use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 43;
use Test::Exception;
use lib 't/lib';
use Test::Mouse;
package Test::Attribute::Inline::Documentation;
use Mouse;
has 'foo' => (
documentation => q{
The 'foo' attribute is my favorite
attribute in the whole wide world.
is => 'bare',
my $foo_attr = Test::Attribute::Inline::Documentation->meta->get_attribute('foo');
ok($foo_attr->has_documentation, '... the foo has docs');
The 'foo' attribute is my favorite
attribute in the whole wide world.
'... got the foo docs');
package Test::For::Lazy::TypeConstraint;
use Mouse;
use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
has 'bad_lazy_attr' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
lazy => 1,
default => sub { "test" },
has 'good_lazy_attr' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
lazy => 1,
default => sub { [] },
my $test = Test::For::Lazy::TypeConstraint->new;
isa_ok($test, 'Test::For::Lazy::TypeConstraint');
dies_ok {
} '... this does not work';
lives_ok {
} '... this does work';
package Test::Arrayref::Attributes;
use Mouse;
has [qw(foo bar baz)] => (
is => 'rw',
my $test = Test::Arrayref::Attributes->new;
isa_ok($test, 'Test::Arrayref::Attributes');
can_ok($test, qw(foo bar baz));
package Test::Arrayref::RoleAttributes::Role;
use Mouse::Role;
has [qw(foo bar baz)] => (
is => 'rw',
package Test::Arrayref::RoleAttributes;
use Mouse;
with 'Test::Arrayref::RoleAttributes::Role';
my $test = Test::Arrayref::RoleAttributes->new;
isa_ok($test, 'Test::Arrayref::RoleAttributes');
can_ok($test, qw(foo bar baz));
package Test::UndefDefault::Attributes;
use Mouse;
has 'foo' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
default => sub { return }
dies_ok {
} '... default must return a value which passes the type constraint';
package OverloadedStr;
use Mouse;
use overload '""' => sub { 'this is *not* a string' };
has 'a_str' => ( isa => 'Str' , is => 'rw' );
my $moose_obj = OverloadedStr->new;
is($moose_obj->a_str( 'foobar' ), 'foobar', 'setter took string');
ok($moose_obj, 'this is a *not* a string');
throws_ok {
$moose_obj->a_str( $moose_obj )
} qr/Attribute \(a_str\) does not pass the type constraint because\: Validation failed for 'Str' with value OverloadedStr=HASH\(0x.+?\)/,
'... dies without overloading the string';
package OverloadBreaker;
use Mouse;
has 'a_num' => ( isa => 'Int' , is => 'rw', default => 7.5 );
throws_ok {
} qr/Attribute \(a_num\) does not pass the type constraint because\: Validation failed for 'Int' with value 7\.5/,
'... this doesnt trip overload to break anymore ';
lives_ok {
OverloadBreaker->new(a_num => 5);
} '... this works fine though';
package Test::Builder::Attribute;
use Mouse;
has 'foo' => ( required => 1, builder => 'build_foo', is => 'ro');
sub build_foo { return "works" };
my $meta = Test::Builder::Attribute->meta;
my $foo_attr = $meta->get_attribute("foo");
ok($foo_attr->is_required, "foo is required");
ok($foo_attr->has_builder, "foo has builder");
is($foo_attr->builder, "build_foo", ".. and it's named build_foo");
my $instance = Test::Builder::Attribute->new;
is($instance->foo, 'works', "foo builder works");
package Test::Builder::Attribute::Broken;
use Mouse;
has 'foo' => ( required => 1, builder => 'build_foo', is => 'ro');
dies_ok {
} '... no builder, wtf';
package Test::LazyBuild::Attribute;
use Mouse;
has 'foo' => ( lazy_build => 1, is => 'ro');
has '_foo' => ( lazy_build => 1, is => 'ro');
has 'fool' => ( lazy_build => 1, is => 'ro');
sub _build_foo { return "works" };
sub _build__foo { return "works too" };
my $meta = Test::LazyBuild::Attribute->meta;
my $foo_attr = $meta->get_attribute("foo");
my $_foo_attr = $meta->get_attribute("_foo");
ok($foo_attr->is_lazy, "foo is lazy");
ok($foo_attr->is_lazy_build, "foo is lazy_build");
ok($foo_attr->has_clearer, "foo has clearer");
is($foo_attr->clearer, "clear_foo", ".. and it's named clear_foo");
ok($foo_attr->has_builder, "foo has builder");
is($foo_attr->builder, "_build_foo", ".. and it's named build_foo");
ok($foo_attr->has_predicate, "foo has predicate");
is($foo_attr->predicate, "has_foo", ".. and it's named has_foo");
ok($_foo_attr->is_lazy, "_foo is lazy");
ok(!$_foo_attr->is_required, "lazy_build attributes are no longer automatically required");
ok($_foo_attr->is_lazy_build, "_foo is lazy_build");
ok($_foo_attr->has_clearer, "_foo has clearer");
is($_foo_attr->clearer, "_clear_foo", ".. and it's named _clear_foo");
ok($_foo_attr->has_builder, "_foo has builder");
is($_foo_attr->builder, "_build__foo", ".. and it's named _build_foo");
ok($_foo_attr->has_predicate, "_foo has predicate");
is($_foo_attr->predicate, "_has_foo", ".. and it's named _has_foo");
my $instance = Test::LazyBuild::Attribute->new;
ok(!$instance->has_foo, "noo foo value yet");
ok(!$instance->_has_foo, "noo _foo value yet");
is($instance->foo, 'works', "foo builder works");
is($instance->_foo, 'works too', "foo builder works too");
dies_ok { $instance->fool }
# throws_ok { $instance->fool }
# qr/Test::LazyBuild::Attribute does not support builder method \'_build_fool\' for attribute \'fool\'/,
"Correct error when a builder method is not present";
package OutOfClassTest;
use Mouse;
# Mouse::Exporter does not support 'with_meta'
#lives_ok { OutOfClassTest::has('foo', is => 'bare'); } 'create attr via direct sub call';
#lives_ok { OutOfClassTest->can('has')->('bar', is => 'bare'); } 'create attr via can';
#ok(OutOfClassTest->meta->get_attribute('foo'), 'attr created from sub call');
#ok(OutOfClassTest->meta->get_attribute('bar'), 'attr created from can');
package Foo;
use Mouse;
::throws_ok { has 'foo' => ( 'ro', isa => 'Str' ) }
qr/^Usage/, 'has throws error with odd number of attribute options';