# Procedure for a CPAN release
* finalize dev branch merges
* check for debug code in modules
* Modify Changelog
* Add missing authors to dist.ini (use git shortlog -s -n -e and select everyone with at least 2 commits)
* Update htdocs/index.html (Sourceforge project home page)
* push all commits up to github
* dzil build - build a new release
* dzil test - test it out
In order to upload files to PAUSE/CPAN and Sourceforge, the team member must have accounts with the proper privileges on those services. For PAUSE that is co-maint and for Sourceforge the user must be in the Admin group.
* dzil release - upload to cpan, tweet and mail :)
* upload module tarball to sourceforge @ https://sourceforge.net/projects/finance-quote/files/finance-quote/
* Through Web interface
* Or sftp \<SourceForge ID\>@frs.sourceforge.net
* cd /home/frs/project/finance-quote/finance-quote
* put Finance-Quote-N.NN.tar.gz
* bye
* Upload index.html for http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net/index.html
* sftp \<SourceForge ID\>,finance-quote@web.sourceforge.net
* cd /home/project-web/finance-quote/htdocs
* put index.html
* bye