shell bypass 403
# NOTE: Derived from ../../blib/lib/NetAddr/IP/
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See
package NetAddr::IP::UtilPP;
#line 586 "../../blib/lib/NetAddr/IP/ (autosplit into ../../blib/lib/auto/NetAddr/IP/UtilPP/"
#=item * $bits128 = bcdn2bin($bcdpacked,$ndigits);
# Convert a packed bcd string into a 128 bit string variable
# input: packed bcd string
# number of digits in string
# returns: 128 bit string variable
sub bcdn2bin {
my($bcd,$dc) = @_;
$dc = 0 unless $dc;
die "Bad argument length for ".__PACKAGE__.":bcdn2txt, is ".(2 * length($bcd)).", should be 1 to 40 digits"
if length($bcd) > 20;
die "Bad digit count for ".__PACKAGE__.":bcdn2bin, is $dc, should be 1 to 40 digits"
if $dc < 1 || $dc > 40;
return _bcd2bin(unpack("H$dc",$bcd));
# end of NetAddr::IP::UtilPP::bcdn2bin