# ex5: use of Config::Validator's boolean with Getopt::Long and Config::General
# note that boolean values can in fact be: undef (i.e. not set), true or false
# $ perl ex5.pl -h
# $ perl ex5.pl --flag2 --no-flag3
# $ perl ex5.pl --flag2 --no-flag1 --config ex5-cfg1
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config::General qw(ParseConfig);
use Config::Validator qw(is_true is_false);
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
our($Validator, @Options, %Config, @Tmp, %Tmp);
sub clean ($$$$@) {
my($valid, $schema, $type, $data, @path) = @_;
return(1) unless $type eq "boolean";
return(0) if not defined($data) or is_true($data) or is_false($data);
if ($data eq "0") {
$_[3] = "false";
} elsif ($data eq "1") {
$_[3] = "true";
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Validator = Config::Validator->new({
type => "struct",
fields => {
flag1 => { type => "boolean", optional => "true" },
flag2 => { type => "boolean", optional => "true" },
flag3 => { type => "boolean", optional => "true" },
@Options = sort($Validator->options(), "config=s", "help|h|?");
# first step: parse the command line options to handle options like --help or --config
@Tmp = @ARGV;
GetOptions(\%Tmp, @Options) or die;
if ($Tmp{help}) {
printf("Options:%s\n", join("\n --", "", @Options));
# second step: handle the --config option
if ($Tmp{config}) {
%Config = ParseConfig(-ConfigFile => $Tmp{config});
# parse again the command line options using defaults read from the file
@ARGV = @Tmp;
GetOptions(\%Config, @Options) or die;
} else {
%Config = %Tmp;
# third step: transform the Getopt::Long boolean values (0 or 1) into true or false
$Validator->traverse(\&clean, \%Config);