# Demonstration on reducing the size of a folder.
# This code can be used and modified without restriction.
# Mark Overmeer, <mailbox@overmeer.net>, 12 jul 2003
use warnings;
use strict;
use lib ('../lib', 'lib');
use Mail::Box::Manager;
use Mail::Message;
use List::Util 'sum';
my $for_real = 0; # set to 'true' to make changes
sub size($) { Mail::Message->shortSize($_[0]) } # nice output of value
# Get the command line arguments.
die "Usage: $0 folder\n"
unless @ARGV==1;
my $name = shift @ARGV;
my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new;
my $folder = $mgr->open
( $name
, access => ($for_real ? 'rw' : 'r')
die "Cannot open folder $name" unless $folder;
print "** Dry run: no changes made to $name\n" unless $for_real;
my $msgs = $folder->messages;
my $size = $folder->size;
print "Folder contains $msgs messages at start, in total about ",
size($size), " bytes\n";
foreach my $msg ($folder->messages)
{ $msg->head->removeResentGroups;
my $newsize = $folder->size;
print "After removal of resent groups, the folder is about ",
size($newsize), " bytes\n";
my $resentsize = $size - $newsize;
foreach my $msg ($folder->messages)
{ $msg->head->removeListGroup;
my $newsize2 = $folder->size;
print "After removal of list groups, the folder is only ",
size($newsize2), " bytes\n";
my $listsize = $newsize - $newsize2;
foreach my $msg ($folder->messages)
{ $msg->head->removeSpamGroups;
my $finalsize = $folder->size;
print "After removal of spam groups, the folder is only ",
size($finalsize), " bytes\n";
my $spamsize = $newsize2 - $finalsize;
# Final statistics
sub percent($$)
{ my ($part, $size) = @_;
sprintf "%4.1f%% (%s)", ($part*100)/$size, size($part);
my $sizeheads = sum map {$_->head->size}
map {$_->parts}
print ' resent headers were ', percent($resentsize,$size), "\n",
' list headers were ', percent($listsize,$size), "\n",
' spam headers were ', percent($spamsize,$size), "\n",
' remaining headers are ', percent($sizeheads, $size), "\n",
' size of bodies is ', percent($finalsize-$sizeheads, $size), "\n";
# End
if($for_real) { $folder->close }
else { $folder->close(write => 'NEVER') }
exit 0;