package Devel::InnerPackage;
use strict;
use Exporter 5.57 'import';
use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT_OK);
use if $] > 5.017, 'deprecate';
$VERSION = '0.4';
@EXPORT_OK = qw(list_packages);
=head1 NAME
Devel::InnerPackage - find all the inner packages of a package
use Foo::Bar;
use Devel::InnerPackage qw(list_packages);
my @inner_packages = list_packages('Foo::Bar');
Given a file like this
package Foo::Bar;
sub foo {}
package Foo::Bar::Quux;
sub quux {}
package Foo::Bar::Quirka;
sub quirka {}
will return
=head1 METHODS
=head2 list_packages <package name>
Return a list of all inner packages of that package.
sub list_packages {
my $pack = shift; $pack .= "::" unless $pack =~ m!::$!;
no strict 'refs';
my @packs;
my @stuff = grep !/^(main|)::$/, keys %{$pack};
for my $cand (grep /::$/, @stuff)
$cand =~ s!::$!!;
my @children = list_packages($pack.$cand);
push @packs, "$pack$cand" unless $cand =~ /^::/ ||
!__PACKAGE__->_loaded($pack.$cand); # or @children;
push @packs, @children;
return grep {$_ !~ /::(::ISA::CACHE|SUPER)/} @packs;
### XXX this is an inlining of the Class-Inspector->loaded()
### method, but inlined to remove the dependency.
sub _loaded {
my ($class, $name) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
# Handle by far the two most common cases
# This is very fast and handles 99% of cases.
return 1 if defined ${"${name}::VERSION"};
return 1 if @{"${name}::ISA"};
# Are there any symbol table entries other than other namespaces
foreach ( keys %{"${name}::"} ) {
next if substr($_, -2, 2) eq '::';
return 1 if defined &{"${name}::$_"};
# No functions, and it doesn't have a version, and isn't anything.
# As an absolute last resort, check for an entry in %INC
my $filename = join( '/', split /(?:'|::)/, $name ) . '.pm';
return 1 if defined $INC{$filename};
=head1 AUTHOR
Simon Wistow <>
=head1 COPYING
Copyright, 2005 Simon Wistow
Distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 BUGS
None known.