# Copyright 2001-2019, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net)
# This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
# The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage:
# http://www.pjcj.net
package Devel::Cover::Report::Html_basic;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.33'; # VERSION
use Devel::Cover::DB;
use Devel::Cover::Html_Common "launch";
use Devel::Cover::Inc;
use Devel::Cover::Web "write_file";
BEGIN { $VERSION //= $Devel::Cover::Inc::VERSION }
use HTML::Entities;
use Getopt::Long;
use Template 2.00;
my ($Have_highlighter, $Have_PPI, $Have_perltidy);
eval "use PPI; use PPI::HTML;";
$Have_PPI = !$@;
eval "use Perl::Tidy";
$Have_perltidy = !$@;
$Have_highlighter = $Have_PPI || $Have_perltidy;
my $Template;
my %R;
sub oclass {
my ($o, $criterion) = @_;
$o ? class($o->percentage, $o->error, $criterion) : ""
my $threshold = { c0 => 75, c1 => 90, c2 => 100 };
sub class {
my ($pc, $err, $criterion) = @_;
return "" if $criterion eq "time";
no warnings "uninitialized";
!$err ? "c3"
: $pc < $threshold->{c0} ? "c0"
: $pc < $threshold->{c1} ? "c1"
: $pc < $threshold->{c2} ? "c2"
: "c3"
sub get_summary {
my ($file, $criterion) = @_;
my %vals;
@vals{"pc", "class"} = ("n/a", "");
my $part = $R{db}->summary($file);
return \%vals unless exists $part->{$criterion};
my $c = $part->{$criterion};
$vals{class} = class($c->{percentage}, $c->{error}, $criterion);
return \%vals unless defined $c->{percentage};
$vals{pc} = do { my $x = sprintf "%5.2f", $c->{percentage}; chop $x; $x };
$vals{covered} = $c->{covered} || 0;
$vals{total} = $c->{total};
$vals{details} = "$vals{covered} / $vals{total}";
my $cr = $criterion eq "pod" ? "subroutine" : $criterion;
return \%vals
if $cr !~ /^branch|condition|subroutine$/ || !exists $R{filenames}{$file};
$vals{link} = "$R{filenames}{$file}--$cr.html";
sub print_summary {
my $vars = {
R => \%R,
files => [ "Total", grep $R{db}->summary($_), @{$R{options}{file}} ],
my $html = "$R{options}{outputdir}/$R{options}{option}{outputfile}";
$Template->process("summary", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error();
sub _highlight_ppi {
my @all_lines = @_;
my $code = join "", @all_lines;
my $document = PPI::Document->new(\$code);
my $highlight = PPI::HTML->new(line_numbers => 1);
my $pretty = $highlight->html($document);
my $split = '<span class="line_number">';
no warnings "uninitialized";
# turn significant whitespace into
@all_lines = map {
$_ =~ s{</span>( +)}{"</span>" . (" " x length($1))}e;
} split /$split/, $pretty;
# remove the line number
@all_lines = map {
s{<span class="line_number">.*?</span>}{}; $_;
} @all_lines;
@all_lines = map {
s{<span class="line_number">}{}; $_;
} @all_lines;
# remove the BR
@all_lines = map {
s{<br>$}{}; $_;
} @all_lines;
@all_lines = map {
s{<br>\n</span>}{</span>}; $_;
} @all_lines;
shift @all_lines if $all_lines[0] eq "";
return @all_lines;
sub _highlight_perltidy {
my @all_lines = @_;
my @coloured = ();
source => \@all_lines,
destination => \@coloured,
argv => '-html -pre -nopod2html',
stderr => '-',
errorfile => '-',
# remove the PRE
shift @coloured;
pop @coloured;
@coloured = grep { !/<a name=/ } @coloured;
return @coloured
*_highlight = $Have_PPI ? \&_highlight_ppi
: $Have_perltidy ? \&_highlight_perltidy
: sub {};
sub print_file {
my @lines;
my $f = $R{db}->cover->file($R{file});
open F, $R{file} or warn("Unable to open $R{file}: $!\n"), return;
my @all_lines = <F>;
