use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
This test can be used as a basis for the runtime role composition.
Apparently it is not as simple as just making an anon class. One of
the problems is the way that anon classes are DESTROY-ed, which is
not very compatible with how instances are dealt with.
package Bark;
use Moose::Role;
sub talk { 'woof' }
package Sleeper;
use Moose::Role;
sub sleep { 'snore' }
sub talk { 'zzz' }
package My::Class;
use Moose;
sub sleep { 'nite-nite' }
my $obj = My::Class->new;
isa_ok($obj, 'My::Class');
my $obj2 = My::Class->new;
isa_ok($obj2, 'My::Class');
ok(!$obj->can( 'talk' ), "... the role is not composed yet");
ok(!$obj->does('Bark'), '... we do not do any roles yet');
ok($obj->does('Bark'), '... we now do the Bark role');
ok(!My::Class->does('Bark'), '... the class does not do the Bark role');
isa_ok($obj, 'My::Class');
isnt(blessed($obj), 'My::Class', '... but it is no longer blessed into My::Class');
ok(!My::Class->can('talk'), "... the role is not composed at the class level");
ok($obj->can('talk'), "... the role is now composed at the object level");
is($obj->talk, 'woof', '... got the right return value for the newly composed method');
ok(!$obj2->does('Sleeper'), '... we do not do any roles yet');
ok($obj2->does('Sleeper'), '... we now do the Sleeper role');
isnt(blessed($obj), blessed($obj2), '... they DO NOT share the same anon-class/role thing');
is($obj->sleep, 'nite-nite', '... the original method responds as expected');
ok(!$obj->does('Sleeper'), '... we do not do the Sleeper role');
ok($obj->does('Bark'), '... we still do the Bark role');
ok($obj->does('Sleeper'), '... we now do the Sleeper role too');
ok(!My::Class->does('Sleeper'), '... the class does not do the Sleeper role');
isnt(blessed($obj), blessed($obj2), '... they still don\'t share the same anon-class/role thing');
isa_ok($obj, 'My::Class');
is(My::Class->sleep, 'nite-nite', '... the original method still responds as expected');
is($obj->sleep, 'snore', '... got the right return value for the newly composed method');
is($obj->talk, 'zzz', '... got the right return value for the newly composed method');
ok(!$obj2->does('Bark'), '... we do not do Bark yet');
ok($obj2->does('Bark'), '... we now do the Bark role');
isnt(blessed($obj), blessed($obj2), '... they still don\'t share the same anon-class/role thing');
# test that anon classes are equivalent after role composition in the same order
foreach ($obj, $obj2) {
$_ = My::Class->new;
is(blessed($obj), blessed($obj2), '... they now share the same anon-class/role thing');