#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Algorithm::Loops qw( NextPermute NextPermuteNum );
Main( @ARGV );
exit 0;
sub Main {
my @tokens= @_;
my $noSort= 0;
my $numComp= 0;
while( 1 < @tokens && $tokens[0] =~ /^-[^-]/ ) {
( my $flag= shift @tokens ) =~ s/^-//;
while( '' ne $flag ) {
if( $flag =~ s/^s// ) {
$noSort= 1;
} elsif( $flag =~ s/^n// ) {
$numComp= 1;
} else {
die "$0: Unknown command-line option (-$flag).\n";
if( 0 == @tokens ) {
die "Usage: $0 [-s] word\n",
" or: $0 [-sn] t o k e n s\n",
"Prints all unique permutations of the letters or words given.\n",
"-s prevents the initial sorting of the letters/words.\n",
"-n compares words as numbers.\n";
} elsif( 1 == @tokens ) {
@tokens= $tokens[0] =~ /(.)/gs;
$"= "";
#Sample use:
my $cnt= 0;
if( $noSort ) {
if( $numComp ) {
undef &NextPermute;
*NextPermute= \&NextPermuteNum;
my $start= "@tokens";
do {
print ++$cnt, ": @tokens\n";
} while( $start ne "@tokens" );
} elsif( $numComp ) {
@tokens= sort {$a<=>$b} @tokens;
do {
print ++$cnt, ": @tokens\n";
} while( NextPermuteNum(@tokens) );
} else {
@tokens= sort @tokens;
do {
print ++$cnt, ": @tokens\n";
} while( NextPermute(@tokens) );