use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Needs 'MooseX::ConfigFromFile';
use Test::More 0.88;
use Test::Fatal;
use Test::Deep '!blessed';
use Path::Tiny 0.009;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}, 'Test::Warnings';
my %constructor_args;
package App;
use Moose;
with 'MooseX::Getopt';
with 'MooseX::ConfigFromFile';
has 'config_from_override' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Bool',
default => 0,
has 'optional_from_config' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
required => 0,
has 'optional_with_init_arg' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
required => 0,
init_arg => 'foo',
has 'required_from_config' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
required => 1,
has 'required_from_argv' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
required => 1,
sub get_config_from_file
my ( $class, $file ) = @_;
my %config = (
required_from_config => 'from_config_1',
optional_from_config => 'from_config_2',
if ( $file ne Path::Tiny::path('/notused/default') ) {
$config{config_from_override} = 1;
return \%config;
around BUILDARGS => sub
my ($orig, $class) = (shift, shift);
my $args = $class->$orig(@_);
$constructor_args{$class} = $args;
package App::DefaultConfigFile;
use Moose;
extends 'App';
has '+configfile' => (
default => Path::Tiny::path('/notused/default')->stringify,
package App::DefaultConfigFileCodeRef;
use Moose;
extends 'App';
has '+configfile' => (
default => sub { return Path::Tiny::path('/notused/default')->stringify },
package App::ConfigFileWrapped;
use Moose;
extends 'App';
sub _get_default_configfile { '/notused/default' }
# No config specified
local @ARGV = qw( --required_from_argv 1 );
like exception { App->new_with_options },
($Getopt::Long::Descriptive::VERSION >= 0.091
? qr/Mandatory parameter 'required_from_config' missing/
: qr/Required option missing: required_from_config/);
my $app = App::DefaultConfigFile->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App::DefaultConfigFile' );
app_ok( $app );
ok( !$app->config_from_override,
'... config_from_override false as expected' );
is( path($app->configfile), path('/notused/default'),
'... configfile is /notused/default as expected' );
configfile => str(path('/notused/default')),
'correct constructor args passed',
my $app = App::DefaultConfigFileCodeRef->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App::DefaultConfigFileCodeRef' );
app_ok( $app );
ok( !$app->config_from_override,
'... config_from_override false as expected' );
is( path($app->configfile), path('/notused/default'),
'... configfile is /notused/default as expected' );
$constructor_args{blessed $app},
configfile => str(path('/notused/default')),
'correct constructor args passed',
eval "use MooseX::ConfigFromFile 0.08 (); 1;";
diag("MooseX::ConfigFromFile 0.08 needed to test this use of configfile defaults"),
skip "MooseX::ConfigFromFile 0.08 needed to test this use of configfile defaults", 7 if $@;
my $app = App::ConfigFileWrapped->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App::ConfigFileWrapped' );
app_ok( $app );
ok( !$app->config_from_override,
'... config_from_override false as expected' );
is( $app->configfile, path('/notused/default'),
'... configfile is /notused/default as expected' );
$constructor_args{blessed $app},
configfile => str(path('/notused/default')),
'correct constructor args passed',
# Config specified
local @ARGV = qw( --configfile /notused/override --required_from_argv 1 --foo bar);
my $app = App->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App' );
app_ok( $app );
is( $app->optional_with_init_arg, 'bar', 'attribute set via init_arg' );
my $app = App::DefaultConfigFile->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App::DefaultConfigFile' );
app_ok( $app );
ok( $app->config_from_override,
'... config_from_override true as expected' );
is( path($app->configfile), path('/notused/override'),
'... configfile is /notused/override as expected' );
$constructor_args{blessed $app},
configfile => str(path('/notused/override')),
'correct constructor args passed',
my $app = App::DefaultConfigFileCodeRef->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App::DefaultConfigFileCodeRef' );
app_ok( $app );
ok( $app->config_from_override,
'... config_from_override true as expected' );
is( path($app->configfile), path('/notused/override'),
'... configfile is /notused/override as expected' );
$constructor_args{blessed $app},
configfile => str(path('/notused/override')),
'correct constructor args passed',
my $app = App::ConfigFileWrapped->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App::ConfigFileWrapped' );
app_ok( $app );
ok( $app->config_from_override,
'... config_from_override true as expected' );
is( path($app->configfile), path('/notused/override'),
'... configfile is /notused as expected' );
$constructor_args{blessed $app},
configfile => str(path('/notused/override')),
'correct constructor args passed',
# Required arg not supplied from cmdline
local @ARGV = qw( --configfile /notused/override );
like exception { App->new_with_options },
($Getopt::Long::Descriptive::VERSION >= 0.091
? qr/Mandatory parameter 'required_from_argv' missing/
: qr/Required option missing: required_from_argv/);
# Config file value overriden from cmdline
local @ARGV = qw( --configfile /notused/override --required_from_argv 1 --required_from_config override );
my $app = App->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App' );
is( $app->required_from_config, 'override',
'... required_from_config is override as expected' );
is( $app->optional_from_config, 'from_config_2',
'... optional_from_config is from_config_2 as expected' );
# No config file
local @ARGV = qw( --required_from_argv 1 --required_from_config noconfig );
my $app = App->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App' );
is( $app->required_from_config, 'noconfig',
'... required_from_config is noconfig as expected' );
ok( !defined $app->optional_from_config,
'... optional_from_config is undef as expected' );
package BaseApp::WithConfig;
use Moose;
with 'MooseX::ConfigFromFile';
sub get_config_from_file { return {}; }
package DerivedApp::Getopt;
use Moose;
extends 'BaseApp::WithConfig';
with 'MooseX::Getopt';
# With DerivedApp, the Getopt role was applied at a different level
# than the ConfigFromFile role
ok ! exception { DerivedApp::Getopt->new_with_options }, 'Can create DerivedApp';
sub app_ok {
my $app = shift;
is( $app->required_from_config, 'from_config_1',
'... required_from_config is from_config_1 as expected' );
is( $app->optional_from_config, 'from_config_2',
'... optional_from_config is from_config_2 as expected' );
is( $app->required_from_argv, '1',
'... required_from_argv is 1 as expected' );