use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
This is an example of making Moose behave
more like a prototype based object system.
Well cause merlyn asked if it could :)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## make some metaclasses
package ProtoMoose::Meta::Instance;
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'Moose::Meta::Instance' };
# do not let things be inlined by
# the attribute or accessor generator
sub is_inlinable { 0 }
package ProtoMoose::Meta::Method::Accessor;
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor' };
# customize the accessors to always grab
# the correct instance in the accessors
sub find_instance {
my ($self, $candidate, $accessor_type) = @_;
my $instance = $candidate;
my $attr = $self->associated_attribute;
# if it is a class calling it ...
unless (blessed($instance)) {
# then grab the class prototype
$instance = $attr->associated_class->prototype_instance;
# if its an instance ...
else {
# and there is no value currently
# associated with the instance and
# we are trying to read it, then ...
if ($accessor_type eq 'r' && !defined($attr->get_value($instance))) {
# again, defer the prototype in
# the class in which is was defined
$instance = $attr->associated_class->prototype_instance;
# otherwise, you want to assign
# to your local copy ...
return $instance;
sub _generate_accessor_method {
my $self = shift;
my $attr = $self->associated_attribute;
return sub {
if (scalar(@_) == 2) {
$self->find_instance($_[0], 'w'),
$attr->get_value($self->find_instance($_[0], 'r'));
sub _generate_reader_method {
my $self = shift;
my $attr = $self->associated_attribute;
return sub {
confess "Cannot assign a value to a read-only accessor" if @_ > 1;
$attr->get_value($self->find_instance($_[0], 'r'));
sub _generate_writer_method {
my $self = shift;
my $attr = $self->associated_attribute;
return sub {
$self->find_instance($_[0], 'w'),
# deal with these later ...
sub generate_predicate_method {}
sub generate_clearer_method {}
package ProtoMoose::Meta::Attribute;
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute' };
sub accessor_metaclass { 'ProtoMoose::Meta::Method::Accessor' }
package ProtoMoose::Meta::Class;
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'Moose::Meta::Class' };
has 'prototype_instance' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Object',
predicate => 'has_prototypical_instance',
lazy => 1,
default => sub { (shift)->new_object }
sub initialize {
# I am not sure why 'around' does
# not work here, have to investigate
# it later - SL
instance_metaclass => 'ProtoMoose::Meta::Instance',
attribute_metaclass => 'ProtoMoose::Meta::Attribute',
around '_construct_instance' => sub {
my $next = shift;
my $self = shift;
# we actually have to do this here
# to tie-the-knot, if you take it
# out, then you get deep recursion
# several levels deep :)
$self->prototype_instance($next->($self, @_))
unless $self->has_prototypical_instance;
return $self->prototype_instance;
package ProtoMoose::Object;
use metaclass 'ProtoMoose::Meta::Class';
use Moose;
sub new {
my $prototype = blessed($_[0])
? $_[0]
: $_[0]->meta->prototype_instance;
my (undef, %params) = @_;
my $self = $prototype->meta->clone_object($prototype, %params);
return $self;
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## make some classes now
package Foo;
use Moose;
extends 'ProtoMoose::Object';
has 'bar' => (is => 'rw');
package Bar;
use Moose;
extends 'Foo';
has 'baz' => (is => 'rw');
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Check that metaclasses are working/inheriting properly
foreach my $class (qw/ProtoMoose::Object Foo Bar/) {
'... got the right metaclass for ' . $class . ' ->');
'... got the right instance meta for ' . $class);
'... got the right attribute meta for ' . $class);
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the prototype for Foo
my $foo_prototype = Foo->meta->prototype_instance;
isa_ok($foo_prototype, 'Foo');
# set a value in the prototype
is($foo_prototype->bar, 100, '... got the value stored in the prototype');
# the "class" defers to the
# the prototype when asked
# about attributes
is(Foo->bar, 100, '... got the value stored in the prototype (through the Foo class)');
# now make an instance, which
# is basically a clone of the
# prototype
my $foo = Foo->new;
isa_ok($foo, 'Foo');
# the instance is *not* the prototype
isnt($foo, $foo_prototype, '... got a new instance of Foo');
# but it has the same values ...
is($foo->bar, 100, '... got the value stored in the instance (inherited from the prototype)');
# we can even change the values
# in the instance
is($foo->bar, 300, '... got the value stored in the instance (overwriting the one inherited from the prototype)');
# and not change the one in the prototype
is($foo_prototype->bar, 100, '... got the value stored in the prototype');
is(Foo->bar, 100, '... got the value stored in the prototype (through the Foo class)');
## subclasses
# now we can check that the subclass
# will seek out the correct prototypical
# value from its "parent"
is(Bar->bar, 100, '... got the value stored in the Foo prototype (through the Bar class)');
# we can then also set its local attrs
is(Bar->baz, 50, '... got the value stored in the prototype (through the Bar class)');
# now we clone the Bar prototype
my $bar = Bar->new;
isa_ok($bar, 'Bar');
isa_ok($bar, 'Foo');
# and we see that we got the right values
# in the instance/clone
is($bar->bar, 100, '... got the value stored in the instance (inherited from the Foo prototype)');
is($bar->baz, 50, '... got the value stored in the instance (inherited from the Bar prototype)');
# nowe we can change the value
is($bar->bar, 200, '... got the value stored in the instance (overriding the one inherited from the Foo prototype)');
# and all our original and
# prototypical values are still
# the same
is($foo->bar, 300, '... still got the original value stored in the instance (inherited from the prototype)');
is(Foo->bar, 100, '... still got the original value stored in the prototype (through the Foo class)');
is(Bar->bar, 100, '... still got the original value stored in the prototype (through the Bar class)');