#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# dumps hierarchy of widget classes.
# Used by podview ( see File/Run/p-class )
use strict;
use warnings;
my $glob_path;
my $debug = 0;
my $want_all;
my $want_hier;
my @want_class;
my $otype_pod = 1;
my $ftype_pod = 0;
for ( @ARGV) {
if ( m/^--help$/ || m/^-h$/) {
} if ( m/^--debug/ || m/^-d$/) {
$debug = 1;
} elsif ( m/^--path=(.+)$/) {
$glob_path = $1;
} elsif ( m/^--perldoc$/ || m/^-c$/) {
$ftype_pod = 2;
} elsif ( m/^--podview$/ || m/^-p$/) {
$ftype_pod = 1;
} elsif ( m/^--text$/ || m/^-t$/) {
$otype_pod = 0;
} elsif ( m/^--hier$/) {
$want_hier = 1;
} elsif ( m/^--all$/) {
$want_all = 1;
} elsif ( !m/^-/) {
$_ = "Prima::$_" unless /^Prima::/;
push @want_class, $_;
} else {
die "Unknown option `$_'\n";
die "The '--all' option and explicit classes names cannnot be set together\n"
if $want_all && @want_class;
usage() if !$want_all && !@want_class;
sub usage
print <<HELP;
p-class - generates documentation on Prima classes hierarchy
p-class [--option] [--option=VALUE] class_name
--path=PATH - search Prima installation in the path, instead of \@INC
[-t|--text] - output in text format, instead of pod ( default )
[-d|--debug] - verbose debug info
[-h|--help] - display help
--all - dump information for all Prima classes found
--hier - produce only hierarchy tree
[-p|--podview] - run podview
[-c|--perldoc] - run perldoc
p-class -p Edit
p-class -t --hier Button
p-class --all --hier -c
unless ( $glob_path) {
for ( '../..', '..', '.', @INC) {
next unless -f "$_/Prima.pm";
$glob_path = $_;
die "Cannot find Prima.pm\n" unless defined $glob_path;
print "Using $glob_path as root\n" if $debug;
my %paths = (
'pod/Prima/*.pod' => { # source tree
type => 'pod',
classes => 'kernel',
exclude => qr/\/([a-z]|X11)[^\s\/]*\.pod$/, # no lowercase
invariant => 1,
'Prima/*.pod' => { # installed
type => 'pod',
classes => 'kernel',
exclude => qr/\/([a-z]|X11)[^\s\/]*\.pod$/, # no lowercase
invariant => 1,
'Prima/*.pm' => {
type => 'pm',
classes => 'user',
exclude => qr/\b(Classes|Application|Make|Themes|Tie|Const|IniFile|noX11|StdBitmap|Stress|Utils|StartupWindow|Config|EventHook|MsgBox|Utils|Gencls)\.pm$/,
