GOOF----LE-8-2.05M ]� 4 h7 ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g ice-9� g optargs� � g filenameS�
f ice-9/optargs.scm� g importsS� g system�
g base� g pmatch�
� � � g exportsS� g let-optional� g
let-optional*� g let-keywords� g
let-keywords*� g define*-public� g defmacro*� g defmacro*-public� � g
re-exportsS� g lambda*� g define*� � g set-current-module� � ! � "g $sc-dispatch� #" � $" � %g reverse� &g any� '&& � ('&�� )&&�� *g syntax-violation� +* � ,* � -f -source expression failed to match any pattern� .g identifier?� /g
syntax-object� 0g top� 10 � 2g ribcage� 3g v� 4g rest� 534 � 611 � 7f l-44375c4e67-1f0� 8f l-44375c4e67-1f1� 978 � :2569 � ;2 � <g lp� =g bindings� >g vars� ?g inits� @<=>? � A1111 � Bf l-44375c4e67-1d4� Cf l-44375c4e67-1d5� Df l-44375c4e67-1d6� Ef l-44375c4e67-1d7� FBCDE � G2@AF � H= � I1 � Jf l-44375c4e67-1d3� KJ � L2HIK � M1:;G;L � Ng hygiene� ON � P/MO � Qg
vars&inits� Rg make-syntax-transformer� SR � TR � Ug macro� Vg _� Wg each-any� X&W�� YWX�� Z&Y�� [VZ�� \g length� ]g append� ^g generate-temporaries� _&&&WW � `g let� ag n� bg n+1� cg t� dg i� eab>cd � f11111 � gf l-44375c4e67-210� hf l-44375c4e67-211� if l-44375c4e67-212� jf l-44375c4e67-213� kf l-44375c4e67-214� lghijk � m2efl � n>? � of l-44375c4e67-20b� pf l-44375c4e67-20c� qop � r2n6q � sg rest-arg� tg binding� ug b0� vg b1� wstuv � xf l-44375c4e67-200� yf l-44375c4e67-201� zf l-44375c4e67-202� {f l-44375c4e67-203� |xyz{ � }2wA| � ~g x� ~ � �f l-44375c4e67-1f5� �� � �2I� � �1;m;;r};� � �/`�O � �g map� �� � �� � �g lambda� �/��O � �g apply� �/��O � �g or� �/��O � �g parse-lambda-case� �/��O � �g quote� �/��O � �/
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syntax->datum� �g iota� �&&&WWWW � �g ivars� �g kw� �g idx� �a>���cd � �1111111 � �f l-44375c4e67-264� �f l-44375c4e67-265� �f l-44375c4e67-266� �f l-44375c4e67-267� �f l-44375c4e67-268� �f l-44375c4e67-269� �f l-44375c4e67-26a� �������� � �2��� � �f l-44375c4e67-25f� �f l-44375c4e67-260� ��� � �2n6� � �f l-44375c4e67-252� �f l-44375c4e67-253� �f l-44375c4e67-254� �f l-44375c4e67-255� �f l-44375c4e67-256� ������ � �2�f� � �1;�;;��;� � �/`�O � �/��O � �/��O � �/��O � �/��O � �/��O � �/
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f l-44375c4e67-2a7�f l-44375c4e67-2a8�f l-44375c4e67-2a9�
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export-syntax�x/wtO �yg
uninitialized�zg *uninitialized*�{g make-list�|g append!�}g keyword?�~g assq-ref�g list-set!��g scm-error��g keyword-argument-error��f Unrecognized keyword��f Invalid keyword��g list-copy��f unexpected spec�C 5 h�/ � ]4
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