACRO" "ELSE" "ELSEIF" "ENDWHILE" "ENDFUNCTION"))
(defconst cmake-keywords (byte-code "\303 \304#\305\n!)\207" [cmake-keywords-block-open cmake-keywords-block-close kwds append nil delete-dups] 4))
(defconst cmake-regex-blank "^[ ]*$")
(defconst cmake-regex-comment "#.*")
(defconst cmake-regex-paren-left "(")
(defconst cmake-regex-paren-right ")")
(defconst cmake-regex-closing-parens-line (concat "^[[:space:]]*\\(" cmake-regex-paren-right "+\\)[[:space:]]*$"))
(defconst cmake-regex-argument-quoted "\"\\(?:[^\"\\]\\|\\\\\\(?:.\\|\n\\)\\)*\"")
(defconst cmake-regex-argument-unquoted "\\(?:[^\n\"#()\\[:space:]]\\|\\\\.\\)\\(?:[^\n#()\\[:space:]]\\|\\\\.\\)*")
(defconst cmake-regex-token (byte-code "\303\304\305\306D\307\310\306 D\306\nD\257D!\207" [cmake-regex-comment cmake-regex-argument-unquoted cmake-regex-argument-quoted rx-to-string group or regexp 40 41] 9))
(defconst cmake-regex-indented (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307D\310BBDDE!\207" [cmake-regex-token rx-to-string and bol * group or regexp ((any space 10))] 8))
(defconst cmake-regex-block-open (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\"\"B\310BBB!\207" [cmake-keywords-block-open rx-to-string and symbol-start or append mapcar downcase (symbol-end)] 9))
(defconst cmake-regex-block-close (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\"\"B\310BBB!\207" [cmake-keywords-block-close rx-to-string and symbol-start or append mapcar downcase (symbol-end)] 9))
(defconst cmake-regex-close (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\306D\307\306 D\257!\207" [cmake-regex-block-close cmake-regex-paren-left rx-to-string and bol (* space) regexp (* space)] 8))
(defconst cmake-regex-token-paren-left (concat "^" cmake-regex-paren-left "$"))
(defconst cmake-regex-token-paren-right (concat "^" cmake-regex-paren-right "$"))
#@69 Determine whether the beginning of the current line is in a string.
(defalias 'cmake-line-starts-inside-string #[nil "\212\301 \210`eb\210\302\303`\"8*\207" [parse-end beginning-of-line 3 parse-partial-sexp] 4 (#$ . 2863)])
#@73 Move to the beginning of the last line that has meaningful indentation.
(defalias 'cmake-find-last-indented-line #[nil "`\304\305y\210\306` \"o?\2057 \307\n!\204, \310 \204, \311\"\205( G\312\225U?\2057 \305y\210\306` \"\202\f *\207" [region point-start cmake-regex-blank cmake-regex-indented nil -1 buffer-substring-no-properties looking-at cmake-line-starts-inside-string string-match 0] 3 (#$ . 3095)])
#@42 Number of columns to indent cmake blocks
(custom-declare-variable 'cmake-tab-width 2 '(#$ . 3514) :type 'integer :group 'cmake)
#@36 Indent current line as CMake code.
(defalias 'cmake-indent #[nil "\306 ?\205\277 o\203 \307\310!\207\311\212\312 \210`\313 !\314\311\315 \210\316 \f\203h \310\317
\314#\203X \320\310!\321\n\"\203H T\202+ \321\n\"\203+ S\202+ \310V\204d Z)\202\270 \313 !\204\251 \317
\314#\203\251 \320\310!\321\n\"\204\224 \321\n\"\203\231 \313\322P!\203\231 \\\321\n\"\203n Z\202n
b\210\313!\203\270 Z-\307\310]!)\207" [cur-indent cmake-regex-closing-parens-line token case-fold-search closing-parens-only point-start cmake-line-starts-inside-string cmake-indent-line-to 0 nil beginning-of-line looking-at t cmake-find-last-indented-line current-indentation re-search-forward match-string string-match "[ ]*" open-parens cmake-regex-token cmake-regex-token-paren-left cmake-regex-token-paren-right cmake-tab-width cmake-regex-block-open cmake-regex-paren-left cmake-regex-close] 4 (#$ . 3648) nil])
(defalias 'cmake-point-in-indendation #[nil "\300\301\302 `{\"\207" [string-match "^[ \\t]*$" point-at-bol] 4])
#@175 Indent the current line to COLUMN.
If point is within the existing indentation it is moved to the end of
the indentation. Otherwise it retains the same position on the line
(defalias 'cmake-indent-line-to #[(column) "\301 \203 \302!\207\212\302!)\207" [column cmake-point-in-indendation indent-line-to] 2 (#$ . 4709)])
#@52 Convert all CMake commands to lowercase in buffer.
(defalias 'cmake-unscreamify-buffer #[nil "\212eb\210\300\301\302\303#\205 \304\305\306!\305\307!\227\305\310!Q\303\"\210\202 )\207" [re-search-forward "^\\([ ]*\\)\\_<\\(\\(?:\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)\\_>\\([ ]*(\\)" nil t replace-match match-string 1 2 3] 5 (#$ . 5038) nil])
(defconst cmake--regex-defun-start "^[[:space:]]*\\(?:function\\|macro\\)[[:space:]]*(")
(defconst cmake--regex-defun-end "^[[:space:]]*end\\(?:function\\|macro\\)[[:space:]]*([^)]*)")
#@120 Move backward to the beginning of a CMake function or macro.
Return t unless search stops due to beginning of buffer.
(defalias 'cmake-beginning-of-defun #[nil "\302 \204 \303 \210\304\305 \306\307#\205 \304)\207" [case-fold-search cmake--regex-defun-start region-active-p push-mark t re-search-backward nil move] 4 (#$ . 5555) nil])
#@107 Move forward to the end of a CMake function or macro.
Return t unless search stops due to end of buffer.
(defalias 'cmake-end-of-defun #[nil "\302 \204 \303 \210\304\305 \306\307#\205 \306y\210\304)\207" [case-fold-search cmake--regex-defun-end region-active-p push-mark t re-search-forward nil move] 4 (#$ . 5900) nil])
#@103 Mark the current CMake function or macro.
This puts the mark at the end, and point at the beginning.
(defalias 'cmake-mark-defun #[nil "\300 \210\301\302\303\304#\210\305 \207" [cmake-end-of-defun push-mark nil :nomsg :activate cmake-beginning-of-defun] 4 (#$ . 6232) nil])
#@42 Highlighting expressions for CMake mode.
(defconst cmake-font-lock-keywords (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\"\"B\310BBB!\311B\312\313B\314\315BE\207" [cmake-keywords rx-to-string and symbol-start or append mapcar downcase (symbol-end) font-lock-keyword-face "\\_<\\(\\(?:[[:word:]]\\|\\s_\\)+\\)[[:blank:]]*(" (1 font-lock-function-name-face) "\\${\\([--/+_[:alnum:]]+\\)}" (1 font-lock-variable-name-face t)] 9) (#$ . 6513))
(defalias 'cmake--syntax-propertize-until-bracket-close #[(syntax) "\306\224\306\225\307\310 {\"\311 \312\216\313\n\f\314#\203* \315\225\316 S \317\320
!$\210\202, \f*\316\321\224 \322\323$+\207" [mb me cb save-match-data-internal end syntax 2 format "]%s]" match-data #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3] search-forward move 0 put-text-property syntax-table string-to-syntax 1 syntax-multiline t] 6])
(defconst cmake--syntax-propertize-function #[(start end) "b\210` W\205K \303\304 \305#\205K \306\224\203&