use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use Benchmark qw( timethese cmpthese ) ;
use Carp ;
use FileHandle ;
use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :seek );
use File::Slurp () ;
use FileSlurp_12 () ;
my $file_name = 'slurp_data' ;
my( @lines, $text ) ;
my %opts ;
parse_options() ;
run_benchmarks() ;
unlink $file_name ;
exit ;
sub run_benchmarks {
foreach my $size ( @{$opts{size_list}} ) {
@lines = ( 'a' x 80 . "\n") x ( $size / 81 + 1 ) ;
$text = join( '', @lines ) ;
my $overage = length($text) - $size ;
substr( $text, -$overage, $overage, '' ) ;
substr( $lines[-1], -$overage, $overage, '' ) ;
if ( $opts{slurp} ) {
File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, $text ) ;
bench_list_slurp( $size ) if $opts{list} ;
bench_scalar_slurp( $size ) if $opts{scalar} ;
if ( $opts{spew} ) {
bench_spew_list( $size ) if $opts{list} ;
bench_scalar_spew( $size ) if $opts{scalar} ;
sub bench_scalar_slurp {
my ( $size ) = @_ ;
print "\n\nReading (Slurp) into a scalar: Size = $size bytes\n\n" ;
my $buffer ;
my $result = timethese( $opts{iterations}, {
'FS::read_file' =>
sub { my $text = File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name ) },
'FS12::read_file' =>
sub { my $text = FileSlurp_12::read_file( $file_name ) },
'FS::read_file_buf_ref' =>
sub { my $text ;
File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name, buf_ref => \$text ) },
'FS::read_file_buf_ref2' =>
sub {
File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name, buf_ref => \$buffer ) },
'FS::read_file_scalar_ref' =>
sub { my $text =
File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name, scalar_ref => 1 ) },
old_sysread_file =>
sub { my $text = old_sysread_file( $file_name ) },
old_read_file =>
sub { my $text = old_read_file( $file_name ) },
orig_read_file =>
sub { my $text = orig_read_file( $file_name ) },
orig_slurp =>
sub { my $text = orig_slurp_scalar( $file_name ) },
file_contents =>
sub { my $text = file_contents( $file_name ) },
file_contents_no_OO =>
sub { my $text = file_contents_no_OO( $file_name ) },
} ) ;
cmpthese( $result ) ;
sub bench_list_slurp {
my ( $size ) = @_ ;
print "\n\nReading (Slurp) into a list: Size = $size bytes\n\n" ;
my $result = timethese( $opts{iterations}, {
'FS::read_file' =>
sub { my @lines = File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name ) },
'FS::read_file_array_ref' =>
sub { my $lines_ref =
File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name, array_ref => 1 ) },
'FS::read_file_scalar' =>
sub { my $lines_ref =
[ File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name ) ] },
old_sysread_file =>
sub { my @lines = old_sysread_file( $file_name ) },
old_read_file =>
sub { my @lines = old_read_file( $file_name ) },
orig_read_file =>
sub { my @lines = orig_read_file( $file_name ) },
orig_slurp_array =>
sub { my @lines = orig_slurp_array( $file_name ) },
orig_slurp_array_ref =>
sub { my $lines_ref = orig_slurp_array( $file_name ) },
} ) ;
cmpthese( $result ) ;
# uri's old fast slurp
sub old_read_file {
my( $file_name ) = shift ;
local( *FH ) ;
open( FH, $file_name ) || carp "can't open $file_name $!" ;
return <FH> if wantarray ;
my $buf ;
read( FH, $buf, -s FH ) ;
return $buf ;
sub old_sysread_file {
my( $file_name ) = shift ;
local( *FH ) ;
open( FH, $file_name ) || carp "can't open $file_name $!" ;
return <FH> if wantarray ;
my $buf ;
sysread( FH, $buf, -s FH ) ;
return $buf ;
# from File::Slurp.pm on cpan
sub orig_read_file
my ($file) = @_;
local($/) = wantarray ? $/ : undef;
my $r;
my (@r);
open(F, "<$file") || croak "open $file: $!";
@r = <F>;
close(F) || croak "close $file: $!";
return $r[0] unless wantarray;
return @r;
# from Slurp.pm on cpan
sub orig_slurp {
local( $/, @ARGV ) = ( wantarray ? $/ : undef, @_ );
return <ARGV>;
sub orig_slurp_array {
my @array = orig_slurp( @_ );
return wantarray ? @array : \@array;
sub orig_slurp_scalar {
my $scalar = orig_slurp( @_ );
return $scalar;
# very slow slurp code used by a client
sub file_contents {
my $file = shift;
my $fh = new FileHandle $file or
