# Copyright 2004-2019, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net)
# This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
# The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage:
# http://www.pjcj.net
package Devel::Cover::DB::Structure;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Digest::MD5;
use Devel::Cover::DB;
use Devel::Cover::DB::IO;
use Devel::Cover::Dumper;
# For comprehensive debug logging.
use constant DEBUG => 0;
our $VERSION = '1.33'; # VERSION
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = { @_ };
bless $self, $class
sub DESTROY {}
my $self = $_[0];
my $func = $AUTOLOAD;
$func =~ s/.*:://;
my ($function, $criterion) = $func =~ /^(add|get)_(.*)/;
croak "Undefined subroutine $func called"
unless $criterion &&
grep $_ eq $criterion, @Devel::Cover::DB::Criteria,
qw( sub_name file line );
no strict "refs";
if ($function eq "get") {
my $c = $criterion eq "time" ? "statement" : $criterion;
if (grep $_ eq $c, qw( sub_name file line )) {
*$func = sub { shift->{$c} };
} else {
*$func = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $digest = shift;
# print STDERR "file: $digest, condition: $c\n";
for my $fval (values %{$self->{f}}) {
return $fval->{$c} if $fval->{digest} eq $digest;
} else {
*$func = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
push @{$self->{f}{$file}{$criterion}}, @_;
goto &$func
sub debuglog {
my $self = shift;
my $dir = "$self->{base}/debuglog";
unless (mkdir $dir) {
confess "Can't mkdir $dir: $!" unless -d $dir;
local $\;
# One log file per process, as we're potentially dumping out large amounts,
# and might exceed the atomic write size of the OS
open my $fh, '>>', "$dir/$$" or confess "Can't open $dir/$$: $!";
print $fh "----------------" . gmtime() . "----------------\n";
print $fh ref $_ ? Dumper($_) : $_;
print $fh "\n";
close $fh or confess "Can't close $dir/$$: $!";
sub add_criteria {
my $self = shift;
@{$self->{criteria}}{@_} = ();
sub criteria {
my $self = shift;
keys %{$self->{criteria}}
sub set_subroutine {
my $self = shift;
my ($sub_name, $file, $line, $scount) =
@{$self}{qw( sub_name file line scount )} = @_;
# When new code is added at runtime, via a string eval in some guise, we
# need information about where structure information for the subroutine
# is. This information is stored in $self->{f}{$file}{start} keyed on the
# filename, line number, subroutine name and the count, the count being
# for when there are multiple subroutines of the same name on the same
# line (such subroutines generally being called BEGIN).
# print STDERR "set_subroutine start $file:$line $sub_name($scount) ",
# Dumper $self->{f}{$file}{start};
$self->{additional} = 0;
if ($self->reuse($file)) {
# reusing a structure
if (exists $self->{f}{$file}{start}{$line}{$sub_name}[$scount]) {
# sub already exists - normal case
# print STDERR "reuse $file:$line:$sub_name\n";
$self->{count}{$_}{$file} =
for $self->criteria;
} else {
# sub doesn't exist, for example a conditional C<eval "use M">
$self->{additional} = 1;
if (exists $self->{additional_count}{($self->criteria)[0]}{$file}) {
# already had such a sub in module
# print STDERR "reuse additional $file:$line:$sub_name\n";
$self->{count}{$_}{$file} =
$self->{f}{$file}{start}{$line}{$sub_name}[$scount]{$_} =
for $self->criteria;
} else {
# first such a sub in module
# print STDERR "reuse first $file:$line:$sub_name\n";
$self->{count}{$_}{$file} =
$self->{additional_count}{$_}{$file} =
$self->{f}{$file}{start}{$line}{$sub_name}[$scount]{$_} =
for $self->criteria;
} else {
# first time sub seen in new structure
# print STDERR "new $file:$line:$sub_name\n";
$self->{count}{$_}{$file} =
$self->{f}{$file}{start}{$line}{$sub_name}[$scount]{$_} =
$self->get_count($file, $_)
for $self->criteria;
# print STDERR "set_subroutine start $file:$line $sub_name($scount) ",
# Dumper $self->{f}{$file}{start};
sub store_counts {
my $self = shift;
my ($file) = @_;
$self->{count}{$_}{$file} =
$self->{f}{$file}{start}{-1}{__COVER__}[0]{$_} =
$self->get_count($file, $_)
for $self->criteria;
# print STDERR "store_counts: ", Dumper $self->{f}{$file}{start};
sub reuse {
my $self = shift;
my ($file) = @_;
exists $self->{f}{$file}{start}{-1}{"__COVER__"}
# TODO - exists $self->{f}{$file}{start}{-1}
sub set_file {
my $self = shift;
my ($file) = @_;
$self->{file} = $file;
my $digest = $self->digest($file);
if ($digest) {
# print STDERR "Adding $digest for $file\n";
$self->{f}{$file}{digest} = $digest;
push @{$self->{digests}{$digest}}, $file;
sub digest {
my $self = shift;
my ($file) = @_;
# print STDERR "Opening $file for MD5 digest\n";
my $digest;
if (open my $fh, "<", $file) {
binmode $fh;
$digest = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($fh)->hexdigest;
} else {
print STDERR "Devel::Cover: Warning: can't open $file " .
