# This is automatically generated by author/import-moose-test.pl.
use lib "t/lib";
use MooseCompat;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
package My::SimpleTrait;
use Mouse::Role;
sub simple { return 5 }
package Foo;
use Mouse -traits => [ 'My::SimpleTrait' ];
can_ok( Foo->meta(), 'simple' );
is( Foo->meta()->simple(), 5,
'Foo->meta()->simple() returns expected value' );
package Bar;
use Mouse -traits => 'My::SimpleTrait';
can_ok( Bar->meta(), 'simple' );
is( Bar->meta()->simple(), 5,
'Foo->meta()->simple() returns expected value' );
package My::SimpleTrait2;
use Mouse::Role;
# This needs to happen at compile time so it happens before we
# apply traits to Bar
has 'attr' =>
( is => 'ro',
default => 'something',
sub simple { return 5 }
package Bar;
use Mouse -traits => [ 'My::SimpleTrait2' ];
can_ok( Bar->meta(), 'simple' );
is( Bar->meta()->simple(), 5,
'Bar->meta()->simple() returns expected value' );
can_ok( Bar->meta(), 'attr' );
is( Bar->meta()->attr(), 'something',
'Bar->meta()->attr() returns expected value' );
package My::SimpleTrait3;
use Mouse::Role;
has 'attr2' =>
( is => 'ro',
default => 'something',
sub simple2 { return 55 }
package Baz;
use Mouse -traits => [ 'My::SimpleTrait2', 'My::SimpleTrait3' ];
can_ok( Baz->meta(), 'simple' );
is( Baz->meta()->simple(), 5,
'Baz->meta()->simple() returns expected value' );
can_ok( Baz->meta(), 'attr' );
is( Baz->meta()->attr(), 'something',
'Baz->meta()->attr() returns expected value' );
can_ok( Baz->meta(), 'simple2' );
is( Baz->meta()->simple2(), 55,
'Baz->meta()->simple2() returns expected value' );
can_ok( Baz->meta(), 'attr2' );
is( Baz->meta()->attr2(), 'something',
'Baz->meta()->attr2() returns expected value' );
package My::Trait::AlwaysRO;
use Mouse::Role;
around '_process_new_attribute', '_process_inherited_attribute' =>
sub {
my $orig = shift;
my ( $self, $name, %args ) = @_;
$args{is} = 'ro';
return $self->$orig( $name, %args );
package Quux;
use Mouse -traits => [ 'My::Trait::AlwaysRO' ];
has 'size' =>
( is => 'rw',
isa => 'Int',
ok( Quux->meta()->has_attribute('size'),
'Quux has size attribute' );
ok( ! Quux->meta()->get_attribute('size')->writer(),
'size attribute does not have a writer' );
package My::Class::Whatever;
use Mouse::Role;
sub whatever { 42 }
package Mouse::Meta::Class::Custom::Trait::Whatever;
sub register_implementation {
return 'My::Class::Whatever';
package RanOutOfNames;
use Mouse -traits => [ 'Whatever' ];
ok( RanOutOfNames->meta()->meta()->has_method('whatever'),
'RanOutOfNames->meta() has whatever method' );
package Role::Foo;
use Mouse::Role -traits => [ 'My::SimpleTrait' ];
can_ok( Role::Foo->meta(), 'simple' );
is( Role::Foo->meta()->simple(), 5,
'Role::Foo->meta()->simple() returns expected value' );
require Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
dies_ok( sub { Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints->import( -traits => 'My::SimpleTrait' ) },
'cannot provide -traits to an exporting module that does not init_meta' );
like( $@, qr/does not have an init_meta/,
'... and error provides a useful explanation' );
package Foo::Subclass;
use Mouse -traits => [ 'My::SimpleTrait3' ];
extends 'Foo';
can_ok( Foo::Subclass->meta(), 'simple' );
is( Foo::Subclass->meta()->simple(), 5,
'Foo::Subclass->meta()->simple() returns expected value' );
is( Foo::Subclass->meta()->simple2(), 55,
'Foo::Subclass->meta()->simple2() returns expected value' );
can_ok( Foo::Subclass->meta(), 'attr2' );
is( Foo::Subclass->meta()->attr2(), 'something',
'Foo::Subclass->meta()->attr2() returns expected value' );
package Class::WithAlreadyPresentTrait;
use Mouse -traits => 'My::SimpleTrait';
has an_attr => ( is => 'ro' );
lives_ok {
my $instance = Class::WithAlreadyPresentTrait->new( an_attr => 'value' );
is( $instance->an_attr, 'value', 'Can get value' );
'Can create instance and access attributes';
package Class::WhichLoadsATraitFromDisk;
# Any role you like here, the only important bit is that it gets
# loaded from disk and has not already been defined.
use Mouse -traits => 'Role::Parent';
has an_attr => ( is => 'ro' );
lives_ok {
my $instance = Class::WhichLoadsATraitFromDisk->new( an_attr => 'value' );
is( $instance->an_attr, 'value', 'Can get value' );
'Can create instance and access attributes';