warn("Util::file_contents:Can't open file $file"), return '';
return join '', <$fh>;
# same code but doesn't use FileHandle.pm
sub file_contents_no_OO {
my $file = shift;
local( *FH ) ;
open( FH, $file ) || carp "can't open $file $!" ;
return join '', <FH>;
sub bench_spew_list {
my( $size ) = @_ ;
print "\n\nWriting (Spew) a list of lines: Size = $size bytes\n\n" ;
my $result = timethese( $opts{iterations}, {
'FS::write_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
'FS::write_file Aref' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, \@lines ) },
'print' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
print_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
'print/join' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
print_join_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
'syswrite/join' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
syswrite_join_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
'original write_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
orig_write_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
} ) ;
cmpthese( $result ) ;
sub print_file {
my( $file_name ) = shift ;
local( *FH ) ;
open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
print FH @_ ;
sub print_join_file {
my( $file_name ) = shift ;
local( *FH ) ;
open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
print FH join( '', @_ ) ;
sub syswrite_join_file {
my( $file_name ) = shift ;
local( *FH ) ;
open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
syswrite( FH, join( '', @_ ) ) ;
sub sysopen_syswrite_join_file {
my( $file_name ) = shift ;
local( *FH ) ;
sysopen( FH, $file_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT ) ||
carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
syswrite( FH, join( '', @_ ) ) ;
sub orig_write_file
my ($f, @data) = @_;
open(F, ">$f") || croak "open >$f: $!";
(print F @data) || croak "write $f: $!";
close(F) || croak "close $f: $!";
return 1;
sub bench_scalar_spew {
my ( $size ) = @_ ;
print "\n\nWriting (Spew) a scalar: Size = $size bytes\n\n" ;
my $result = timethese( $opts{iterations}, {
'FS::write_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, $text ) },
'FS::write_file Sref' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, \$text ) },
'print' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
print_file( $file_name, $text ) },
'syswrite_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
syswrite_file( $file_name, $text ) },
'syswrite_file_ref' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
syswrite_file_ref( $file_name, \$text ) },
'orig_write_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
orig_write_file( $file_name, $text ) },
} ) ;
cmpthese( $result ) ;
sub syswrite_file {
my( $file_name, $text ) = @_ ;
local( *FH ) ;
open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
syswrite( FH, $text ) ;
sub syswrite_file_ref {
my( $file_name, $text_ref ) = @_ ;
local( *FH ) ;
open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
syswrite( FH, ${$text_ref} ) ;
sub parse_options {
my $result = GetOptions (\%opts, qw(
) ) ;
usage() unless $result ;
usage() if $opts{help} ;
legend() if $opts{legend} ;
# set defaults
$opts{direction} ||= 'both' ;
$opts{context} ||= 'both' ;
$opts{iterations} ||= -2 ;
$opts{sizes} ||= '512,10k,1m' ;
if ( $opts{direction} eq 'both' ) {
$opts{spew} = 1 ;
$opts{slurp} = 1 ;
elsif ( $opts{direction} eq 'in' ) {
$opts{slurp} = 1 ;
elsif ( $opts{direction} eq 'out' ) {
$opts{spew} = 1 ;
else {
usage( "Unknown direction: $opts{direction}" ) ;
if ( $opts{context} eq 'both' ) {
$opts{list} = 1 ;
$opts{scalar} = 1 ;
elsif ( $opts{context} eq 'scalar' ) {
$opts{scalar} = 1 ;
elsif ( $opts{context} eq 'list' ) {
$opts{list} = 1 ;
else {
usage( "Unknown context: $opts{context}" ) ;
if ( $opts{context} eq 'both' ) {
$opts{list} = 1 ;
$opts{scalar} = 1 ;
elsif ( $opts{context} eq 'scalar' ) {
$opts{scalar} = 1 ;
elsif ( $opts{context} eq 'list' ) {
$opts{list} = 1 ;
else {
usage( "Unknown context: $opts{context}" ) ;
