#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This is another simple functionality test. It tests sessions that
# are composed of objects (also called "object sessions"). It is
# simpler than sessions.perl in many ways.
use strict;
use lib '../lib';
use POE;
# Counter is an object that roughly approximates "child" sessions from
# the sessions.perl test. It counts for a little while, then stops.
package Counter;
use strict;
use POE::Session;
# This is a normal Perl object method. It creates a new Counter
# instance and returns a reference to it. It's also possible for the
# object to wrap itself in a Session within the constructor.
# Self-wrapping objects are explored in other examples.
sub new {
my ($type, $name) = @_;
print "Session ${name}'s object created.\n";
bless { 'name' => $name }, $type;
# This is a normal Perl object method. It destroys a Counter object,
# doing any late cleanup on the object. This is different than the
# _stop event handler, which handles late cleanup on the object's
# Session.
my $self = shift;
print "Session $self->{name}'s object destroyed.\n";
# This method is an event handler. It sets the session in motion
# after POE sends the standard _start event.
sub _start {
my ($object, $session, $heap, $kernel) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION, HEAP, KERNEL];
# register a signal handler
$kernel->sig('INT', 'sigint');
# initialize the counter
$heap->{'counter'} = 0;
# hello, world!
print "Session $object->{'name'} started.\n";
$kernel->post($session, 'increment');
# This method is an event handler, too. It cleans up after receiving
# POE's standard _stop event.
sub _stop {
my ($object, $kernel, $heap) = @_[OBJECT, KERNEL, HEAP];
print "Session $object->{'name'} stopped after $heap->{'counter'} loops.\n";
# This method is an event handler. It will be registered as a SIGINT
# handler so that the session can acknowledge the signal.
sub sigint {
my ($object, $from, $signal_name) = @_[OBJECT, SENDER, ARG0];
print "$object->{'name'} caught SIG$signal_name from $from\n";
# did not handle the signal
return 0;
# This method is an event handler. It does most of counting work. It
# loops by posting events back to itself. The session exits when
# there is nothing left to do; this event handler causes that
# condition when it stops posting events.
sub increment {
my ($object, $kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[OBJECT, KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP];
if ($heap->{counter} % 2) {
$kernel->state('runtime_state', $object);
else {
print "Session $object->{'name'}, iteration $heap->{'counter'}.\n";
if ($heap->{'counter'} < 5) {
$kernel->post($session, 'increment');
$kernel->yield('runtime_state', $heap->{counter});
else {
# no more events. since there is nothing left to do, the session exits.
# This state is added on every even count. It's removed on every odd
# one. Every count posts an event here.
sub runtime_state {
my ($self, $iteration) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];
print( 'Session ', $self->{name},
' received a runtime_state event during iteration ',
$iteration, "\n"
# Create ten Counter objects, and wrap them in sessions.
package main;
foreach my $name (qw(one two three four five six seven eight nine ten)) {
object_states => [
Counter->new($name) => [ qw(_start _stop increment sigint) ]