use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Moose;
package My::Role;
use Moose::Role;
sub foo { "FOO" }
sub bar { "BAR" }
package My::Class;
use Moose;
with 'My::Role' => {
-alias => { foo => 'baz', bar => 'gorch' },
-excludes => ['foo', 'bar'],
my $x = My::Class->new;
isa_ok($x, 'My::Class');
does_ok($x, 'My::Role');
can_ok($x, $_) for qw[baz gorch];
ok(!$x->can($_), '... cant call method ' . $_) for qw[foo bar];
is($x->baz, 'FOO', '... got the right value');
is($x->gorch, 'BAR', '... got the right value');
package My::Role::Again;
use Moose::Role;
with 'My::Role' => {
-alias => { foo => 'baz', bar => 'gorch' },
-excludes => ['foo', 'bar'],
package My::Class::Again;
use Moose;
with 'My::Role::Again';
my $x = My::Class::Again->new;
isa_ok($x, 'My::Class::Again');
does_ok($x, 'My::Role::Again');
does_ok($x, 'My::Role');
can_ok($x, $_) for qw[baz gorch];
ok(!$x->can($_), '... cant call method ' . $_) for qw[foo bar];
is($x->baz, 'FOO', '... got the right value');
is($x->gorch, 'BAR', '... got the right value');