* Copyright (C) 2003 Sam Horrocks
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Required functionality for each major component of SpeedyCGI:
Apache Module:
- Set options from the httpd.conf file (set)
- Set options from the environment (init)
- Use the OPTVAL values
- Set the the script's argv (set_script)
Speedy Command-Line
- Set options from argv and environment (init)
- Use the OPTVAL values
- Possibly read values from the #! line in the script file. (read_shbang)
- Get the script argv (script_argv)
- Use the OPTVAL values
- Call the speedy backend (exec_argv and exec_envp)
- Get perl/speedy options from the command line (init)
- Get the script argv (script_argv)
- Use the OPTVAL values
- Set options from calls via CGI::SpeedyCGI (set_byname)
- Call perl with the correct argv (perl_argv)
- Call the speedy backend (exec_argv and exec_envp)
Functionality for the speedy_opt module:
- The #! line in the script
- Argv to the speedy-frontend
- Argv to the speedy-backend
- Unix environment variables
- Settings in the httpd.conf file
- Script argv
- Settings in the backend made by the perl program
- Argv for speedy_backend
- For mod_speedycgi, use:
- Settings from the httpd.conf file
- The script argv set by the code
- For others:
- Original argv from program
- Environment for speedy_backend
- Original env from program
- The script argv
- For mod_speedycgi, must use the previously input argv
- For others, get from the program's argv
- Argv for perl
- Arg0 must be path from #! line in script
- Perl options from original argv
- Perl options from the #! line
- Perl options from the PerlArgs option
- Current value of the script argv
- OPTVAL values
- Settings from httpd.conf file
- Settings from environment
- Options from the program argv
- Options from the #! line
Program design:
exec_argv, exec_envp, script_argv, perl_argv
void speedy_opt_init(const char * const *argv, const char * const *envp);
- Take the argv and split it into perl args, speedy args and script args
- Append to the speedy args any options that were changed prior to
this call.
- Set our OptRec values based on the speedy args
- Append to the perl args the value of the PerlArgs option, if set
- Store into exec_argv the perl args plus, speedy args and the script args
- Point script_argv to a location inside exec_argv
- Copy the envp into exec_envp
- Set our OptRec values based on the environment
void speedy_opt_read_shbang();
- Split the #! line into arg0, perl args and speedy options
- Put arg0 into perl_argv[0]
- Append the other perl args to the end of perl_argv
- Set our OptRec values based on the speedy args
void speedy_opt_set_script_argv(const char * const *argv);
- Replace the existing script_argv with a copy of this argv
const char * const *speedy_opt_script_argv();
- Return the existing script_argv
char **speedy_opt_perl_argv();
- If not called before, append the script argv to the end of perl_argv
- Return the perl_argv
const char * const *speedy_opt_exec_argv();
- Return the exec_argv
const char * const *speedy_opt_exec_envp();
- Return the existing exec_envp