shell bypass 403
package PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::DeviceN;
use base 'PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
use PDF::API2::Util;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
sub new {
my ($class, $pdf, $key, $clrs) = @_;
my $sampled = 2;
$class = ref($class) if ref($class);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, $key);
$pdf->new_obj($self) unless $self->is_obj($pdf);
$self->{' apipdf'} = $pdf;
weaken $self->{' apipdf'};
my $fct = PDFDict();
# The base colorspace was formerly chosen based on the base colorspace of
# the first color component, but since only DeviceCMYK has been implemented
# (everything else throws an error), always use DeviceCMYK.
# my $csname = $clrs->[0]->type();
my $csname = 'DeviceCMYK';
my @xclr = map { $_->color() } @$clrs;
my @xnam = map { $_->tintname() } @$clrs;
if ($csname eq 'DeviceCMYK') {
@xclr = map { [ namecolor_cmyk($_) ] } @xclr;
$fct->{'FunctionType'} = PDFNum(0);
$fct->{'Order'} = PDFNum(3);
$fct->{'Range'} = PDFArray(map { PDFNum($_) } (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1));
$fct->{'BitsPerSample'} = PDFNum(8);
$fct->{'Domain'} = PDFArray();
$fct->{'Size'} = PDFArray();
foreach (@xclr) {
$fct->{'Domain'}->add_elements(PDFNum(0), PDFNum(1));
my @spec;
foreach my $xc (0 .. (scalar @xclr) - 1) {
foreach my $n (0 .. ($sampled ** (scalar @xclr)) - 1) {
$spec[$n] ||= [0, 0, 0, 0];
my $factor = ($n / ($sampled ** $xc)) % $sampled;
my @color = map { ($_ * $factor) / ($sampled - 1) } @{$xclr[$xc]};
foreach my $s (0 .. 3) {
$spec[$n]->[$s] += $color[$s];
@{$spec[$n]} = map { $_ > 1 ? 1 : $_ } @{$spec[$n]};
my @b;
foreach my $s (@spec) {
push @b, map { pack('C', $_ * 255) } @$s;
$fct->{' stream'} = join('', @b);
else {
die "unsupported colorspace specification (=$csname).";
$fct->{'Filter'} = PDFArray(PDFName('ASCIIHexDecode'));
my $attr = PDFDict();
foreach my $cs (@$clrs) {
$attr->{$cs->tintname()} = $cs;
PDFArray(map { PDFName($_) } @xnam),
PDFName($csname), $fct);
return $self;
sub param {
my $self = shift();
return @_;