# This is automatically generated by author/import-moose-test.pl.
use lib "t/lib";
use MooseCompat;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Scalar::Util 'isweak';
package Foo;
use Mouse;
eval {
has 'foo' => (
accessor => 'foo',
::ok(!$@, '... created the accessor method okay');
eval {
has 'lazy_foo' => (
accessor => 'lazy_foo',
lazy => 1,
default => sub { 10 }
::ok(!$@, '... created the lazy accessor method okay');
eval {
has 'foo_required' => (
accessor => 'foo_required',
required => 1,
::ok(!$@, '... created the required accessor method okay');
eval {
has 'foo_int' => (
accessor => 'foo_int',
isa => 'Int',
::ok(!$@, '... created the accessor method with type constraint okay');
eval {
has 'foo_weak' => (
accessor => 'foo_weak',
weak_ref => 1
::ok(!$@, '... created the accessor method with weak_ref okay');
eval {
has 'foo_deref' => (
accessor => 'foo_deref',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
auto_deref => 1,
::ok(!$@, '... created the accessor method with auto_deref okay');
eval {
has 'foo_deref_ro' => (
reader => 'foo_deref_ro',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
auto_deref => 1,
::ok(!$@, '... created the reader method with auto_deref okay');
eval {
has 'foo_deref_hash' => (
accessor => 'foo_deref_hash',
isa => 'HashRef',
auto_deref => 1,
::ok(!$@, '... created the reader method with auto_deref okay');
my $foo = Foo->new(foo_required => 'required');
isa_ok($foo, 'Foo');
# regular accessor
can_ok($foo, 'foo');
is($foo->foo(), undef, '... got an unset value');
lives_ok {
} '... foo wrote successfully';
is($foo->foo(), 100, '... got the correct set value');
ok(!isweak($foo->{foo}), '... it is not a weak reference');
# required writer
dies_ok {
} '... cannot create without the required attribute';
can_ok($foo, 'foo_required');
is($foo->foo_required(), 'required', '... got an unset value');
lives_ok {
} '... foo_required wrote successfully';
is($foo->foo_required(), 100, '... got the correct set value');
lives_ok {
} '... foo_required did not die with undef';
is($foo->foo_required, undef, "value is undef");
ok(!isweak($foo->{foo_required}), '... it is not a weak reference');
# lazy
ok(!exists($foo->{lazy_foo}), '... no value in lazy_foo slot');
can_ok($foo, 'lazy_foo');
is($foo->lazy_foo(), 10, '... got an deferred value');
# with type constraint
can_ok($foo, 'foo_int');
is($foo->foo_int(), undef, '... got an unset value');
lives_ok {
} '... foo_int wrote successfully';
is($foo->foo_int(), 100, '... got the correct set value');
dies_ok {
} '... foo_int died successfully';
ok(!isweak($foo->{foo_int}), '... it is not a weak reference');
# with weak_ref
my $test = [];
can_ok($foo, 'foo_weak');
is($foo->foo_weak(), undef, '... got an unset value');
lives_ok {
} '... foo_weak wrote successfully';
is($foo->foo_weak(), $test, '... got the correct set value');
ok(isweak($foo->{foo_weak}), '... it is a weak reference');
can_ok( $foo, 'foo_deref');
is_deeply( [$foo->foo_deref()], [], '... default default value');
my @list;
lives_ok {
@list = $foo->foo_deref();
} "... doesn't deref undef value";
is_deeply( \@list, [], "returns empty list in list context");
lives_ok {
$foo->foo_deref( [ qw/foo bar gorch/ ] );
} '... foo_deref wrote successfully';
is( Scalar::Util::reftype( scalar $foo->foo_deref() ), "ARRAY", "returns an array reference in scalar context" );
is_deeply( scalar($foo->foo_deref()), [ qw/foo bar gorch/ ], "correct array" );
is( scalar( () = $foo->foo_deref() ), 3, "returns list in list context" );
is_deeply( [ $foo->foo_deref() ], [ qw/foo bar gorch/ ], "correct list" );
can_ok( $foo, 'foo_deref' );
is_deeply( [$foo->foo_deref_ro()], [], "... default default value" );
dies_ok {
$foo->foo_deref_ro( [] );
} "... read only";
$foo->{foo_deref_ro} = [qw/la la la/];
is_deeply( scalar($foo->foo_deref_ro()), [qw/la la la/], "scalar context ro" );
is_deeply( [ $foo->foo_deref_ro() ], [qw/la la la/], "list context ro" );
can_ok( $foo, 'foo_deref_hash' );
is_deeply( { $foo->foo_deref_hash() }, {}, "... default default value" );
my %hash;
lives_ok {
%hash = $foo->foo_deref_hash();
} "... doesn't deref undef value";
is_deeply( \%hash, {}, "returns empty list in list context");
lives_ok {
$foo->foo_deref_hash( { foo => 1, bar => 2 } );
} '... foo_deref_hash wrote successfully';
is_deeply( scalar($foo->foo_deref_hash), { foo => 1, bar => 2 }, "scalar context" );
%hash = $foo->foo_deref_hash;
is_deeply( \%hash, { foo => 1, bar => 2 }, "list context");