use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 0.88;
use if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}, 'Test::Warnings';
use Test::Requires 'Moose';
# code for this sub is taken directly from
# Test::CleanNamespaces::build_namespaces_clean
sub imports
my $ns = shift;
my $meta = Moose::Util::find_meta($ns) || Moose::Meta::Class->initialize($ns);
my %methods = map { ($_ => 1) } $meta->get_method_list;
my @symbols = keys %{ $meta->get_all_package_symbols('CODE') || {} };
my @imports = grep { !$methods{$_} } @symbols;
package Foo;
sub foo { print "normal Foo::foo sub\n"; }
sub bar { print "normal Foo::bar sub\n"; }
sub baz { print "normal Foo::baz sub\n"; }
!(grep { $_ eq 'foo' || $_ eq 'bar' || $_ eq 'baz' } imports('Foo')),
"original subs are not in Foo's list of imports",
or note('Foo has imports: ' . join(', ', imports('Foo')));
# this should also pass:
# namespaces_clean('Foo');
eval {
package Foo;
use Class::Method::Modifiers;
Test::More::note 'redefining Foo::foo';
around foo => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $ret = $orig->(@_);
print "wrapped foo sub\n"
around bar => sub { print "wrapped bar sub\n" };
around baz => sub { print "wrapped baz sub\n" };
!(grep { $_ eq 'foo' || $_ eq 'bar' || $_ eq 'baz' } imports('Foo')),
"modified subs are not in Foo's list of imports",
or note('Foo has imports: ' . join(', ', imports('Foo')));
# this should also still pass, except for the 'before', 'around' and 'after'
# subs that CMM itself imported which should be cleaned:
# namespaces_clean('Foo');