'Prima/Classes.pm' => {
type => 'pm',
classes => 'kernel',
'Prima/Application.pm' => {
type => 'pm',
classes => 'kernel',
'Prima/PS/*.pm' => {
type => 'pm',
classes => 'user',
exclude => qr/(Setup|Glyphs|Unicode)\.pm$/,
# the script deduces the property type from the head name, but sometimes fails.
# here are the hints to proper types
my @hints = (
match => qr/Prima\/Object.pod\/Events/,
property => undef,
my ( $pod_root, @itemgroups, @stack, %invariants);
my (%ascendants, %class_priority, %all_items, %pods);
sub new_entry
my $entry = { @_, children => [] };
$entry->{path} = join('/', map { $_->{topic}} @stack);
$entry->{pod_root} = $pod_root;
push @itemgroups, $entry;
# load pod content from files
while ( my ($path, $path_hints) = each %paths) {
# check invariant paths
next if $path_hints->{invariant} && $invariants{$path_hints->{invariant}};
my @glob = glob "$glob_path/$path";
next unless @glob;
$invariants{$path_hints->{invariant}} = 1 if $path_hints->{invariant};
for ( @glob) {
next if $path_hints->{exclude} && m/$path_hints->{exclude}/;
my $filename = $_;
open F, $filename or die "Cannot open $filename:$!\n";
print "FILE $filename\n" if $debug;
my $root = {
type => 'pod',
topic => $filename,
children => [],
path => $filename,
my $cap_name = 0;
$pod_root = $filename;
$pod_root =~ s/^.*?(Prima)/$1/;
$pod_root =~ s/\//::/g;
$pod_root =~ s/\.[\w]+$//;
my $class_priority = (( $path_hints->{classes} eq 'kernel' ) ? 1 : 0);
@stack = ($root);
my $over = 0;
@itemgroups = ($root);
my $last_package;
while (<F>) {
if ( $path_hints->{type} ne 'pod') {
unless ( m/^=(pod|head)/ .. m/^=cut/) {
if ( m/package (Prima::.*);/) {
$last_package = $1;
} elsif ( defined $last_package && m/\@ISA\s*=\s*qw\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/) {
$ascendants{$last_package} = [ grep { /^Prima/} split ' ', $1];
$class_priority{$last_package} = $class_priority;
print "=> $path_hints->{classes} $last_package inherits @{$ascendants{$last_package}}\n"
if $debug;
# store pod commands in a hierarchy
my ($head,$topic,$parent,$entry); # any entry created?
if ( m/^=(\S+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/) {
( $head, $topic) = ( $1, $2);
# print "$1 $2\n";
if ( $head eq 'head1' && $topic eq 'NAME') {
$cap_name = 1;
if ( $head eq 'head1') {
$entry = new_entry( type => 'head1', topic => $topic );
$parent = $root;
@stack = ($root, $entry);
} elsif ( $head eq 'head2') {
pop @stack while @stack && $stack[-1]->{type} !~ /head1|pod/;
$entry = new_entry( type => 'head2', topic => $topic);
$parent = $stack[-1];
push @stack, $entry;
} elsif ( $head eq 'over') {
$parent = $stack[-1];
$entry = new_entry( type => 'over', topic => 'over', depth => $over++);
push @stack, $entry;
} elsif ( $head eq 'back') {
pop @stack;
} elsif ( $head eq 'item') {
push @{$stack[-1]->{children}}, $topic;
} elsif ( $head =~ m/for|cut|pod/ ) {
} else {
warn "unknown pod directive '$head'\n";
} else {
# extract the full name from =head1 NAME
if ( $cap_name) {
next unless m/^\S+/m;
$cap_name = 0;
$entry = new_entry( type => 'head1', topic => $topic = $_, root_class => 1);
$parent = $root;
# check various dependencies in $entry
if ( $entry) {
# hierarchy
push @{$parent->{children}}, $entry;
# property
if ( $topic =~ /(method)|(propert)|(event)/oi) {
$entry->{property} = ( $1 ? 'Methods' : ( $2 ? 'Properties' : 'Events'));
} elsif ( defined $parent->{property}) {
$entry->{property} = $parent->{property}
# classes
if ( $topic =~ /(Prima::[\w\d_\:]+)/) {
$entry->{class} = $1;
$pods{$1} = $pod_root;
} elsif ( defined $parent->{class}) {
$entry->{class} = $parent->{class};
$pods{$entry->{class}} = $pod_root;
if ( $entry->{class} && $entry->{root_class}) {
$parent->{class} = $entry->{class}; # for =head1 NAME
# apply hints
for my $hint ( @hints) {
if ( $entry->{path} =~ /$hint->{match}/) {
$entry->{property} = $hint->{property} if exists $hint->{property};
close F;
# pod stream parse over - now parse dom
# run
for ( @itemgroups) {
my $i = $_;
my ( $prop, $class, $d_prop);
if ( $debug) {
print "$i->{path} $i->{topic}\n";
$d_prop = $i->{property} || '??';
$class = $i->{class} || '**';
$d_prop = '--' if $i->{type} eq 'over' && $i->{depth} > 0;
} else {
next if !defined $i->{property} || !defined $i->{class} ||
($i->{type} eq 'over' && $i->{depth} > 0);
$class = $i->{class};
$prop = $i->{property};
for (@{$_->{children}}) {
next if ref($_) eq 'HASH';
if ( $otype_pod) {
my $topic = $_;
my $link = $_;
print " $d_prop $class\:\:$topic => $pod_root/$link\n" if $debug;
push @{$all_items{$class}->{$prop}}, [ $topic, $pod_root, $link ]
if defined $prop; # just when debugging
$pods{$class} = $pod_root;
# inheritance tree
my %descendants;
while ( my ( $class, $inh) = each %ascendants) {
print "$class => @$inh\n" if $debug;
for ( @$inh) {
push @{$descendants{$_}}, $class;
