GOOF----LE-8-2.04 ]% 4 hx ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g ice-9� g format� � g filenameS�
f ice-9/format.scm� g replacementsS� �
g autoloadsS� g pretty-print� � g truncated-print� � g i18n� � g %global-locale� g number->locale-string� � � g set-current-module� � � f 3.0� g format:version� g string?� g error� f +format: expected a string for format string� g boolean?� !g current-output-port� "g output-port?� #g number?� $g issue-deprecation-warning� %f 5Passing a number to format as the port is deprecated.� &f "Pass (current-error-port) instead.� 'g current-error-port� (f format: bad destination `~a'� )g %default-port-encoding� *f UTF-8� +g open-output-string� ,g port-column� -g
write-char� .g
string-ref� /g
string-length� 0g char=?� 1g display� 2g string� 3f ~� 4g memv� 5g append� 6[];:@^ � 70123456789-+v#' � 8f illegal format string� 9{}:@^ � :g char-upcase� ;g memq� <g colon� =g colon-at� ><= � ?g at� @?= � Af missing argument(s)� Bg list-ref� Cg length� Df '~s parameter must be a positive integer� Ef width� Ff decimals� Gg
integer->char� Hf padchar� Ig
string-pad� Jg complex?� Kf argument not a complex number� Lg real-part� Mg imag-part� Nf 'one positive integer parameter expected� Og integer?� Pg char?� Qf ~~c expects a character� Rg object->string� Sg
char->integer� Tf #\� Ug number->string� Vf missing backward argument(s)� Wf ~~p expects a number argument� Xf ies� Yg call-with-output-string� Zg widthS� [g max� \f illegal modifier in ~~?� ]g char-whitespace?� ^f &illegal modifier `:@' in ~~* directive� _g string-copy� `g char-alphabetic?� ag string-set!� bg
char-downcase� cg string-capitalize� dg
string-upcase� eg string-downcase� ff missing ~~(� gg if-then� hg if-else-then� if illegal modifier in ~~[� jg num-case� kf ~~; not in ~~[~~] conditional� lf no parameter allowed in ~~;� mg substring� nf illegal modifier in ~~;� of missing ~~[� pf no modifier allowed in ~~]� qf no parameter allowed in ~~]� rf argument not a positive integer� sg rest-args� tg sublists� ug
rest-sublists� vg list� wf missing ~~{� xf illegal modifier� yf no parameters allowed in ~~}� zg string=?� {f � |f expected a list argument� }g list-tail� ~f !expected a list of lists argument� f expected list arguments� �f internal error in ~~}� �f too much parameters� �f double `@' modifier� �f double `:' modifier� �f misplaced modifier� �g
char-numeric?� �g string->number� �f
misplaced '#'� � � �g
string-append� �f SLIB Common LISP format version � �f , (C) copyright 1992-1994 by Dirk Lutzebaeck� �f 5 please send bug reports to `'� �f unknown control character `~c'� �g string-prefix?� �f #<� �f mincol� �f colinc� �f minpad� �f argument not an integer� �f
commawidth� �f colnum� �f unsupported modifier for ~~t� �f 'only positive integers can be romanized� �g list->string� �g reverse� ��M � ��D � � dC � � 2L � �
X � � V � �I � �������� � �g assv� � d d
� �f zero� �f minus � �f thousand� �f million� �f billion� �f trillion� �f quadrillion� �f quintillion� �f sextillion� �f septillion� �f
octillion� �f
nonillion� �f
decillion� �f undecillion� �f
duodecillion� �f
tredecillion� �f quattuordecillion� �f quindecillion� �f
sexdecillion� �f septendecillion� �f octodecillion� �f novemdecillion� �f
vigintillion� �{��������������������� � �g string->list� �f , � �f one� �f two� �f three� �f four� �f five� �f six� �f seven� �f eight� �f nine� �f ten� �f eleven� �f twelve� �f thirteen� �f fourteen� �f fifteen� �f sixteen� �f seventeen� �f eighteen� �f nineteen� �������������������� � �f hundred� � � �f twenty� �f thirty� �f forty� �f fifty� �f sixty� �f seventy� �f eighty� �f ninety� ���������
� �f times ten to the � �f power� �f 3only integers can be converted to English cardinals� �f zeroth� �f th� �f � �f first� �f second� �f third� �f fourth� �f fifth� �f sixth� �f seventh� �f eighth� �f ninth� �f tenth� �f eleventh� �f twelfth� �f
thirteenth� �f
fourteenth� �f fifteenth� �f sixteenth� �f seventeenth� �f
eighteenth� �f
nineteenth� �������������������� � �f twentieth� �f thirtieth� �f fortieth� �f fiftieth� �f sixtieth� �f
seventieth� �f eightieth� �f ninetieth� ���������
� f -�f 2only integers can be converted to English ordinals�g string-index�f +argument is not a number or a number string�f digits�g inf?�g nan?�f argument is not a number�f exponent digits� g min�
f mindig�g exact->inexact�f (illegal character `~c' in number->string�
f 4number is too long to format (enlarge format:fn-max)�f -internal error in format:fn-shiftleft (~d,~d)�f 'FORMAT: INTERNAL ERROR IN FORMAT:ERROR!�g newline�f destination: �g write�f format string: �f format args: �f error args: �f error in format�f r~%FORMAT: error with call: (format ~a "~a<===~a" ~
~{~a ~}===>~{~a ~})~% �g list-head�g apply�g make-string�f ~a missing argument~:p�g force-output�g get-output-string�g
close-port�f ;Omitting the destination on a call to format is deprecated.� f 5Pass #f as the destination, before the format string.�!f @Omitting the destination port on a call to format is deprecated.�"f :Pass #f as the destination port, before the format string.�#g module-set!�$g the-root-module�C 5 hx � ]4
5 4 > "