use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Requires 'Test::Output'; # skip all if not installed
use Class::MOP;
package HasConstructor;
sub new { bless {}, $_[0] }
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub { $meta->make_immutable },
qr/\QNot inlining a constructor for HasConstructor since it defines its own constructor.\E\s+\QIf you are certain you don't need to inline your constructor, specify inline_constructor => 0 in your call to HasConstructor->meta->make_immutable\E/,
'got a warning that Foo will not have an inlined constructor because it defines its own new method'
'HasConstructor->new was untouched'
package My::Constructor;
use parent 'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor';
sub _expected_method_class { 'Base::Class' }
package No::Constructor;
package My::Constructor2;
use parent 'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor';
sub _expected_method_class { 'No::Constructor' }
package Base::Class;
sub new { bless {}, $_[0] }
sub DESTROY { }
package NotMoose;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless { not_moose => 1 }, $class;
package Foo;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub { $meta->make_immutable( constructor_class => 'My::Constructor' ) },
qr/\QNot inlining 'new' for Foo since it is not inheriting the default Base::Class::new\E\s+\QIf you are certain you don't need to inline your constructor, specify inline_constructor => 0 in your call to Foo->meta->make_immutable/,
'got a warning that Foo will not have an inlined constructor'
'Foo->new is inherited from NotMoose'
package Bar;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub { $meta->make_immutable( replace_constructor => 1 ) },
'no warning when replace_constructor is true'
'Bar->new is inlined, and not inherited from NotMoose'
package Baz;
package Quux;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub { $meta->make_immutable },
'no warning when inheriting from a class that has already made itself immutable'
package Whatever;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub { $meta->make_immutable( constructor_class => 'My::Constructor2' ) },
qr/\QNot inlining 'new' for Whatever since No::Constructor::new is not defined/,
'got a warning that Whatever will not have an inlined constructor because its expected inherited method does not exist'
package My::Constructor3;
use parent 'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor';
package CustomCons;
Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__)->make_immutable( constructor_class => 'My::Constructor3' );
package Subclass;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub { $meta->make_immutable },
'no warning when inheriting from a class that has already made itself immutable'
package ModdedNew;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub new { bless {}, shift }
$meta->add_before_method_modifier( 'new' => sub { } );
package ModdedSub;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub { $meta->make_immutable },
qr/\QNot inlining 'new' for ModdedSub since it has method modifiers which would be lost if it were inlined/,
'got a warning that ModdedSub will not have an inlined constructor since it inherited a wrapped new'
package My::Destructor;
use parent 'Class::MOP::Method::Inlined';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %options = @_;
my $self = bless \%options, $class;
return $self;
sub _inline_destructor {
my $self = shift;
my $code = $self->_compile_code('sub { }');
$self->{body} = $code;
sub is_needed { 1 }
sub associated_metaclass { $_[0]->{metaclass} }
sub body { $_[0]->{body} }
sub _expected_method_class { 'Base::Class' }
package HasDestructor;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub DESTROY { }
sub {
inline_destructor => 1,
destructor_class => 'My::Destructor',
qr/Not inlining a destructor for HasDestructor since it defines its own destructor./,
'got a warning when trying to inline a destructor for a class that already defines DESTROY'
'HasDestructor->DESTROY was untouched'
package HasDestructor2;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub DESTROY { }
inline_destructor => 1,
destructor_class => 'My::Destructor',
replace_destructor => 1
sub {
inline_destructor => 1,
destructor_class => 'My::Destructor',
replace_destructor => 1
'no warning when replace_destructor is true'
'HasConstructor2->new was replaced'
package ParentHasDestructor;
sub DESTROY { }
package DestructorChild;
use parent -norequire => 'ParentHasDestructor';
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__);
sub {
inline_destructor => 1,
destructor_class => 'My::Destructor',
qr/Not inlining 'DESTROY' for DestructorChild since it is not inheriting the default Base::Class::DESTROY/,
'got a warning when trying to inline a destructor in a class that inherits an unexpected DESTROY'