use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 0.96;
use Moose::Exception;
subtest 'regular string messages' => sub
my $exception = Moose::Exception->new(message => 'barf!');
like($exception, qr/barf/, 'stringification for regex works');
ok($exception ne 'oh hai', 'direct string comparison works');
ok($exception, 'exception can be treated as a boolean');
package MyException;
sub new {
my ($class, $message) = @_;
bless \$message;
use overload(
q{""} => sub { ${$_[0]} },
fallback => 1,
subtest 'message objects' => sub
my $message = MyException->new('barf!');
is(ref($message), 'MyException', 'exception message is an object');
is($message, 'barf!', '...which stringifies to the message string');
my $exception = Moose::Exception->new(message => $message);
like($exception, qr/barf/, 'stringification for regex works');
ok($exception ne 'oh hai', 'direct string comparison works');
ok($exception, 'exception can be treated as a boolean');