use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util 'reftype';
use Test::More;
use Class::MOP;
This checks that the initializer is used to set the initial value.
package Foo;
use metaclass;
Foo->meta->add_attribute('bar' =>
reader => 'get_bar',
writer => 'set_bar',
initializer => sub {
my ($self, $value, $callback, $attr) = @_;
::isa_ok($attr, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
::is($attr->name, 'bar', '... the attribute is our own');
$callback->($value * 2);
can_ok('Foo', 'get_bar');
can_ok('Foo', 'set_bar');
my $foo = Foo->meta->new_object(bar => 10);
is($foo->get_bar, 20, "... initial argument was doubled as expected");
is($foo->get_bar, 30, "... and setter works correctly");
# meta tests ...
my $bar = Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar');
isa_ok($bar, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
ok($bar->has_initializer, '... bar has an initializer');
is(reftype $bar->initializer, 'CODE', '... the initializer is a CODE ref');