�f� � �n � d dl Z G d� de j � � Z G d� d e j dd� � � � ZdS )� Nc �( � � e Zd ZdZ� fd�Zd� Z� xZS )�FreezableDefaultDicta!
Often it is desirable to prevent the mutation of
a default dict after its initial construction, such
as to prevent mutation during iteration.
>>> dd = FreezableDefaultDict(list)
>>> dd[0].append('1')
>>> dd.freeze()
>>> dd[1]
>>> len(dd)
c �Z �� t | dt � � j � � |� � S )N�_frozen)�getattr�super�__missing__)�self�key� __class__s ��8/usr/lib64/python3.11/importlib/metadata/_collections.pyr z FreezableDefaultDict.__missing__ s&