package PDF::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont;
use base 'PDF::API2::Resource::Font';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
use File::Basename;
use PDF::API2::Util;
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
# Windows fonts with Type1 equivalents
my $alias = {
'arial' => 'helvetica',
'arialitalic' => 'helveticaoblique',
'arialbold' => 'helveticabold',
'arialbolditalic' => 'helveticaboldoblique',
'times' => 'timesroman',
'timesnewromanbolditalic' => 'timesbolditalic',
'timesnewromanbold' => 'timesbold',
'timesnewromanitalic' => 'timesitalic',
'timesnewroman' => 'timesroman',
'couriernewbolditalic' => 'courierboldoblique',
'couriernewbold' => 'courierbold',
'couriernewitalic' => 'courieroblique',
'couriernew' => 'courier',
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont - Module for using the 14 standard PDF fonts.
my $pdf = PDF::API2->new();
my $font = $pdf->font('Times-Roman');
my $page = $pdf->page();
my $text = $page->text();
$text->font($font, 20);
$text->translate(200, 700);
$text->text('Hello world!');
The following fourteen fonts are available in all PDF readers that conform to
the PDF specification:
=item * Courier
=item * Courier-Bold
=item * Courier-BoldOblique
=item * Courier-Oblique
=item * Helvetica
=item * Helvetica-Bold
=item * Helvetica-BoldOblique
=item * Helvetica-Oblique
=item * Symbol
=item * Times-Bold
=item * Times-BoldItalic
=item * Times-Italic
=item * Times-Roman
=item * ZapfDingbats
These fonts (except Symbol and ZapfDingbats) include glyphs for ASCII and
certain Latin characters only. If other characters are needed, you will need to
embed a font file.
sub _look_for_font {
my $name = shift();
eval "require PDF::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::$name";
if ($@) {
die "requested font '$name' not installed";
my $class = "PDF::API2::Resource::Font::CoreFont::$name";
my $font = _deep_copy($class->data());
$font->{'uni'} ||= [];
foreach my $n (0..255) {
unless (defined $font->{'uni'}->[$n]) {
$font->{'uni'}->[$n] = uniByName($font->{'char'}->[$n]);
return %$font;
# Deep copy something, thanks to Randal L. Schwartz
# Changed to deal with code refs, in which case it doesn't try to deep copy
sub _deep_copy {
my $this = shift();
no warnings 'recursion';
unless (ref($this)) {
return $this;
elsif (ref($this) eq 'ARRAY') {
return [ map { _deep_copy($_) } @$this];
elsif (ref($this) eq 'HASH') {
return +{ map { $_ => _deep_copy($this->{$_}) } keys %$this };
elsif (ref $this eq "CODE") {
# Can't deep copy code refs
return $this;
else {
die 'Unable to copy a ' . ref($this);
sub new {
my ($class, $pdf, $name, %options) = @_;
my $is_standard = is_standard($name);
if (-f $name) {
eval "require '$name'";
$name = basename($name, '.pm');
my $lookname = lc($name);
$lookname =~ s/[^a-z0-9]+//gi;
$lookname = $alias->{$lookname} if $alias->{$lookname};
my $data;
unless (defined $options{'-metrics'}) {
$data = { _look_for_font($lookname) };
else {
$data = { %{$options{'-metrics'}} };
die "Undefined font '$name($lookname)'" unless $data->{'fontname'};
$class = ref($class) if ref($class);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, $data->{'apiname'} . pdfkey() . '~' . time());
$pdf->new_obj($self) unless $self->is_obj($pdf);
$self->{' data'} = $data;
$self->{'-dokern'} = 1 if $options{'-dokern'};
$self->{'Subtype'} = PDFName($self->data->{'type'});
$self->{'BaseFont'} = PDFName($self->fontname());
if ($options{'-pdfname'}) {
unless ($self->data->{'iscore'}) {
$self->{'FontDescriptor'} = $self->descrByData();
# The standard non-symbolic fonts use unmodified WinAnsiEncoding.
if ($is_standard and not $self->issymbol() and not $options{'-encode'}) {
$self->{'Encoding'} = PDFName('WinAnsiEncoding');
delete $self->{'FirstChar'};
delete $self->{'LastChar'};
delete $self->{'Widths'};
return $self;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 is_standard
my $boolean = $class->is_standard($name);
Returns true if C<$name> is an exact, case-sensitive match for one of the
standard font names shown above.
sub is_standard {
my $name = pop();
return 1 if $name eq 'Courier';
return 1 if $name eq 'Courier-Bold';
return 1 if $name eq 'Courier-BoldOblique';
return 1 if $name eq 'Courier-Oblique';
return 1 if $name eq 'Helvetica';
return 1 if $name eq 'Helvetica-Bold';
return 1 if $name eq 'Helvetica-BoldOblique';
return 1 if $name eq 'Helvetica-Oblique';
return 1 if $name eq 'Symbol';
return 1 if $name eq 'Times-Bold';
return 1 if $name eq 'Times-BoldItalic';
return 1 if $name eq 'Times-Italic';
return 1 if $name eq 'Times-Roman';
return 1 if $name eq 'ZapfDingbats';