# This is automatically generated by author/import-moose-test.pl.
use lib "t/lib";
use MooseCompat;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
subtype 'FilePath'
=> as 'Str'
# This used to try to _really_ check for a valid Unix or Windows
# path, but the regex wasn't quite right, and all we care about
# for the tests is that it rejects '/'
=> where { $_ ne '/' };
package Baz;
use Mouse;
use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
has 'path' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'FilePath',
required => 1,
sub BUILD {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
confess $params->{path} . " does not exist"
unless -e $params->{path};
# Defining this causes the FIRST call to Baz->new w/o param to fail,
# if no call to ANY Mouse::Object->new was done before.
my ( $self ) = @_;
package Qee;
use Mouse;
use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
has 'path' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'FilePath',
required => 1,
sub BUILD {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
confess $params->{path} . " does not exist"
unless -e $params->{path};
# Defining this causes the FIRST call to Qee->new w/o param to fail...
# if no call to ANY Mouse::Object->new was done before.
my ( $self ) = @_;
package Foo;
use Mouse;
use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
has 'path' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'FilePath',
required => 1,
sub BUILD {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
confess $params->{path} . " does not exist"
unless -e $params->{path};
# Having no DEMOLISH, everything works as expected...
check_em ( 'Baz' ); # 'Baz plain' will fail, aka NO error
check_em ( 'Qee' ); # ok
check_em ( 'Foo' ); # ok
check_em ( 'Qee' ); # 'Qee plain' will fail, aka NO error
check_em ( 'Baz' ); # ok
check_em ( 'Foo' ); # ok
check_em ( 'Foo' ); # ok
check_em ( 'Baz' ); # ok !
check_em ( 'Qee' ); # ok
sub check_em {
my ( $pkg ) = @_;
my ( %param, $obj );
# Uncomment to see, that it is really any first call.
# Subsequents calls will not fail, aka giving the correct error.
local $@;
my $obj = eval { $pkg->new; };
::like( $@, qr/is required/, "... $pkg plain" );
::is( $obj, undef, "... the object is undef" );
local $@;
my $obj = eval { $pkg->new(); };
::like( $@, qr/is required/, "... $pkg empty" );
::is( $obj, undef, "... the object is undef" );
local $@;
my $obj = eval { $pkg->new ( notanattr => 1 ); };
::like( $@, qr/is required/, "... $pkg undef" );
::is( $obj, undef, "... the object is undef" );
local $@;
my $obj = eval { $pkg->new ( %param ); };
::like( $@, qr/is required/, "... $pkg undef param" );
::is( $obj, undef, "... the object is undef" );
local $@;
my $obj = eval { $pkg->new ( path => '/' ); };
::like( $@, qr/does not pass the type constraint/, "... $pkg root path forbidden" );
::is( $obj, undef, "... the object is undef" );
local $@;
my $obj = eval { $pkg->new ( path => '/this_path/does/not_exist' ); };
::like( $@, qr/does not exist/, "... $pkg non existing path" );
::is( $obj, undef, "... the object is undef" );
local $@;
my $obj = eval { $pkg->new ( path => $FindBin::Bin ); };
::is( $@, '', "... $pkg no error" );
::isa_ok( $obj, $pkg );
::isa_ok( $obj, 'Mouse::Object' );
::is( $obj->path, $FindBin::Bin, "... $pkg got the right value" );