foreach my $size ( split ',', ( $opts{sizes} ) ) {
# check for valid size and suffix. grab both.
usage( "Illegal size: $size") unless $size =~ /^(\d+)([km])?$/ ;
# handle suffix multipliers
$size = $1 * (( $2 eq 'k' ) ? 1024 : 1024*1024) if $2 ;
push( @{$opts{size_list}}, $size ) ;
#use Data::Dumper ;
#print Dumper \%opts ;
sub legend {
die <<'LEGEND' ;
Legend for the Slurp Benchmark Entries
In all cases below 'FS' or 'F::S' means the current File::Slurp module
is being used in the benchmark. The full name and description will say
which options are being used.
These benchmarks write a list of lines to a file. Use the direction option
of 'out' or 'both' and the context option is 'list' or 'both'.
Key Description/Source
----- --------------------------
FS::write_file Current F::S write_file
FS::write_file Aref Current F::S write_file on array ref of data
print Open a file and call print() on the list data
print/join Open a file and call print() on the joined list
syswrite/join Open a file, call syswrite on joined list data
sysopen/syswrite Sysopen a file, call syswrite on joined list
original write_file write_file code from original File::Slurp
(pre-version 9999.*)
These benchmarks write a scalar to a file. Use the direction option
of 'out' or 'both' and the context option is 'scalar' or 'both'.
Key Description/Source
----- --------------------------
FS::write_file Current F::S write_file
FS::write_file Sref Current F::S write_file of scalar ref of data
print Open a file and call print() on the scalar data
syswrite_file Open a file, call syswrite on scalar data
syswrite_file_ref Open a file, call syswrite on scalar ref of
orig_write_file write_file code from original File::Slurp
(pre-version 9999.*)
These benchmarks slurp a file into an array. Use the direction option
of 'in' or 'both' and the context option is 'list' or 'both'.
Key Description/Source
----- --------------------------
FS::read_file Current F::S read_file - returns array
FS::read_file_array_ref Current F::S read_file - returns array
ref in any context
FS::read_file_scalar Current F::S read_file - returns array
ref in scalar context
old_sysread_file My old fast slurp - calls sysread
old_read_file My old fast slurp - calls read
orig_read_file Original File::Slurp on CPAN
orig_slurp_array Slurp.pm on CPAN - returns array
orig_slurp_array_ref Slurp.pm on CPAN - returns array ref
These benchmarks slurp a file into a scalar. Use the direction option
of 'in' or 'both' and the context option is 'scalar' or 'both'.
Key Description/Source
----- --------------------------
FS::read_file Current F::S read_file - returns scalar
FS12::read_file F::S .12 slower read_file -
returns scalar
FS::read_file_buf_ref Current F::S read_file - returns
via buf_ref argument - new buffer
FS::read_file_buf_ref2 Current F::S read_file - returns
via buf_ref argument - uses
existing buffer
FS::read_file_scalar_ref Current F::S read_file - returns a
scalar ref
old_sysread_file My old fast slurp - calls sysread
old_read_file My old fast slurp - calls read
orig_read_file Original File::Slurp on CPAN
orig_slurp Slurp.pm on CPAN
file_contents Very slow slurp code done by a client
file_contents_no_OO Same code but doesn't use FileHandle.pm
sub usage {
my( $err ) = @_ ;
$err ||= '' ;
die <<DIE ;
Usage: $0 [--iterations=<iter>] [--direction=<dir>] [--context=<con>]
[--sizes=<size_list>] [--legend] [--help]
--iterations=<iter> Run the benchmarks this many iterations
-i=<iter> A positive number is iteration count,
a negative number is minimum CPU time in
seconds. Default is -2 (run for 2 CPU seconds).
--direction=<dir> Which direction to slurp: 'in', 'out' or 'both'.
-d=<dir> Default is 'both'.
--context=<con> Which context is used for slurping: 'list',
-c=<con> 'scalar' or 'both'. Default is 'both'.
--sizes=<size_list> What sizes will be used in slurping (either
-s=<size_list> direction). This is a comma separated list of
integers. You can use 'k' or 'm' as suffixes
for 1024 and 1024**2. Default is '512,10k,1m'.
--unlink Unlink the written file before each time
-u a file is written
--legend Print out a legend of all the benchmark entries.
--help Print this help text