#!/usr/bin/perl -I../../..
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my $headers;
"headers=s" => \$headers
) or die "Error: invalid argument(s)\n";
my $canon_method = $ARGV[0]
or die "Error: no canonicalization method specified\n";
use Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::nowsp;
use Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::relaxed;
use Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::simple;
use Mail::DKIM::Signature;
my $crlf = "\015\012";
# read in headers
my @headers;
my @header_names;
while (<STDIN>)
# standardize line terminators
$_ .= $crlf;
last if ($_ eq $crlf);
if (/^\s/ && @headers)
# continues last header
$headers[@headers - 1] .= $_;
# starts a new header
push @headers, $_;
if (/^(\S[^:\s]*)\s*:/)
push @header_names, $1;
# determine value of h= tag
unless (defined $headers)
$headers = join(":", @header_names);
# create a dummy signature
my $signature = new Mail::DKIM::Signature(
Algorithm => "rsa-sha1",
Method => $canon_method,
Domain => "example.org",
Selector => "selector");
# create a canonicalization object
my $canon_class = "Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::$canon_method";
my $can = $canon_class->new(
Signature => $signature,
output_fh => *STDOUT);
# repeat the headers
foreach my $header (@headers)
# read the body
while (<STDIN>)