Thie RPM install the OCS Inventory NG client
It is configure to generate a local report:
If you want it to automaticaly and regularly transfer the
result to your organization communication server, edit the
configuration file:
You may choose how often to run the 'cron' script via
the provided systemd timers.
The 'cron' script will respect the server PROLOQ_FREQ.
An hourly run will report back to the server when the
PROLOQ_FREQ is over, but will prevent some hibernation.
The less frequent runs may result in clients that do not
report back within certian time frames.
If you want to deploy this client on a important number of
computer, you can generate a already configured RPM with
rpmbuild -bb \
--define "ocstag tagvalue" \
--define "ocsserver ocsserver.domain.tld:port" \
Result will be : ocsinventory-agent-<version>.<tagvalue>.noarch.rpm
When using a personalized RPM, the cron is enabled by default.