#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $obj = PSH->new;
package PSH;
use base qw(Term::Shell);
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd;
sub precmd
my $o = shift;
my $hnd = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
my $args = shift;
@$args = expand(@$args);
sub expand
for (@_)
$_ =~ s[^~][$ENV{HOME}];
$_ =~ s[\$([_A-Za-z0-9]+)][$ENV{$1} || '']eg;
sub prompt_str
my $cwd = cwd;
$cwd =~ s[^\Q$ENV{HOME}\E][~];
"psh:$cwd> ";
sub smry_eval { "how to evaluate Perl code" }
sub help_eval
You can evaluate snippets of Perl code just by putting them on a line
beginning with !:
psh:~> ! print "$_\n" for keys %ENV
# External commands
my $eval_num = "000001";
sub catch_run
my ( $o, $command, @args ) = @_;
# Evaluate perl code if it's a ! line.
if ( $command =~ s/^!// )
( my $code = $o->line ) =~ s/^!//;
my $really_long_string = <<END;
package PSH::namespace_$eval_num;
no strict;
eval "no warnings";
local \$^W = 0;
local *_;
my ( $eval_num, $o, $command, @args, $code );
eval $really_long_string;
print "$@\n" if $@;
# Real external commands.
system( $command, @args );
sub catch_comp
my ( $o, $action, $word, $line, $start ) = @_;
# Complete environment variables (not working)
if ( $word =~ /^\$/ )
return $o->completions( $word, [ keys %ENV ] );
my @files = glob("$word*");
return $o->completions( $word, \@files );
sub comp_
my ( $o, $word, $line, $start ) = @_;
my @exes;
use Config;
for my $part ( split /\Q$Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PATH} )
next unless -d $part;
opendir( PART, $part ) or die "can't opendir $part: $!";
while ( my $entry = readdir(PART) )
my $file = "$part/$entry";
push @exes, $entry if -f $file and -x $file;
closedir(PART) or die "can't closedir $part: $!";
my @comp = grep { length($_) } $o->possible_actions( $word, 'run', 1 );
push @comp, $o->completions( $word, \@exes );
@comp = sort @comp;
# Shell Builtins
sub smry_echo { 'output the args' }
sub help_echo
echo: echo [arg ...]
Output the args.
sub run_echo
my ( $o, @args ) = @_;
my @exp = expand(@args);
defined $_ or $_ = '' for @exp;
print "@exp\n" if @exp;
sub smry_set { 'set environment variables' }
sub help_set
set: set [ name[=value] ... ]
set lets you manipulate environment variables. You can view environment
variables using 'set'. To view specific variables, use 'set name'. To set
environment variables, use 'set foo=bar'.
sub run_set
my ( $o, @args ) = @_;
if (@args)
for my $arg (@args)
my ( $key, $val ) = split /=/, $arg;
if ( defined $val )
$ENV{$key} = $val;
$val = $ENV{$key} || '';
print "$key=$val\n";
my ( $key, $val );
while ( ( $key, $val ) = each %ENV )
print "$key=$val\n";
sub smry_cd { 'change working directory' }
sub help_cd
cd: cd [dir]
Change the current directory to DIR. The variable $HOME is the default
sub run_cd
my ( $o, $dir ) = @_;
$dir = $ENV{HOME} unless defined $dir;
chdir $dir or do
print "$0: $dir: $!\n";
$ENV{PWD} = $dir;
# Not working yet...
sub smry_alias { 'view or set command aliases' }
sub help_alias {
alias: [ name[=value] ... ]
'alias' with no arguments prints the list of aliases in the form
NAME=VALUE on standard output. An alias is defined for each NAME whose
VALUE is given.
sub run_alias {
my $o = shift;
if (@_) {
for my $a (@_) {
my ($key, $val) = split /=/, $a;
if (defined $val) {
$o->{SHELL}{alias}{$key} = $val;
else {
$val = $o->{SHELL}{alias}{$key};
print "alias $key=$val\n" if defined $val;
print "alias: `$key' not found\n" if not defined $val;
else {
my ($key, $val);
while (($key, $val) = each %{$o->{SHELL}{alias}}) {
print "alias $key=$val\n";