@all_lines = _highlight(@all_lines) if $Have_highlighter;
my $linen = 1;
LINE: while (defined(my $l = shift @all_lines)) {
my $n = $linen++;
chomp $l;
my %criteria;
for my $c (@{$R{showing}}) {
my $criterion = $f->$c();
if ($criterion) {
my $l = $criterion->location($n);
$criteria{$c} = $l ? [@$l] : undef;
my $count = 0;
my $more = 1;
while ($more) {
my %line;
$line{number} = length $n ? $n : " ";
$line{text} = length $l ? $l : " ";
my $error = 0;
$more = 0;
for my $ann (@{$R{options}{annotations}}) {
for my $a (0 .. $ann->count - 1) {
my $text = $ann->text ($R{file}, $n, $a);
$text = " " unless $text && length $text;
push @{$line{criteria}}, {
text => $text,
class => $ann->class($R{file}, $n, $a),
$error ||= $ann->error($R{file}, $n, $a);
for my $c (@{$R{showing}}) {
my $o = shift @{$criteria{$c}};
$more ||= @{$criteria{$c}};
my $link = $c !~ /statement|time/;
my $pc = $link && $c !~ /subroutine|pod/;
my $text = $o ? $pc ? $o->percentage : $o->covered : " ";
my %criterion = ( text => $text, class => oclass($o, $c) );
my $cr = $c eq "pod" ? "subroutine" : $c;
$criterion{link} = "$R{filenames}{$R{file}}--$cr.html#$n-$count"
if $o && $link;
push @{$line{criteria}}, \%criterion;
$error ||= $o->error if $o;
push @lines, \%line;
last LINE if $l =~ /^__(END|DATA)__/;
$n = $l = "";
close F or die "Unable to close $R{file}: $!";
# Add forward references to uncovered lines ...
# first line has a ref to the first uncovered line unless
# the first line already is uncovered in which case it links
# to the *next* uncovered line
{ my @unc = grep { $_->{criteria}[0]{class} eq "c0" &&
$_->{criteria}[0]{text} eq "0" } @lines;
while (@unc) {
my $u = pop @unc;
my $link = "#" . $u->{number};
(@unc ? $unc[-1] : $lines[0])->{criteria}[0]{link} ||= $link;
my $vars = {
R => \%R,
lines => \@lines,
$Template->process("file", $vars, $R{file_html}) or die $Template->error();
sub print_branches {
my $branches = $R{db}->cover->file($R{file})->branch;
return unless $branches;
my @branches;
for my $location (sort { $a <=> $b } $branches->items) {
my $count = 0;
for my $b (@{$branches->location($location)}) {
my $text = $b->text;
($text) = _highlight($text) if $Have_highlighter;
push @branches,
number => $count == 1 ? $location : "",
parts => [
map { text => $b->value($_),
class => class($b->value($_), $b->error($_),
"branch") },
0 .. $b->total - 1
text => $text,
my $vars = {
R => \%R,
branches => \@branches,
my $html = "$R{options}{outputdir}/$R{filenames}{$R{file}}--branch.html";
$Template->process("branches", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error();
sub print_conditions {
my $conditions = $R{db}->cover->file($R{file})->condition;
return unless $conditions;
my %r;
for my $location (sort { $a <=> $b } $conditions->items) {
my %count;
for my $c (@{$conditions->location($location)}) {
# print "-- [$count{$c->type}][@{[$c->text]}]}]\n";
my $text = $c->text;
($text) = _highlight($text) if $Have_highlighter;
push @{$r{$c->type}},
number => $count{$c->type} == 1 ? $location : "",
condition => $c,
parts => [
map { text => $c->value($_),
class => class($c->value($_), $c->error($_),
"condition") },
0 .. $c->total - 1
text => $text,
my @types = map
name => do { my $n = $_; $n =~ s/_/ /g; $n },
headers => [ map { encode_entities($_) }
@{$r{$_}[0]{condition}->headers || []} ],
conditions => $r{$_},
}, sort keys %r;
my $vars = {
R => \%R,
types => \@types,
# use Devel::Cover::Dumper; print Dumper \@types;
my $html = "$R{options}{outputdir}/$R{filenames}{$R{file}}--condition.html";
$Template->process("conditions", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error();
sub print_subroutines {
my $subroutines = $R{db}->cover->file($R{file})->subroutine;
return unless $subroutines;
my $s = $R{options}{show}{subroutine};
my $pods;
$pods = $R{db}->cover->file($R{file})->pod if $R{options}{show}{pod};
my $subs;
for my $line (sort { $a <=> $b } $subroutines->items) {
my @p;
if ($pods) {
my $l = $pods->location($line);
@p = @$l if $l;
for my $o (@{$subroutines->location($line)}) {
my $p = shift @p;
push @$subs, {
line => $line,
name => $o->name,
count => $s ? $o->covered : "",
class => $s ? oclass($o, "subroutine") : "",
pod => $p ? $p->covered ? "Yes" : "No" : "n/a",
pclass => $p ? oclass($p, "pod") : "",
my $vars = {
R => \%R,
subs => $subs,
my $html =
$Template->process("subroutines", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error();
sub get_options {
my ($self, $opt) = @_;
$opt->{option}{outputfile} = "coverage.html";
$opt->{option}{restrict} = 1;
$threshold->{$_} = $opt->{"report_$_"} for
grep { defined $opt->{"report_$_"} } qw( c0 c1 c2 );
die "Invalid command line options" unless
sub report {
my ($pkg, $db, $options) = @_;
$Template = Template->new({
my $le = sub { ($_[0] > 0 ? "<" : "=") . " $_[0]" };
my $ge = sub { ($_[0] < 100 ? ">" : "") . "= $_[0]" };
my $fname = (sort keys %{$db->{runs}})[0] or return;
my $run = $db->{runs}{$fname};
%R = (
module => { name => $run->name, version => $run->version },
db => $db,
date => do {
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime;
sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec
perl_v => $] < 5.010 ? $] : $^V,
os => $^O,
options => $options,
version => $VERSION,
showing => [ grep $options->{show}{$_}, $db->criteria ],
headers => [
map { ($db->criteria_short)[$_] }
grep { $options->{show}{($db->criteria)[$_]} }
(0 .. $db->criteria - 1)
annotations => [
map { my $a = $_; map $a->header($_), 0 .. $a->count - 1 }
filenames => {
map { $_ => do { (my $f = $_) =~ s/\W/-/g; $f } }
exists => { map { $_ => -e } @{$options->{file}} },
get_summary => \&get_summary,
c0 => $le->($options->{report_c0}),
c1 => $le->($options->{report_c1}),
c2 => $le->($options->{report_c2}),
c3 => $ge->($options->{report_c2}),
write_file $R{options}{outputdir}, "all";
for (@{$options->{file}}) {
$R{file} = $_;
$R{file_link} = "$R{filenames}{$_}.html";
$R{file_html} = "$options->{outputdir}/$R{file_link}";
my $show = $options->{show};
print_branches if $show->{branch};
print_conditions if $show->{condition};
print_subroutines if $show->{subroutine} || $show->{pod};
my $html = print_summary;
print "HTML output written to $html\n" unless $options->{silent};
package Devel::Cover::Report::Html_basic::Template::Provider;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.33'; # VERSION
use base "Template::Provider";
my %Templates;
sub fetch {
my $self = shift;
my ($name) = @_;
# print "Looking for <$name>\n";
$self->SUPER::fetch(exists $Templates{$name} ? \$Templates{$name} : $name)
$Templates{html} = <<'EOT';
<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
This file was generated by Devel::Cover Version [% R.version %]
Devel::Cover is copyright 2001-2019, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net)
Devel::Cover is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
The latest version of Devel::Cover should be available from my homepage:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></meta>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"></meta>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cover.css"></link>
<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="css.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="standardista-table-sorting.js"></script>
<title> [% title || "Coverage Summary" %] </title>
[% content %]
$Templates{header} = <<'EOT';
<th colspan="4">[% R.file %]</th>
<tr class="hblank"><td class="dblank"></td></tr>
<th class="hh">Criterion</th>
<th class="hh">Covered</th>
<th class="hh">Total</th>
<th class="hh">%</th>
[% FOREACH criterion = criteria %]
[% vals = R.get_summary(R.file, criterion) %]
<td class="h">[% criterion %]</td>
<td>[% vals.covered %]</td>
<td>[% vals.total %]</td>
<td [% IF vals.class %]class="[% vals.class %]" [% END %]title="[% vals.details %]">
[% IF vals.link.defined %]
<a href="[% vals.link %]"> [% vals.pc %] </a>
[% ELSE %]
[% vals.pc %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
$Templates{summary} = <<'EOT';
[% WRAPPER html %]
<h1> Coverage Summary </h1>
<td class="sh" align="right">Module</td>
<td class="sv" align="left" colspan="4">[% R.module.name %]</td>
<td class="sh" align="right">Version</td>
<td class="sv" align="left" colspan="4">[% R.module.version %]</td>
<td class="sh" align="right">Database:</td>
<td class="sv" align="left" colspan="4">[% R.db.db %]</td>
<td class="sh" align="right">Report date:</td>
<td class="sv" align="left" colspan="4">[% R.date %]</td>
<td class="sh" align="right">Perl version:</td>
<td class="sv" align="left" colspan="4">[% R.perl_v %]</td>
<td class="sh" align="right">OS:</td>
<td class="sv" align="left" colspan="4">[% R.os %]</td>
<td class="sh" align="right">Thresholds:</td>
<td class="sv c0">[% R.c0 | html %]%</td>
<td class="sv c1">[% R.c1 | html %]%</td>
<td class="sv c2">[% R.c2 | html %]%</td>
<td class="sv c3">[% R.c3 | html %]%</td>
<div><br /></div>
[% IF R.options.option.restrict %]
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- hide
function filter_files(filter_by) {
var allelements = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
var re_now = new RegExp(filter_by, "i");
for (var i = 0; i < allelements.length; i++) {
if (allelements[i].className) {
if (filter_by == "" || allelements[i].className == "Total" ||
(filter_by.length && re_now.test(allelements[i].className))) {
allelements[i].style.display = "table-row";
} else if (filter_by.length &&
!re_now.test(allelements[i].className)) {
allelements[i].style.display = "none";
// -->
<form name="filterform"
Restrict to regex:
<input type="text" name="filterfield" /><input type="submit" />
<br />
[% END %]
<table class="sortable" id="coverage_table">
<th> file </th>
[% FOREACH header = R.headers %]
<th> [% header %] </th>
[% END %]
<th> total </th>
[% FOREACH file = files %]
<tr align="center" valign="top" class="[% file %]">
<td align="left">
[% IF R.exists.$file %]
<a href="[% R.filenames.$file %].html"> [% file %] </a>
[% ELSE %]
[% file %]
[% END %]
[% FOREACH criterion = R.showing %]
[% vals = R.get_summary(file, criterion) %]
[% IF vals.class %]
<td class="[% vals.class %]" title="[% vals.details %]">
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% IF vals.link.defined %]
<a href="[% vals.link %]"> [% vals.pc %] </a>
[% ELSE %]
[% vals.pc %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% vals = R.get_summary(file, "total") %]
<td class="[% vals.class %]" title="[% vals.details %]">
[% vals.pc %]
[% IF file == "Total" %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
$Templates{file} = <<'EOT';
[% WRAPPER html %]
<h1> File Coverage </h1>
crit = [];
FOREACH criterion = R.showing;
crit.push(criterion) UNLESS criterion == "time";
PROCESS header criteria = crit;
<th> line </th>
[% FOREACH header = R.annotations.merge(R.headers) %]
<th> [% header %] </th>
[% END %]
<th> code </th>
[% FOREACH line = lines %]
<td [% IF line.number %] class="h" [% END %]>
<a [% IF line.number != ' ' %]name="[% line.number %]"[% END %]>[% line.number %]</a>
[% FOREACH cr = line.criteria %]
<td [% IF cr.class %] class="[% cr.class %]" [% END %]>
[% IF cr.link.defined %] <a href="[% cr.link %]"> [% END %]
[% cr.text %]
[% IF cr.link.defined %] </a> [% END %]
[% END %]
<td class="s"> [% line.text %] </td>
[% END %]
[% END %]
$Templates{branches} = <<'EOT';
[% WRAPPER html %]
<h1> Branch Coverage </h1>
[% PROCESS header criteria = [ "branch" ] %]
<th> line </th>
<th> true </th>
<th> false </th>
<th> branch </th>
[% FOREACH branch = branches %]
<a name="[% branch.ref %]"> </a>
<td class="h">
<a href="[% R.file_link %]#[% branch.number %]">[% branch.number %]</a>
[% FOREACH part = branch.parts %]
<td class="[% part.class %]"> [% part.text %] </td>
[% END %]
<td class="s"> [% branch.text %] </td>
[% END %]
[% END %]
$Templates{conditions} = <<'EOT';
[% WRAPPER html %]
<h1> Condition Coverage </h1>
[% PROCESS header criteria = [ "condition" ] %]
[% FOREACH type = types %]
<h2> [% type.name %] conditions </h2>
<th> line </th>
[% FOREACH header = type.headers %]
<th> [% header %] </th>
[% END %]
<th> condition </th>
[% FOREACH condition = type.conditions %]
<a name="[% condition.ref %]"> </a>
<td class="h">
<a href="[% R.file_link %]#[% condition.number %]">[% condition.number %]</a>
[% FOREACH part = condition.parts %]
<td class="[% part.class %]"> [% part.text %] </td>
[% END %]
<td class="s"> [% condition.text %] </td>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
$Templates{subroutines} = <<'EOT';
[% WRAPPER html %]
<h1> Subroutine Coverage </h1>
crit = [];
crit.push("subroutine") IF R.options.show.subroutine;
crit.push("pod") IF R.options.show.pod;
PROCESS header criteria = crit;
<th> line </th>
[% IF R.options.show.subroutine %]
<th> count </th>
[% END %]
[% IF R.options.show.pod %]
<th> pod </th>
[% END %]
<th> subroutine </th>
[% FOREACH sub = subs %]
<td class="h">
<a href="[% R.file_link %]#[% sub.line %]">[% sub.line %]</a>
[% IF R.options.show.subroutine %]
<td class="[% sub.class %]"> [% sub.count %] </td>
[% END %]
[% IF R.options.show.pod %]
<td class="[% sub.pclass %]"> [% sub.pod %] </td>
[% END %]
<td> [% sub.name %] </td>
[% END %]
[% END %]
# remove some whitespace from templates
s/^\s+//gm for values %Templates;
=head1 NAME
Devel::Cover::Report::Html_basic - HTML backend for Devel::Cover
=head1 VERSION
version 1.33
cover -report html_basic
This module provides a HTML reporting mechanism for coverage data. It
is designed to be called from the C<cover> program. It will add syntax
highlighting if C<PPI::HTML> or C<Perl::Tidy> is installed.
=head1 OPTIONS
The following command line options are supported:
-outputfile - name of output file (default coverage.html)
-restrict - add restrict to regex form (default on)
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 BUGS
=head1 LICENCE
Copyright 2001-2019, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net)
This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: