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An XML-RPC client interface for Python.
The marshalling and response parser code can also be used to
implement XML-RPC servers.
Exported exceptions:
Error Base class for client errors
ProtocolError Indicates an HTTP protocol error
ResponseError Indicates a broken response package
Fault Indicates an XML-RPC fault package
Exported classes:
ServerProxy Represents a logical connection to an XML-RPC server
MultiCall Executor of boxcared xmlrpc requests
DateTime dateTime wrapper for an ISO 8601 string or time tuple or
localtime integer value to generate a "dateTime.iso8601"
XML-RPC value
Binary binary data wrapper
Marshaller Generate an XML-RPC params chunk from a Python data structure
Unmarshaller Unmarshal an XML-RPC response from incoming XML event message
Transport Handles an HTTP transaction to an XML-RPC server
SafeTransport Handles an HTTPS transaction to an XML-RPC server
Exported constants:
Exported functions:
getparser Create instance of the fastest available parser & attach
to an unmarshalling object
dumps Convert an argument tuple or a Fault instance to an XML-RPC
request (or response, if the methodresponse option is used).
loads Convert an XML-RPC packet to unmarshalled data plus a method
name (None if not present).
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