shell bypass 403
좃[� � @ sV d dl mZmZmZ d dlZ[[[dd� Zdd� Zejd dkrJdd � Znd
d � ZdS )� )�absolute_import�print_function�unicode_literalsNc sD ddl m� t���� ��fdd�t� �D �}|j|� t|j� �S )z�Called by the constant modules to load up the constants from the C
library starting with PREFIX. Matching constants will be inserted
into SCOPE with PREFIX stripped from the names. Returns the names
of inserted constants.
� )�gpgmec s* i | ]"}|j ��rt� |�|�d � �qS )N)�
identifier)r �index�prefix� �/usr/lib64/python3.6/�
<dictcomp># s z%process_constants.<locals>.<dictcomp>)� r �len�dir�update�list�keys)r ZscopeZ constantsr )r r
r r
�process_constants s
r c C s dj dd� | D ��S )Nr c s sD | ]<}|d ks*|dks*|dks*t |�dkr8djt |��n|V qdS )�+�"�%� z%{0:2x}N)�ord�format)r �cr r r
� <genexpr>, s z!percent_escape.<locals>.<genexpr>)�join)�sr r r
�percent_escape+ s
r � c C s
t | t�S )N)�
isinstance�str)�xr r r
�is_a_string4 s r% c C s
t | t�S )N)r"