"for MD5 digest: $!\n"
unless lc $file eq "-e" or
$Devel::Cover::Silent or
$file =~ $Devel::Cover::DB::Ignore_filenames;
# require "Cwd"; print STDERR Carp::longmess("in " . Cwd::cwd());
sub get_count {
my $self = shift;
my ($file, $criterion) = @_;
sub add_count {
my $self = shift;
# warn Carp::longmess("undefined file") unless defined $self->{file};
return unless defined $self->{file}; # can happen during self_cover
my ($criterion) = @_;
if $self->{additional};
!$self->reuse($self->{file}) || $self->{additional})
sub delete_file {
my $self = shift;
my ($file) = @_;
delete $self->{f}{$file};
# TODO - concurrent runs updating structure?
sub write {
my $self = shift;
my ($dir) = @_;
# print STDERR Dumper $self;
$dir .= "/structure";
unless (mkdir $dir) {
confess "Can't mkdir $dir: $!" unless -d $dir;
chmod 0777, $dir if $self->{loose_perms};
for my $file (sort keys %{$self->{f}}) {
$self->{f}{$file}{file} = $file;
my $digest = $self->{f}{$file}{digest};
$digest = $1 if defined $digest && $digest =~ /(.*)/; # ie tainting
unless ($digest) {
print STDERR "Can't find digest for $file"
unless $Devel::Cover::Silent ||
$file =~ $Devel::Cover::DB::Ignore_filenames ||
($Devel::Cover::Self_cover &&
$file =~ q|/Devel/Cover[./]|);
my $df_final = "$dir/$digest";
my $df_temp = "$dir/.$digest.$$";
# TODO - determine if Structure has changed to save writing it
# my $f = $df; my $n = 1; $df = $f . "." . $n++ while -e $df;
my $io = Devel::Cover::DB::IO->new;
$io->write($self->{f}{$file}, $df_temp); # unless -e $df;
unless (rename $df_temp, $df_final) {
unless ($Devel::Cover::Silent) {
if(-e $df_final) {
print STDERR "Can't rename $df_temp to $df_final " .
"(which exists): $!";
$self->debuglog("Can't rename $df_temp to $df_final " .
"(which exists): $!")
} else {
print STDERR "Can't rename $df_temp to $df_final: $!";
$self->debuglog("Can't rename $df_temp to $df_final: $!")
unless (unlink $df_temp) {
print STDERR "Can't remove $df_temp after failed rename: $!"
unless $Devel::Cover::Silent;
$self->debuglog("Can't remove $df_temp after failed rename: $!")
sub read {
my $self = shift;
my ($digest) = @_;
my $file = "$self->{base}/structure/$digest";
my $io = Devel::Cover::DB::IO->new;
my $s = eval { $io->read($file) };
if ($@ or !$s) {
$self->debuglog("read retrieve $file failed: $@") if DEBUG;
die $@;
if (DEBUG) {
foreach my $key (qw(file digest)) {
if (!defined $s->{$key}) {
$self->debuglog("retrieve $file had no $key entry. Got:\n", $s);
my $d = $self->digest($s->{file});
# print STDERR "reading $digest from $file: ", Dumper $s;
if (!$d) {
# No digest implies that we can't read the file. Likely this is because
# it's stored with a relative path. In which case, it's not valid to
# assume that the file has been changed, and hence that we need to
# "update" the structure database on disk.
} elsif ($d eq $s->{digest}) {
$self->{f}{$s->{file}} = $s;
} else {
print STDERR "Devel::Cover: Deleting old coverage ",
"for changed file $s->{file}\n";
if (unlink $file) {
$self->debuglog("Deleting old coverage $file for changed "
. "$s->{file} $s->{digest} vs $d. Got:\n", $s,
"Have:\n", $self->{f}{$file})
} else {
print STDERR "Devel::Cover: can't delete $file: $!\n";
$self->debuglog("Failed to delete coverage $file for changed "
. "$s->{file} ($!) $s->{digest} vs $d. Got:\n", $s,
"Have:\n", $self->{f}{$file})
sub read_all {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dir = $self->{base};
$dir .= "/structure";
opendir D, $dir or return;
for my $d (sort grep $_ !~ /\./, readdir D) {
$d = $1 if $d =~ /(.*)/; # Die tainting
closedir D or die "Can't closedir $dir: $!";
sub merge {
my $self = shift;
my ($from) = @_;
Devel::Cover::DB::_merge_hash($self->{f}, $from->{f}, "noadd");
=head1 NAME
Devel::Cover::DB::Structure - Internal: abstract structure of a source file
=head1 VERSION
version 1.33
use Devel::Cover::DB::Structure;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 METHODS
=head1 BUGS
=head1 LICENCE
Copyright 2004-2019, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net)
This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: