# Copyright 2001-2019, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net)
# This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
# The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage:
# http://www.pjcj.net
package Devel::Cover::Report::Text;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.33'; # VERSION
use Devel::Cover::DB;
sub print_runs {
my ($db, $options) = @_;
for my $r (sort {$a->{start} <=> $b->{start}} $db->runs) {
print "Run: ", $r->run, "\n";
print "Perl version: ", $r->perl, "\n";
print "OS: ", $r->OS, "\n";
print "Start: ", scalar gmtime $r->start , "\n";
print "Finish: ", scalar gmtime $r->finish, "\n";
print "\n";
# use Devel::Cover::Dumper; print Dumper $r;
sub print_statement {
my ($db, $file, $options) = @_;
my $cover = $db->cover;
print "$file\n\n";
my $f = $cover->file($file);
my $fmt = "%-5s %3s ";
my @args = ("line", "err");
for my $ann (@{$options->{annotations}}) {
for my $a (0 .. $ann->count - 1) {
$fmt .= "%-" . $ann->width($a) . "s ";
push @args, $ann->header($a);
my %cr; @cr{$db->criteria} = $db->criteria_short;
for my $c ($db->criteria) {
if ($options->{show}{$c}) {
$fmt .= "%6s ";
push @args, $cr{$c};
$fmt .= " %s\n";
push @args, "code";
printf $fmt, @args;
my $autoloader = 0;
open F, $file or warn("Unable to open $file: $!\n"), return;
LINE: while (defined(my $l = <F>)) {
chomp $l;
my $n = $.;
$autoloader ||= $l =~ /use\s+AutoLoader/;
my %criteria;
for my $c ($db->criteria) {
next unless $options->{show}{$c};
my $criterion = $f->$c();
if ($criterion) {
my $l = $criterion->location($n);
$criteria{$c} = $l ? [@$l] : $l;
my $more = 1;
while ($more) {
my @args = ($n, "");
my $error = 0;
for my $ann (@{$options->{annotations}}) {
for my $a (0 .. $ann->count - 1) {
push @args,
substr $ann->text($file, $n, $a), 0, $ann->width($a);
$error ||= $ann->error($file, $n, $a);
$more = 0;
for my $c ($db->criteria) {
next unless $options->{show}{$c};
my $o = shift @{$criteria{$c}};
$more ||= @{$criteria{$c}};
my $value = $o
? ($c =~ /statement|sub|pod|time/)
? $o->covered
: $o->percentage
: "";
$value = "-" . $value if $o && $o->uncoverable;
push @args, $value;
$error ||= $o->error if $o;
$args[1] = "***" if $error;
push @args, $l;
# print join(", ", map { "[$_]" } @args), "\n";
printf $fmt, @args;
last LINE if !$autoloader && $l =~ /^__(END|DATA)__/;
$n = $l = "";
close F or die "Unable to close $file: $!";
print "\n\n";
sub print_branches {
my ($db, $file, $options) = @_;
my $branches = $db->cover->file($file)->branch;
return unless $branches;
print "Branches\n";
print "--------\n\n";
my $tpl = "%-5s %3s %6s %6s %6s %s\n";
printf $tpl, "line", "err", "%", "true", "false", "branch";
printf $tpl, "-----", "---", ("------") x 3, "------";
for my $location (sort { $a <=> $b } $branches->items) {
my $n = 0;
for my $b (@{$branches->location($location)}) {
printf $tpl,
$n ? "" : $location, $b->error ? "***" : "",
($b->uncoverable ? "-" : "") . $b->percentage,
map (($b->uncoverable($_) ? "-" : "") .
($b->covered($_) || 0), 0 .. $b->total - 1),
print "\n\n";
sub print_conditions {
my ($db, $file, $options) = @_;
my $conditions = $db->cover->file($file)->condition;
return unless $conditions;
my $template = sub { "%-5s %3s %6s " . ( "%6s " x shift ) . " %s\n" };
my %r;
for my $location (sort { $a <=> $b } $conditions->items) {
my %seen;
for my $c (@{$conditions->location($location)}) {
push @{$r{$c->type}}, [ $c, $seen{$c->type}++ ? "" : $location ];
print "Conditions\n";
print "----------\n\n";
my %seen;
for my $type (sort keys %r) {
my $tpl;
for (@{$r{$type}}) {
my ($c, $location) = @$_;
unless ($seen{$type}++) {
my $headers = $c->headers;
my $nh = @$headers;
$tpl = $template->($nh);
(my $t = $type) =~ s/_/ /g;
print "$t conditions\n\n";
printf $tpl, "line", "err", "%", @$headers, "expr";
printf $tpl, "-----", "---", ("------") x ($nh + 1), "----";
printf $tpl, $location, $c->error ? "***" : "",
($c->uncoverable ? "-" : "") . $c->percentage,
map (($c->uncoverable($_) ? "-" : "") .
($c->covered($_) || 0), 0 .. $c->total - 1),
print "\n";
print "\n";
sub print_subroutines {
my ($db, $file, $options) = @_;
my $dfil = $db->cover->file($file);
my $subs = $dfil->subroutine or return;
my $pods = $options->{show}{pod} && $dfil->pod;
my $maxh = 8;
my $maxc = 5;
my $maxp = 3;
my $maxs = 10;
my %subs;
for my $location ($subs->items) {
my $l = $subs->location($location);
my $d = $pods && $pods->location($location);
for my $sub (@$l) {
my $h = "$file:$location";
my $c = ($sub->uncoverable ? "-" : "") . $sub->covered;
my $e = $pods && shift @$d;
my $p = $e ? ($e->uncoverable ? "-" : "") . $e->covered : "";
my $s = $sub->name;
$maxh = length $h if length $h > $maxh;
$maxc = length $c if length $c > $maxc;
$maxp = length $p if $p && length $p > $maxp;
$maxs = length $s if length $s > $maxs;
push @{$subs{$sub->covered ? "covered" : "uncovered"}{$s}},
[$c, $pods ? $p : (), $h];
my $template = "%-${maxs}s %${maxc}s ";
$template .= "%${maxp}s " if $pods;
$template .= "%-${maxh}s\n";
for my $type (sort keys %subs) {
print ucfirst $type, " Subroutines\n";
print "-" x (12 + length $type), "\n\n";
printf $template, "Subroutine", "Count", $pods ? "Pod" : (), "Location";
printf $template, "-" x $maxs, "-" x $maxc, $pods ? "-" x $maxp : (),
"-" x $maxh;
for my $s (sort keys %{$subs{$type}}) {
printf $template, $s, @$_
for sort {$a->[-1] cmp $b->[-1]} @{$subs{$type}{$s}};
print "\n";
print "\n";
sub report {
my ($pkg, $db, $options) = @_;
print_runs($db, $options);
for my $file (@{$options->{file}}) {
print_statement ($db, $file, $options) if $options->{show}{statement};
print_branches ($db, $file, $options) if $options->{show}{branch};
print_conditions ($db, $file, $options) if $options->{show}{condition};
print_subroutines($db, $file, $options)
if $options->{show}{subroutine} || $options->{show}{pod};
=head1 NAME
Devel::Cover::Report::Text - Text backend for Devel::Cover
=head1 VERSION
version 1.33
cover -report text
This module provides a textual reporting mechanism for coverage data.
It is designed to be called from the C<cover> program.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 BUGS
=head1 LICENCE
Copyright 2001-2019, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net)
This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: