shell bypass 403
# NOTE: Derived from ../../blib/lib/NetAddr/IP/
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See
package NetAddr::IP::UtilPP;
#line 625 "../../blib/lib/NetAddr/IP/ (autosplit into ../../blib/lib/auto/NetAddr/IP/UtilPP/"
#=item * $bcdpacked = simple_pack($bcdtext);
#Convert a numeric string into a packed bcd string, left fill with zeros
#This function is for testing only.
# input: string of decimal digits
# returns: string of packed decimal digits
#Similar to pack("H*", $bcdtext);
sub _bcdcheck {
my($bcd) = @_;;
my $sub = (caller(1))[3];
my $len = length($bcd);
die "Bad bcd number length $_ ".__PACKAGE__.":simple_pack, should be 1 to 40 digits"
if $len > 40 || $len < 1;
die "Bad character in decimal input string '$1' for ".__PACKAGE__.":simple_pack"
if $bcd =~ /(\D)/;
# end of NetAddr::IP::UtilPP::_bcdcheck