#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 2004 (c) by Marcus Thiesen (marcus@thiesen.org)
# This file is a part of Curses::UI and might be distributed
# under the same terms as perl itself.
# Use the libraries from the distribution, instead of
# system wide libraries.
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib";
use strict;
use Curses::UI;
$Curses::UI::debug = 0;
my $cui = new Curses::UI( -color_support => 1 );
my $win1 = $cui->add(
'win1', 'Window',
-border => 1,
-y => 1,
-bfg => 'red',
$win1->add("d1", "TextEntry",
-border => 0,
-fg => "green",
-x => 2 ,
-y => 1 ,
-width => 5,
-text => "A",
-focusable => 0,
-readonly => 1,);
my $ent1 = $win1->add("ent1", "TextEntry",
-border => 1,
-bfg => "green",
-x => 10 ,
-width => 10);
$win1->add("d2", "TextEntry",
-border => 0,
-fg => "blue",
-x => 2 ,
-y => 4 ,
-width => 5,
-text => "B",
-focusable => 0,
-readonly => 1,);
my $ent2 = $win1->add("ent2", "TextEntry",
-border => 1,
-bfg => "blue",
-y => 3,
-x => 10,
-width => 10);
$win1->add("d3", "TextEntry",
-border => 0,
-fg => "red",
-x => 2 ,
-y => 11 ,
-width => 5,
-text => "C",
-focusable => 0,
-readonly => 1,);
my $ent3 = $win1->add("ent3", "TextEntry",
-border => 1,
-bfg => "red",
-y => 10,
-x => 10 ,
-width => 10,
-readonly => 1,
-focusable => 0,
) ;
my $but1 = $win1->add("addbutton", "Buttonbox" ,
-buttons => [ { -label => "< ADD >",
-onpress => \&add } ] ,
-y => 15, -x => 5
sub add {
if (($ent1->get() =~ /[\d.]+/) &&
($ent2->get() =~ /[\d.]+/)) {
$ent3->text($ent1->get() + $ent2->get());
} else {
$cui->error("You have to enter a number in A and B");
$cui->set_binding( sub {exit 0;}, "q");