# hacks hacks!
$class_priority{'Prima::Object'} = 2;
$class_priority{'Prima::Widget'} = 1;
$pods{'Prima::AbstractMenu'} = $pods{'Prima::Menu'};
$pods{'Prima::Dialog::ReplaceDialog'} = $pods{'Prima::Dialog::FindDialog'};
my $prio = 3;
my %processed_classes;
for ( keys %descendants) {
$class_priority{$_} = -1 unless defined $class_priority{$_}; # roots except Prima::Object
my $header;
my $links_body;# = ( $otype_pod ? "=head1 HIERARCHY\n\n" : '');
my @classes;
if ( @want_class) {
for ( @want_class) {
if ( $all_items{$_} || $descendants{$_} || $ascendants{$_}) {
$header = "$_ - hierarchy";
push @classes, $_;
} else {
print "No information for `$_'\n";
} else {
$header = "Prima - hierarchy of Prima classes";
while ( $prio-- >= 0) {
for ( grep { $class_priority{$_} == $prio } keys %descendants) {
my @big_class_list = ($_);
while ( $_ = shift @big_class_list) {
next if $processed_classes{$_};
next if ($class_priority{$_} < $prio - 1);
$processed_classes{$_} = 1;
push @big_class_list, @{$descendants{$_}} if $descendants{$_};
# print "$_ => @{$descendants{$_}} \n" if $descendants{$_};
push @classes, $_;
sub dump_class
my $class = $_[0];
my %items;
my @traverse = ( $class);
my @all_classes;
# run inheritance traversal
print "Traverse $class\n" if $debug;
$links_body .= "=head1 $class\n\n" if $otype_pod;
while ( $_ = shift @traverse) {
push @traverse, @{$ascendants{$_}} if $ascendants{$_};
push @all_classes, $_;
$links_body .= ( $otype_pod ? "=head2 Related classes\n\n" : "* Related classes\n\n")
unless $want_hier;
for ( reverse @all_classes) {
my $pod = $pods{$_} ? " in $pods{$_} manpage" : '';
if ( $otype_pod) {
$links_body .= ( $pods{$_} ? "L<$_|$pods{$_}/>$pod\n\n" : "$_\n\n");
} else {
$links_body .= " $_$pod\n";
return if $want_hier;
for ( @all_classes) {
my $curr_class = $_;
print "-> $curr_class\n" if $debug;
$links_body .= ( $otype_pod ? "=head2 $curr_class\n\n" : "\n\n* $curr_class\n");
if ( $all_items{$curr_class}) {
while ( my ( $prop, $items) = each %{$all_items{$curr_class}}) { # e.g. METHOD, EVENT, PROPERTY
print " -> $prop\n" if $debug;
$links_body .= ( $otype_pod ? "B<$prop>\n\n=over 4\n\n" : "\n - $prop\n");
for ( @$items) {
my ( $topic, $root, $name) = @$_;
$items{$prop}->{$name} = "L<$topic|$root/$name>";
print " +-> $name\n" if $debug;
$links_body .= ( $otype_pod ? $items{$prop}->{$name} . "\n\n" : " $topic\n");
$links_body .= "\n\n=back\n\n" if $otype_pod;
dump_class($_) for @classes;
my $text;
if ( $otype_pod) {
$text = "=pod\n\n=head1 NAME\n\n$header\n\n$links_body\n=cut\n\n";
} else {
$text = "\n$header\n\n$links_body\n";
if ( $ftype_pod) {
my $rname = ( $want_all ? 'prima-classes' : $want_class[0]);
$rname =~ s/[\\:\/]/_/g;
my $d = ($ENV{TEMP}?$ENV{TEMP}:'/tmp')."/$rname.$$";
open F, "> $d" or die "Cannot write $d:$!\n";
print F $text;
close F;
my $proc = ( $ftype_pod == 1 ? 'podview' : 'perldoc');
system( $proc, $d) == 0 or warn "Error running $proc $d:$?$!\n";
unlink $d;
} else {
print $text;