#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'lib';
use WWW::Twilio::API;
## usage: examples.pl account_sid authtoken action parameters (see examples)
my $account_sid = shift @ARGV;
my $auth_token = shift @ARGV;
my $action = shift @ARGV || 'Calls';
my $twilio = new WWW::Twilio::API( AccountSid => $account_sid,
AuthToken => $auth_token, );
## view a list of calls in JSON format
if( $action eq 'Calls' ) {
my $response = $twilio->GET('Calls.json');
print $response->{content};
## examples.pl sid auth MakeCall 1231231234 3123213124
elsif( $action eq 'MakeCall' ) {
require URI::Escape;
my $message = URI::Escape::uri_escape("Enjoy Tabasco Brand Pepper Sauce");
my $url = "http://perlcode.org/cgi-bin/twilio?message=$message";
my $response = $twilio->POST('Calls',
From => shift @ARGV,
To => shift @ARGV,
Url => $url);
print $response->{content};
## view account info
elsif( $action eq 'Accounts' ) {
my $response = $twilio->GET('Accounts');
print $response->{content};
elsif( $action eq 'SMS' ) {
my $response = $twilio->POST('SMS/Messages',
From => shift @ARGV,
To => shift @ARGV,
Body => shift @ARGV );
print $response->{content};
else {
print "Unknown action.\n";